
Zoloft heartburn

Common Questions and Answers about Zoloft heartburn


Avatar f tn I just started on Zoloft and was wondering how long it takes the side effects to go away. Do you get worse befoer you get better?
Avatar f tn So everytimr I eat I get this feeling it feels like heartburn but its in my throat and lately i get it all the time even before I eat does anyone know what it could be?
Avatar f tn Hello I have been taking zoloft for about 2 months then I had another anxiety episode so my doctor told me to go from 25mg to 50 mg anyhow since then my stomach is an absolute mess. I have heartburn I am constantly burping and I feel like my stomach is burning and it makes really strange sounds. Has this ever happened to anyone??? I'm just woried it might be stomach cancer or something!!! Please help. Thanks.
Avatar f tn I was scripted for 25 mg Zoloft with 1/2 tablet first day then whole tablet there after. I did that and my chest pains went thru the roof along with the anxiety and jittery. I have a script for .5 mg Ativan that I half and take. Called psychiatrist and said to go back down to half (12.5) to see if it helps. I take it in the morning as when I took it at night I didn't sleep for 2 days. I have to be at work at 6 am so I take Zoloft 5am.
Avatar f tn hi there i have been on a variety of meds before, and I started on zoloft as a child. then I went to paxil, neurontin, and now i'm back to zoloft/wellbutrin. I noticed that I had terrible heartburn for about a week after I started taking zoloft. I think that's fairly common. I also think that you have to sort of experiment with what time of day is better for you... some people have more luck in the morning, some at night. It works better for me at night. I would just give it a chance.
Avatar n tn My mate has recently experienced a hypomanic episode after switching from longterm Zoloft to Lexapro ( Switched due to intractible heartburn, but Zoloft had excellent antidepressant effect) During the early (and unrecognized) phase of the hypomanic episode, a routine ( age 57) ECG was performed and noted IRBBB. This is a new finding, not appearing on any previous ECKs, and is totally asymptomatic. Is this likely a symptom of either the hypomanic episode or the lexapro use?
Avatar f tn m six weeks pregnant with my first and I started getting heartburn this week. Since id never had heartburn, despite the fact that I carry texas pete packets in my purse, I had no idea what it was. And now its a *itch to get it to go away. Try tums or a glass of milk. Its the only safe thing that works for me. Good luck!
1315722 tn?1274044476 But my doctor has said it is just severe anxiety and prescribed me zoloft. I have been on zoloft for 3 days and at times i feel very shaky on the inside of my body and have had some stomach cramping. Don't know if its the zoloft or me just worrying about it. When I went to the E.R. they tested for diabetes among other things, and took an EKG and everything was fine. When I did the follow up with my doc, again, he said it was anxiety and that it is not my heart.
433485 tn?1321813390 Hi. I was recently diagnosed with GAD. I also am a clinical depressive and have been since the age of 9. I am 51 now. I went through a period, mid 90's, when I was having panic attacks but then they stopped after I was put on and stabilized with SSRI's. Now I am on 150 mg of Zoloft as well as .5 mg of Klonipin ( 3 x per day). I am noticing some nausea which seems to settle down after I take my anxiety med. Is there a connection?
Avatar f tn he thought it was prescribed to help him sleep. Also takes Zoloft, Lamictal,and is on the methadone clinic. He has gained about 40+ pounds and after researching this medication he has had many of the side effects including, light-headedness when going to an upright position, severe heartburn, constipation, blurred vision. He called his doctor to ask about pain he was having in his breasts and was sent for blood work.
Avatar f tn When she was on prescription meds, the only one I know off the top of my head was Prilosec, which was the one that gave her a lot of gastrointestinal problems. She is also on Zoloft and Atenolol. Our drug book lists swallowing problems as a side effect of Zoloft, although she has been on it close to 2 years, so I don't know if that would affect her now.
Avatar m tn They ran tests and ruled out serious threats. My doc gave me prilosec for 8 weeks thinking it was heartburn (ive had heartburn I knew this wasnt it lol). After that didnt work, I had an upper endoscopy and ruled out GERD. Now they are on anxiety, which the zoloft seems to help a little, but I still get attacks. Since this started, I couldnt go out to eat without having chest pain, extreme anxiousness, nausea, dizzyness, faintness, etc.
Avatar f tn but i really dont think that thats the zoloft itself, i do think its causing me heartburn. I burp alot and my stomache makes noises. In the mornings before i have to take my pill about an hour before i get real anxious.about 9:00am. My ears where feeling full for 2 days, and i called the pharmacy they said its not the zoloft. I dont know but i dont feel dizzy or wierd or anything just these problems. Will they go away soon??
18070169 tn?1463175914 But as I read through countless posts regarding Zoloft, I realized it is all part of the drug settling in. My dr gave me clonizepam for times when I was having an anxiety attack, but never really used it because most of my major anxiety was during the day and that stuff makes me sleepy and I can't work. Here are the side effects I had - for the first two weeks, anxious every day, hot flashes, cold chills, fell asleep quickly, but always woke up at 4 a.m.
1709162 tn?1314084832 Breakthrough panic attacks possibly. I've had them when I first started taking Zoloft. And also get the esophageal spasms and a heart rate as high as 160. It's scary. I was on Zoloft five years and weened off two months ago. Was doing good until last week. Went back on my Zoloft yesterday. It takes a couple weeks to adjust to it. Nothing like starting from square one. If your worried , get a cardio stress test and echo cardiogram to ease your mind. Be well.
