
Estrogen in our food

Common Questions and Answers about Estrogen in our food


Avatar f tn Then I went to another gyno who said that recent studies have proved that estrogen only with uterus in tact is safer that in fact it's the progesterone that is toxic. Is anyone receiving the same advice?
Avatar f tn She explained the inability to lose weight due to estrogen being decreased, but since we still need the estrogen (that ironically and sadly) our body is not producing as much anymore, the body gets it from our fat storeage, so in essence our body is not letting go of fat as easy, because it is using the estrogen stores in our fat. She also said our body has estrogen receptors everywhere, from our brains to our toes, and metabolism is one area affected from estrogen loss.
Avatar f tn I don`t think it was normal when I grew up but nowadays our environment is bombarded with estrogen in the food chain and estrogen-like chemicals. I do see that adolescents of both sexes look very "feminized" but it usually seems to straighten itself out. If you are worried, I would get his hormonal balance checked. The whole situation of hormonal disruptions is pretty disturbing but that`s a whole separate debate.
Avatar m tn I would not be surprised if there is a link to estrogen that might be causing this problem. We (men) are consuming too much of it in our food we must consume foods or supplement to slow down our bodies from producing it. at the same time increase our testosterone levels it makes sense doesn't it. What would we look like if our penis retracted all the way back?????
Avatar n tn Apparently the coating of receipts has estrogen and we get them in our blood stream also from plastics and food supply. Is your Doctor worried? I have all kinds of tests all the time that come out weird. I let my doctor worry about them. It is strange they were even checking your FSH.
Avatar f tn t be scared, just try to make these necessary changes, walk daily, drink pure water and cut out all sugars and try to eat organic foods when available. Most of our food has fake hormones in it, thus causing even more hormonal imbalance, it amazes me how we manage to stay as healthy as we are.
Avatar m tn Hi, Your story is atypical of obese boys going through pubertal development, initial testosterone gets converted to estrogen in the fat tissues and as the testosterone level picks up normal manly features develop. So, as such I do not think you have any reason to worry. Try to reduce your fat, take balanced food and do moderate exercise and over a few years, the gynecomastia should get subsided of its own.
Avatar f tn I'm in surgical menopause....yay me. When I finally started getting treated properly for my "condition", my heart kinda calmed down a bit. I'm on estrogen, progesterone and testosterone. In menopause, most of us are estrogen dominant and estrogen deficient at the same time. A little dose of progesterone over the counter may do the trick and it helps balance you out. You can buy it at most health food stores.
Avatar f tn The fact you seemed to easily put on muscle indicates your testosterone is there. There is no normal penis size, so that's a non-issue. The question there is, does it work, not how big it is. We come in all sizes and shapes and maybe this is just yours. But if you're truly concerned, see your doctor and get a blood test for sexual hormones.
Avatar f tn s my understanding that melanoma is primarily caused by skin damage received from sunburns as a child. I think our number one precaution in preventing skin cancer is monitor ourselves very closely and to make regular visits to the dermatologist. Avoiding sunburns at any age is always wise but unfortunately the damage done in childhhood is the one thing we can't change. I have a mole that matches your description completely. I have had it checked many times.
678918 tn?1226751211 i want to know if breast cyst related in any way to food we eat ..i read in one site that drinking tea may has relation in developing cyst ..howmuch thats right ???
Avatar f tn t take birth control (the high estrogen makes me grow precancerous lumps in my breasts). So she put me on flaxseed oil, she said it is a plant estrogen which might help with my lining. Has anyone done this?? Did it work?
Avatar f tn In a 6 month period my estrogen level went from below 20 to over 2300. What could it be? I am a 'healthy' 53 year old female. 5' 5" and 140 lbs. I have been in menapause for 5 years. (no period). I have taken herbal supplement, "Estroven" since the beginning. I have not had HORRIBLE hot flashes, night sweats or mood swings. However, I have had vaginal dryness. A couple of years ago, I began using Estring 2mg - which helped.
Avatar m tn I would think you meant heavily built, and in that case, your low T could be caused by higher level of estrogen in your body, do you know your estrogen counts? If in fact high estrogen is the culprit, you should not only keep away from estrogen pills and estrogen rich food, but also try to bring it down by regular exercise and balanced food intake, there by reducing your weight. Reducing your estrogen level will naturally push up your T level.
