
Zoloft and indigestion

Common Questions and Answers about Zoloft and indigestion


Avatar f tn hi i am new in this group find out from a doctor i have anxiety and depression they called it situantional anxiety and depression.he precribed me Zoloft on Sept 14th was nervious before taking it did have some side effects but went away like itching then longer i took the itching got worse and felt like flu like systems had a low grade fever 99.0. found out from my primary doctor had sinus infection took meds for the infection finished medicine felt better.
Avatar f tn i also take zoloft 50mg i have been on it for 12 years now, i took my self off of that about 8 years ago and i started haveing panic attacks so very bad i had to go back on and dont want to go back off. but my panic attacks are also heratitary (i cant spell lol) my mom, grandma, greatgrandma, great aunt have had them or have them. I of couse thought no one could have had or have them as bad as i was when i first started having them, they were horrible!!!
Avatar f tn I also get indigestion from the Zoloft and take a gas x an hr later has helped with that. I am new to this forum and glad though it is here.
581954 tn?1223391496 I use to take lexapro, but now on Zoloft, but anyways... the only thing I didnt like about lexapro is that I was always tired and had problems waking up in the morning on time for work... I have to get up at 4:30am in the morning and I would sleep right through... it is a good med... but the one that I like the best is Zoloft... it causes a little probs on getting up, but not as bad... I have also taken welbutrin and xanix...
Avatar n tn ve also experienced some de-realization; driving home this afternoon and not feeling my arms but feeling tingling and numbness in my face. I've never experienced such terrifying things in my life. To compensate, the doctor put me on Zoloft which I've only been taking for two days. I haven't noticed anything other than indigestion. Any helpful insight would be greatly received.
Avatar f tn I suffer from the same things you do, the doc. had me on clonipan and zoloft and also vicodin for 6 years! please be very careful with doctors some of them there only addvice is take a pill oh, thats not working take another one or try this. before you know it your an addict!! before you get there, and you probly will. look at this site its filled with people like me.try natural cures. like yoga ( it works wonders) walking, keeping a journal of your thoughts and vitamin B12.
Avatar n tn I didn't have aceties. I had a huge tumor (7.5 pounds). My guess is that the tumor caused my stomach to be pushed up and the opening to the esophagas to stay open. I had never had much indigestion before, but I got to the place where I couldn't eat anything other than cereal, yoghurt and cottage cheese.
Avatar f tn I do NOT have any professional training but from my own research Zoloft is the safest for pregnancy and breastfeeding. I, too, feel that becuase of your circumstances staying ON an SSRI throughout your pregnancy is more beneficial. You should call and schedule an appt with your doc right away. Some docs won't do the first ob appt until around 8-12 weeks so when you call explain your reason for wanting to get in ASAP.
Avatar f tn I have been having really bad anxiety on and off. The Dr. gave me Zoloft and it seems to have helped with my anxiety. But as it is I have a very hard time getting restful sleep. When I do sleep I have ongoing dreams and my mind doesn't get any rest. Now with the Zoloft my sleep is much less restful. Any suggestions?
Avatar n tn Went to my Dr and he put me on xanex,then paxil( which thankfully I got off and got thru the side effects. Now on zoloft and aciphex for Gerd. It has helped alot (the aciphex) but I still get those pains and when I do it just sends me over the edge. Dr says my lungs are clear.
Avatar n tn I looked up the side effects of Zoloft and tachycardia or any arrhythmia for that matter is not listed. You may want to ask your doctor about this. It could be some anxiety but the Zoloft should be helping with that by now. Take care.
Avatar m tn Hi, I have regular bouts of what I assume to be heartburn: discomfort behind the lower half of my sternum. It only really bothers me with liquids, even a large batch of almond milk smoothie, that I made the other day. Wine gives me a certain amount of discomfort, but beer really gives me trouble. After two or three pints I get quite intense pain, and a need to vomit. It feels like my whole system has backed up, and that my intestine's won't let the contents of my stomach through.
Avatar f tn Is anyone dealing with heartburn and indigestion? I'm having a combination of both. Is there anything that I can take that will help and be safe for the baby as well? I can hardly get any rest or even eat at times. I be in so much pain....
Avatar f tn Is anyone dealing with heartburn and indigestion? I'm having a combination of both. Is there anything that I can take that will help and be safe for the baby as well? I can hardly get any rest or even eat at times. I be in so much pain....
Avatar f tn With this anxiety I have become really focused on my eating and digestion. I seem to be having more indigestion and now I'm concerned that I have stomach cancer and that is just exasperating the symptoms. I feel like it is probably anxiety related but I don't want to blow something serious off either.
Avatar n tn A calcium channel blocker and ACE inhibitor used to treat high blood pressure. Possible side affects include indigestion as well as numbness and tingling of the extremities (feet and hands). I would call your doctor to describe these side affects so that he/she can assess the severity to determine if the medication needs to be stopped and changed to something else.
Avatar f tn Before, my regular routine was taking the zoloft first and my anxiety took over and always made me so nervous in the mornings I would have to take the clonazepam shortly after the zoloft. Is there something stronger than zoloft that may help my severe anxiety better? Thank you so much.
Avatar n tn im 14 years of age and i have had no medical history.... i have bad indigestion only for about a couple of days now.....
278664 tn?1319840159 I'm almost 7 weeks with my 4th and I have the worst indigestion than any of my other pregnancies. Tums don't seem to help, do any of you ladies have ideas for me or do you think it's best that I call my doc? Thanks for your help and thoughts.
Avatar f tn I can't ever remember a time when I've had indigestion. I can eat anything and it's never bothered me. For the past 2 days i've had the most horrible indigestion. No matter what I eat I have it . Really don't know if this has to do with pregnancy, but since I've never expereinced it before I thought it might. Does anyone know if it is related? Typically, I eat bran cereal or an egg sandwich for breakfast.
Avatar f tn Can pregnant women take pepto? I cannot pee, I cannot poop, and I am having so much pressure in my pelvic region it is rediculous. Almost to the point where I might actually start crying... I'm staying the weekend with my parents and the fiance is out of town, and they are getting really worried. Could this be preterm labor? If not, do I have reason to go tp the hospital?
1152782 tn?1451101426 Okay. I think I have indigestion...HELP. I'm so uncomfortable. I didn't eat anything too fast or whatever. I did wake up a little excited/nervous/tired. I couldn't fall asleep last night because the house was too hot, then woke up promptly at 5am. I ate a couple crackers to stave off nausea so I could get to the gym and drank water. I was immediately sick to my stomach with diahrea, did spin class, was sick again after that and barely made it home before I had to go again.
5679001 tn?1372219764 I do agree that i took lots of oily and spicy foods last week which has resulted in indigestion. Indigestion occurred to me in 2010 for the same reasons. Now its back again. I am going to try this below remedy : mix a teaspoon of lemon juice, a teaspoon of fresh ground ginger and two teaspoons of unrefined honey in a cup of lukewarm water and drink for immediate relief. Is it before meals or after meals? will it really work out ? reply ASAP... Do you have any other remedy, please let me know.
Avatar f tn Do you think, maybe I could have indigestion? Or maybe and acid reflux? My stomach constantly growls and it feels like something moved inside it... This is probably not anything serious either, but I twitch sometimes and I don't know why... I read somewhere that twitches are a part of anxiety, but I'll just be sitting here and then WOAH... My stomach just twitched.... Ugh I'm so paranoid...