Avatar m tn Today I took my first dose of Zoloft 25 mg and tonight I felt like total crap. My whole body was tingling all over and I was very anxious. I ended up taking a xanax to help calm me down. I have read in other threads that most of the time the anxiety can get worse before it gets better on Zoloft. Hopefully I can stick it out because I'm tired of being anxious all the time. My question is, has anyone overcome anxiety without the use of meds?
Avatar n tn A few months ago I was having attacks where I had to go to the bathroom and felt very sick, and I would start getting very light headed when I went to the bathroom, it almost felt like a panic attack. At night, I would get crazy bad heartburn feeling. Along with this, I got random all day muscle twitching. I went to the doctor, and they told me I had high calcium. I went in for more tests later, and this is how they came out: Calcium: 10.5-10.
561921 tn?1216605621 Zoloft is an antidepressant in a group of drugs called selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs). Zoloft affects chemicals in the brain that may become unbalanced and cause depression, panic, anxiety, or obsessive-compulsive symptoms. Zoloft is used to treat depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder, panic disorder, anxiety disorders, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD).
Avatar f tn For some background, I am a 24 year old female who is overweight and has a history of PVCs and anxiety issues. I'm currently on 50mg Zoloft and have been since August. On Monday I started a low-carb diet. On Tuesday I started to feel awful and tired. I did not eat a big breakfast that day due to running late for work. On Wednesday, I woke up with the same light-headed fatigued feeling. I broke my low carb diet and began eating carbs again.
Avatar f tn Fearing the worst I went to ER. Blood tests, EKG, thyroid, stress echo, CT with contrast, Holter all normal. Given Pepcid for heartburn and Xanax. Followed up with my gp who suggested Zoloft for anxiety. Symptoms got better. Two days later tried to walk on the treadmill. I lasted 4 minutes before the symptoms returned. Then layed in bed for a day until they subsided. Xanax helps somewhat but not the head and neck pressure. I have not started the Zoloft.
Avatar m tn I've had this for 3 months now everytime I swallow I get this long nerve twitch its under my left chin I haven't told a dr I'm on zoloft for about 3 months 100 could this be amxiety plz help
Avatar n tn Immediatly after that i started having bowel changes, cramps heartburn and stomach pain with gas and bloating. 3doctors including gi said it was ibs and put me on pantoloc40mg and colofac. It didn't work out too well until my doc diagnosed me with mild depression. I was put on zoloft 50mg. I was always checking out my symptoms and thought the doctors weren't doing their job and i was going to die. However in a few weeks i started feeling great and stomach settled down.
Avatar f tn The best thing the dr can do is keep you on the paxil, add zoloft, wait 2 weeks then slowly decrease the paxil while increasing the zoloft. This should take approx 1 month or longer to do so that you do not experience any withdrawal symptoms. I suggest calling your OB office in the morning and let them know you are taking a medication not safe in pregnancy and you need to speak to or see the dr to remedy the situation.
Avatar m tn Also, my anxiety over taking the zoloft (or the zoloft itself) has seemed to negate any benefit I was getting from the klonopin. Now, I am only taking 0.25 mg klonopin at a time. Is this dose enough to have an impact on anxiety? My psych says he wants me calmed way down, even if that means taking an additional .25 mg of klon a day. the goal is to get me to Zoloft only, with no need for mirtazapine or klonopin at all.
Avatar f tn Finally, my GI said it was anxiety and prescribed me zoloft. After being on zoloft for 5 years and symptoms not going away and becoming more severe I weaned myself of zoloft to see if it helped, which it didn't. In the meantime I've been on every heartburn and omeprazole out there. I started dexilant this summer and thought I saw brief relief, but to no avail it has quit helping my constant hunger like pains.
5461254 tn?1368376816 Hello all, I am seriously about to jump out of my skin. I started 25mg of zoloft last Saturday, dr told me after a week to up it to 50mg. I have done ok with anxiety on the 25mg, but I took at 50mg pill tonight about 7pm and now at 2am I am having hot/cold flashes, heartburn, and a general feeling of "freaking the freak out." It seems that every side effect that is possible for zoloft I have had in the past week..nausea, diareah, etc.
Avatar n tn The lump is back, I have had episodes where even with the Prilosec, I got heartburn and some acid and stomach issues. Went to the ENT, he scoped me and said all looked good, told me about this globus sensation and gave me a nasal spray... Am I worrying about nothing... right away lump and I got cancer... so worried... anyone else experiencing this???
Avatar f tn I DO have a history of anxiety/panic and the Zoloft that I take causes heartburn for me. Every once in a while I forget to take my acid medicine and if the heartburn creeps up on me I end up very panicky and feel like I am going to die or something. Anxiety can do a number on us and most people I know personally that have had anxiety just had it appear out of the blue. Hope you are doing better.
Avatar f tn I am a 37 year female and for about about 4 months have had diarrhea (at least 6 days a week) and usually only in the morning. I have also had heartburn for about 8 months. Lately, I have been experiencing gas and bloating and have to take simethicone almost 4-5 times a week. Does IBS cause these things in conjunction to eachother? I am going to make an appt with my doctor but my symptoms seem all over the map, so to speak, I don't really know how to pose my questions.