Avatar n tn Also from my doctor, I learned that one can be both estrogen deficient and estrogen dominant at the same time if progesterone and estrogen are low, and due to our exposure to estrogens & phyto estrogens in environment and foods. So alot of balancing is required and diary your symptoms for your doctor, and balancing your doses of the creams based on your symptoms, always start low and work up, also know that with estrogen, the symptoms of too much and not enough, are the same.
1041627 tn?1253112010 There are some theories out there that growth hormones (such as those in beef and chicken), environmental toxins such as DDT, food packaging, as well as food cooked in certain plastic containers or wraps are sources of artificial estrogrens that really mess up how our ovaries behave. I personally also wonder about artificial sweeteners (all of them) and their tendency to collect in the reproductive system for awhile. I think one day medical science will make a much bigger deal about this.
973741 tn?1342342773 Hi specialmom. I used flaxseeds (ground in a coffee grinder) for awhile (years ago) along with estrogen but don't recall the effects. And since I was also on estrogen, it wouldn't be a "fair" assessment anyway. I have read that it helps some women.
1365311 tn?1280430303 Supposedly all the hormones and drugs in the food we eat, plus all the petrochemicals and other chemicals in our environment contribute to our bodies creating too much estrogen. by eating organic and drug free and by stopping our use of items made with chemicals (many of our beauty products, toothpastes, soaps, etc. have very bad things in them) that we can start to reverse the damage in our bodies. Not sure if it works or not.
Avatar f tn Tricyclic antidepressants have also been linked with GERD, most likely because the neurotransmitters they work on in the brain are the same as those in the gut. And for women in perimenopause and menopause, it’s important to note that hormone replacement therapy has also been found to be strongly associated with gastroesophageal reflux.
Avatar f tn So I guess what I am saying is Anyones estrogen can be out of whack. Boy (guys have estrogen also in their body) ,girl or woman in peri-menapause. This is a natural suppliment. But, IF YOU ARE ON BIRTH CONTROL PILLS, IT WILL KILL IT, AND YOU COULD GET PREGNANT. Also if you ae on an estrogen birth control that may be what is causing you headaches.
1357161 tn?1295553740 We found out, from our vet (and also a little internet research), that if you spay a female too early on, the muscles in their urethra’s don't have a chance to fully develop (tone & strength) as you're depriving their body of estrogen too early on, and they'll have incontinence problems therein. We have her on PROIN and it keeps her from leaking and making 'mistakes'.
Avatar n tn t changed as I have had gastric sleeve and am limited to my intake of food. I had been maintaining my weight for the last 2 1/2-3 years. Now having the 20lbs show up so quickly and unexpectedly is leaving me discouraged. The Dr. put me on estrogen patches and has even upped the dose, but I still feel horrible and not right, not like myself. Has anyone experienced anything similar? I know moods and sex drive are common.... but weight gain was something that has me baffled.
Avatar f tn As to the HRT, I strongly recommend NOT doing it, instead, go the natural, bio-identical route, there are no side effects to it, and it is very safe, plus, most women feel much better on it than they do the drugs as the drugs are synthetic and not recognized by our bodies. You can get a good, bio-identical cream at a health food store, of, if your doc is familiar with them, he/she can write s prescription for them from a compounding pharmacist, that is the kind I use.
16702 tn?1234090645 Whole grains, fruits, seeds, beans and herbs all are know to have estrogen and/or progesterone activity. In general, any food that has been eaten by a culture or people group for centuries is probably all right to eat if the people group in question is relatively free from these estrogen related diseases. When referring to phytoestrogens, it is generally thought that a "weak" estrogen may actually be protective against cancer causing xenoestrogens.
Avatar f tn On another note, think blood tests are to be done day 18-21 for best snapshot of estrogen/progesterone balance. FYI - would also follow a whole food type diet (meats, nuts, fruits, veg) to help maximize your improvement. Eliminating grains, dairy, soy, sugars will do wonders to help minimize some of the symptoms while you're working through the right path for you.