
What is aldara used to treat

Common Questions and Answers about What is aldara used to treat


Avatar m tn what is the normal time it takes for the skin redness and burning to heal after using aldara? i used it for about a month and a half and my penis has never been the same even after 3 weeks off the awful drug. if anyone could offer anything thatd be great. im trying to go see a derm doc. i cant live with this burning pain for the rest of my life. dont know where to go... thanks.
Avatar m tn I'd return to the dermatologist for further evaluation to see what all is going on. if the aldara isn't working or you are somehow spreading it to other body parts by touching, perhaps you need these all surgically removed instead of trying the aldara to treat it. not to panic you but no easy way to ask this - do you have any underlying medical issues? also have you been tested for hiv?
Avatar f tn well a few months ago i began to get genital warts i used aldara and they went away not to mention the symptoms was very painful, anway a few weeks later i put alot of it on my inner labia but didnt have an warts i just wanted to make sure none were there,any way a few days later i seen these round white ulcers looking things on the outer part of my labia i didnt think it was from the aldara because of the first time using it i never got this but im not sure, i automatically thought it was herpe
Avatar f tn Well you want to start by not using tampons, they can spread and irritate your warts. also you can treat the inner warts with aldar but when you return home you can have them frozen off. you can start taking Vitamins E &C to help your immune system, eating healthy and exercising will also help. HPV in most cases will clear in 2 years at the most.
Avatar m tn ll be advised to check with a professional regardless, but I just want to understand if this is a reported side effect of Aldara for some men.
Avatar m tn This year I finally got health insurance and saw a doctor. I have used 4 rounds of aldara over the last 3 to 4 months and saw absolutely zero improvement. Hundreds of dollars gone and more warts keep sprouting. Please help! What can I do to get rid of these things. Any home remedies? Anything I can buy on the net? I saw a site for vidarox. It looked good but I'm skeptical and it's expensive. Any help is much appreciated. Thanks!
Avatar f tn Is it safe to use a tampon or cotton ball soaked in apple cider vinegar to treat them? Also, what are the possible complications of internal genital warts (other than discomfort during intercourse)?
Avatar f tn Because the wart keeps recurring I was wondering if continuing to treat the area with Aldara(even though there is nothing there right now)would be beneficial as far as preventing yet another recurrence in the same area or if that is something I should not do? If I am off the mark as far as there being a misunderstanding regarding my question, I apologize. I will not comment again as I know you are busy. Thanks so much!
Avatar f tn In the process of getting rid of them she put acid on them (2 different sessions) which helped but certainly did not take care of the issue. She prescribed me Aldara, Imiquiod 5%. It is to be used at night and washed off in the morning around 6-10 hours later. I used it twice, the first time having no reaction, the second accidentally sleeping in leaving it on for longer than the first. I think that in my sleep I moved around a bit much and the cream spread onto my inner labia.
Avatar m tn The sugery was close to 10,000 dollars but sometimes you have to do what you have to do. Everything is fine on my end now, looks and feels much better. There is always the chance that it will resurface so hoping that won't happen. Have you tried anything else lately?
Avatar m tn went to see a doctor today and got prescribed Aldara, just applied it and feeling nothing so far, which is different to what I have read online about itchiness, readness, burning etc..
Avatar m tn He also claimed that I could have recurrences for the rest of my life and made other statements based on facts, that having frequented this forum as well as the ask an expert forum, I know to be outdated info or flat out myths. I politely declined his offer first to prescribe Aldara, and then to treat them with liquid nitrogen.
Avatar f tn com/product/aspadol-100mg/) (Tapentadol) tab is a painkiller that works in two ways to treat mild to serious short-term (acute )and long-term (chronic)pain.Aspadol 100mg Tablet (Nucynta) is a narcotic analgesic that is medicine used to treat moderate to severe acute pain. [Aspadol 200mg]( medicine is designed for someone with migraine pain or uncontrolled body pain. Powerful ingredients of the tablet help to relieve pain quickly.
Avatar n tn I got a rash and what apeared to be lumps. I read online that is is fairly common? After I stopped the use, everything returned back to normally within about a week or so. After anouther week i got a fleshlump on the top of my scotum. i assumed it was HPV and tried to treat it with salicilc acid and then applied the aldara. Went away in about 2 weeks. Recently I have developed more lumps. Not sure what they are. They start out small and then get larger to about 6mm.
