
What food has estrogen in it

Common Questions and Answers about What food has estrogen in it


Avatar f tn did they tell you anything more about what it looks like? also..have you had any symptoms with this ?
Avatar f tn Then I went to another gyno who said that recent studies have proved that estrogen only with uterus in tact is safer that in fact it's the progesterone that is toxic. Is anyone receiving the same advice?
973741 tn?1342342773 Hi specialmom. I used flaxseeds (ground in a coffee grinder) for awhile (years ago) along with estrogen but don't recall the effects. And since I was also on estrogen, it wouldn't be a "fair" assessment anyway. I have read that it helps some women.
1293683 tn?1334019210 HI there, I just completed my FET. I am in my 2ww now. It consisted of taking actos plus, estrogen, progestrone, prenatal vita, a baby asprin, and vida patches every other day. I am still taking all of those meds until my positive result on Oct 7th. It still takes about a month for the full cycle I started 9/9 and I test 10/7. I had my ET yesterday 9/27/10.
Avatar f tn My understanding is that in post menopausal women, or women who are in forced menopause from a hysterectomy..the estrogen is what is declined...i have anxiety that seems related to the menstrual cycle, specifically when estrogen drops in the cycle. I also developed all this for the first time after I stopped breastfeeding and got my cycle back.
4250330 tn?1388621179 Could you explain it a little bit more lol my last child was born February 24th 2014 and he weighed 9Lbs 5oz lol but could you explain it more please and pur in details I'm confused lol
678918 tn?1226751211 i want to know if breast cyst related in any way to food we eat ..i read in one site that drinking tea may has relation in developing cyst ..howmuch thats right ???
Avatar f tn So I guess what I am saying is Anyones estrogen can be out of whack. Boy (guys have estrogen also in their body) ,girl or woman in peri-menapause. This is a natural suppliment. But, IF YOU ARE ON BIRTH CONTROL PILLS, IT WILL KILL IT, AND YOU COULD GET PREGNANT. Also if you ae on an estrogen birth control that may be what is causing you headaches.
Avatar n tn What else could be causing this?
Avatar m tn If in fact high estrogen is the culprit, you should not only keep away from estrogen pills and estrogen rich food, but also try to bring it down by regular exercise and balanced food intake, there by reducing your weight. Reducing your estrogen level will naturally push up your T level. Another factor that can affect the T to estrogen balance at your age is insulin resistance which combined with body fat would reduce the SHBG counts and thus reduce the clearance rate of estrogen from the body.
Avatar f tn t take birth control (the high estrogen makes me grow precancerous lumps in my breasts). So she put me on flaxseed oil, she said it is a plant estrogen which might help with my lining. Has anyone done this?? Did it work?
Avatar f tn I have seen it closer to whitish green before. It sometimes has whole chucks of food in the more normal ones and int he light brown, greenish ones. These are usually not fully formed and more like particles. Some float some do not. It's wild. 2. I drink a lot of water all day as I workout so much- so urine is mostly pale yellow. Never super dar. 3. I never get cramps just below the rib cage. I only have cramps in the lower part. 4.
1654035 tn?1332425178 I am now having my second girl and really the pregnancy has felt very similiar. No morning sickness or food aversions. Fatigue, but that has gone away in the second trimester. As far as carrying I think I am carrying lower this time but I am not 100% sure. So do you girls think this is true?
1041627 tn?1253112010 I have not had weight issues, luckily, my body type is thin, although I have to work at it with exercise and healthy food, no junk food. In the last few years, I was drinking a lot of coffee and consuming a lot of soy. I have cut both out in the spring of this year. About ten years ago, when I was drinking a lot of coffee and eating a lot of soy, I had a benign tumor in my breast which had to be surgically removed. The surgeon told me to cut out caffeine.
Avatar f tn I had the blood work a few days ago, and found RT3 is low, What does it mean? Low RT3 with high iPTH, Does it mean I have hyperparathyroidism? And is there anything wrong with my sex hormone and adhernal levels? Following is the results, all are done in blood work. W--MCR 2.9 (3.0 -8.0) W-LCR 50.5 (51.0-75.0) MCV 93.1 (82.0-92.0) MCH 31.4 (27.0-31.0) MPV 8.2 (8.5-11.8) iPTH 71.80 pg/ml (14-72)---relatively high FT3 4.42 pmol/L (2.5-6.5) FT4 17.48 pmol/L (11.5-23.2) TSH 6.02 mIU/l (0.
Avatar n tn For about 3 years now, I have been living with ovarian cysts. At first it was my left ovary, but now it has been my right ovary that has been the source of difficulty. I have ended up in the hospital 3 times due to the pain that is caused when the cysts enlarge and bleed. I thought it was a burst cyst, but I think I was mistaken. The hospital visits were primarily due to the extreme pain I was in (the morphine did little to help!).
Avatar n tn Apparently the coating of receipts has estrogen and we get them in our blood stream also from plastics and food supply. Is your Doctor worried? I have all kinds of tests all the time that come out weird. I let my doctor worry about them. It is strange they were even checking your FSH.
1365311 tn?1280430303 Supposedly all the hormones and drugs in the food we eat, plus all the petrochemicals and other chemicals in our environment contribute to our bodies creating too much estrogen. by eating organic and drug free and by stopping our use of items made with chemicals (many of our beauty products, toothpastes, soaps, etc. have very bad things in them) that we can start to reverse the damage in our bodies. Not sure if it works or not.
Avatar f tn She explained the inability to lose weight due to estrogen being decreased, but since we still need the estrogen (that ironically and sadly) our body is not producing as much anymore, the body gets it from our fat storeage, so in essence our body is not letting go of fat as easy, because it is using the estrogen stores in our fat. She also said our body has estrogen receptors everywhere, from our brains to our toes, and metabolism is one area affected from estrogen loss.
Avatar f tn Tricyclic antidepressants have also been linked with GERD, most likely because the neurotransmitters they work on in the brain are the same as those in the gut. And for women in perimenopause and menopause, it’s important to note that hormone replacement therapy has also been found to be strongly associated with gastroesophageal reflux.
Avatar f tn Ha ha i wondered why i kept thinking my moms tuna noodle caserole needed salt. She has always been a great cook with great food. And i couldnt eat it.
Avatar n tn My gyne oncologist has put me on Tamoxifen for giving me some protection. It appears that Tamoxifen has caused swelling of my feet which is hurting when I walk. Is there any other alternate to Tamoxifen? I am taking Evista and Actos for diabetes. Thanks for your advice.
1258539 tn?1293840202 I have been taking bio identical hormones since January 2010. I take it in an estrogen form. My estrogen absorption is not doing very well. My level is now at 18. I have severe anxiety/depression/depersonalization. I went to my doctor yesterday and he said that my numbers for estrogen are low because I have so much anxiety/depression that my body is using up the estrogen where it shouldn't be.
Avatar f tn Although I am breaking out from sugar and too much processed food, so maybe it has something to do with insulin intolerance? No one in my family has this problem. So what should I do, which doctor to turn to?