Avatar f tn The only way to truly now is to get a biopsy. I would do that before using aldara all over your labia. VP doesn't require treatment - it's not a disease. If it is HPV, waiting while you get the biopsy won't make any real difference, and you can treat it with the aldara after. https://www.mdedge.
Avatar f tn I live Abroad and the language barrier sometimes is a bit difficult. I recently got a STD check and found that I have HPV type 61. My penis has no signs of warts though the Doctor prescribed a cream that i was told to apply 3 times a day for 8 to 10 weeks. "IFN" cream is the only part in English. Can some please help to tell me about what this cream will do and the possible side effects. And if its even necessary. As well is this type of HPV contagious through kissing?
Avatar n tn Aldara cream is often used to treat genital warts. However, this only treats the physical manifestation of HPV - not the virus itself.
Avatar m tn there used to be quite a few knowledgeable ppl with warts post on here who don't anymore.....and i don't know xactly is dissapointing and frustrating to me as a community leader for it seems like i'm the only one here trying to give suggestions/answers and i've never had i do the best i can!plus many will ask for answers to individual medical needs that cannot possibly be answered here.....and i wish someone would post whose been in ur shoes!
Avatar m tn The doctor prescribed me Aldara which is a cream to treat genital warts. I was told to apply it 3 times a week, and Ive been doing it so, until a week ago when I researched all about Aldara and it says to do it twice a week. I am currently in week 8. So The warts are gone.. they were gone on week 4, but now the issue is this. As part of the down part of using Aldara is that it makes your skin go red where you apply it. But what happened now is that it burned off a piece of my skin.
535760 tn?1213891166 I used aldara with great success. However, I have read it has a higher success rate in females than males. Still, I do not know how credible this information exactly is. I found using Aldara to clear up the majority of warts, and then using a different treatment (such as cryo) to clear any remaining warts seemed to be effective. I used a combination of TCA and Aldara, and have been wart free for a month now (took 3 months to entirely clear).
Avatar f tn I had/have them in and around my ***, and everwhere up top. Aldara didnt work for me bacuase I waited to long to treat. I will be trying aldara again as soon as i heal up alittle. Its going to be an uphill battle with me as well. I know you probably hear this a bunch but get healthier, even if you're healthy. boost that immune system! stop smoking, drinking, smoking weed!
Avatar f tn Though I do practice holistic medicine, there is no substitute to modern medicine in my opinion. There are many different treatments than Aldara- from freezing to TCA acid to surgery and beyond. A health care worker will explain your different options to you- just ask lots of questions and be proactive in your care. Good luck.
Avatar m tn follow up with your dr this does not sound std related. and you do not develop warts, you have to get it from a sexual act with someone else.
Avatar f tn Stress is a factor, but honestly, everybody experiences stress. Individual immune systems will respond differently, and there is no way to predict when your's will clear the virus. Do what you can to stay healthy, and I am sure it will work out. If you have had success with Aldra in the past, it might be a good idea to use it again.
Avatar m tn I have heard that the combo of Cryo and Aldara is effective. What have you seen to be most effective in no warts recurrences? These things you read about multi-vitamins and green tea being beneficial, would they truly make a difference? 4)-my GF and I had protected sex; she was a virgin and so I’m just wondering the likelihood of her getting HPV. The reason I ask is because I would want her to get the Vaccine asap.
Avatar m tn and a heads up at first when i used aldara i had bad side effects such as feeling sick tired, some body aches and severe itching to the point where i said in my mind i have to quit because i got absolutley no sleep on the nights i used aldara. people have said to discontinue aldara but i stayed with it.
Avatar n tn The only topicals used to treat MC are Aldara and Retin-A. Anything else is likely to be a scam. Aldara is used more typically, and is available only with a prescription. You can also have them cauterized or frozen, similar to warts. Once one ruptures, be sure to clean up the contents carefully, as the centers of MC lesions contain the virus itself. However, once one breaks apart, normally it will heal just fine.
Avatar m tn a little opver a week now and I am not noticing any side effects or good effects of the Aldara. Maybe i have seen some warts get smaller, but it is hard to notice. When should expect some results?