
Estrogen in food

Common Questions and Answers about Estrogen in food


Avatar f tn Then I went to another gyno who said that recent studies have proved that estrogen only with uterus in tact is safer that in fact it's the progesterone that is toxic. Is anyone receiving the same advice?
678918 tn?1226751211 i want to know if breast cyst related in any way to food we eat ..i read in one site that drinking tea may has relation in developing cyst ..howmuch thats right ???
Avatar f tn t take birth control (the high estrogen makes me grow precancerous lumps in my breasts). So she put me on flaxseed oil, she said it is a plant estrogen which might help with my lining. Has anyone done this?? Did it work?
Avatar m tn I would think you meant heavily built, and in that case, your low T could be caused by higher level of estrogen in your body, do you know your estrogen counts? If in fact high estrogen is the culprit, you should not only keep away from estrogen pills and estrogen rich food, but also try to bring it down by regular exercise and balanced food intake, there by reducing your weight. Reducing your estrogen level will naturally push up your T level.
Avatar f tn Tricyclic antidepressants have also been linked with GERD, most likely because the neurotransmitters they work on in the brain are the same as those in the gut. And for women in perimenopause and menopause, it’s important to note that hormone replacement therapy has also been found to be strongly associated with gastroesophageal reflux.
Avatar f tn So I guess what I am saying is Anyones estrogen can be out of whack. Boy (guys have estrogen also in their body) ,girl or woman in peri-menapause. This is a natural suppliment. But, IF YOU ARE ON BIRTH CONTROL PILLS, IT WILL KILL IT, AND YOU COULD GET PREGNANT. Also if you ae on an estrogen birth control that may be what is causing you headaches.
Avatar f tn On another note, think blood tests are to be done day 18-21 for best snapshot of estrogen/progesterone balance. FYI - would also follow a whole food type diet (meats, nuts, fruits, veg) to help maximize your improvement. Eliminating grains, dairy, soy, sugars will do wonders to help minimize some of the symptoms while you're working through the right path for you.
Avatar n tn Apparently the coating of receipts has estrogen and we get them in our blood stream also from plastics and food supply. Is your Doctor worried? I have all kinds of tests all the time that come out weird. I let my doctor worry about them. It is strange they were even checking your FSH.
Avatar m tn Ovariectomy and estrogen supplementation were used to evaluate the effect of estrogen on HBV titers in transgenic mice with replicating HBV in hepatocytes. The effect of estrogen signaling on transcription of HBV genes, and the mechanisms of regulation, were studied in HepG2 cells. RESULTS: HBV titers increased in female mice after ovariectomy and decreased in male mice supplemented with estrogen. Hepatic expression of estrogen receptor (ER)? was increased by estrogen exposure.
Avatar n tn You may be getting too much estrogen or hormones. This is mainly in processed or fast foods. Once you cut down, they will revert to normal. Also, look at the labels of certain shampoos. Anything with Sodium Laureth Sulfate (although most shampoos have this) has estrogen. But please do some research on Sodium Laureth Sulfate before quitting.
Avatar m tn Hi, Your story is atypical of obese boys going through pubertal development, initial testosterone gets converted to estrogen in the fat tissues and as the testosterone level picks up normal manly features develop. So, as such I do not think you have any reason to worry. Try to reduce your fat, take balanced food and do moderate exercise and over a few years, the gynecomastia should get subsided of its own.
1654035 tn?1332425178 I am now having my second girl and really the pregnancy has felt very similiar. No morning sickness or food aversions. Fatigue, but that has gone away in the second trimester. As far as carrying I think I am carrying lower this time but I am not 100% sure. So do you girls think this is true?
Avatar m tn Try phytoestrogens which mimic estrogen. You can find various phytoestrogen products in pharmacies and health food stores. Phytoestrogens include: Soy, Black Cohosh, Ginseng, Red Clover and **** Quai. One product my mother used was Phytolife by Blackmores. It took around 3 months for the full benefits to kick in.
Avatar f tn Estrogen-injected cattle, birth control pill residue in our rivers and lakes, rare side effects of steroid treatments, pseudo-estrogen from soy products, pseudo-estrogen from BPA in baby bottles and cans - nothing will ever be proven but there sure is a hormonal mess out there...
Avatar f tn d read, on this forum, that B6 absorption may be reduced by the estrogen in foods. Although I realize that the comment was about food, I wanted to investigate the estrogen angle. Especially since my neuropathy symptoms improved so much during my period. And I'd read some accounts where neuropathy was worse prior to period onset (when progesterone is higher). Anyway I tried using estriol last night. (Estriol is a bio-identical estrogen cream.) Wow, did my symptoms worsen!
6708370 tn?1471490210 They had me do Tamoxifen for 5 years post lumpectomy. This blocks all estrogen and in fact cuts off the food source. They actually test the make-up of your tumor to see what targeted Tx they could do if needed As you can see I've been out of the loop regarding BC advances. Must say that I'm so sorry that you've been affected by cancer. The fact that its treatable and early bodes in your favor. Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help you thru.
Avatar f tn She explained the inability to lose weight due to estrogen being decreased, but since we still need the estrogen (that ironically and sadly) our body is not producing as much anymore, the body gets it from our fat storeage, so in essence our body is not letting go of fat as easy, because it is using the estrogen stores in our fat. She also said our body has estrogen receptors everywhere, from our brains to our toes, and metabolism is one area affected from estrogen loss.
Avatar f tn but i had arranged with another dr to have my blood hormones taken so i went to her after being on menest about a month during which time i developed a Uti,nurse practioner gave me macrobid which i took but didnt care for,when i went to get results of hormone blood levels that dr did a urinalis and said i was clear,but it showed high protien and a high ph but it shows im drinling plenty fluids,i also had a yeast infectiona and she said a vagiginal infection,gave me cleocin suppsotories which mad
Avatar f tn I started taking licorice to raise my bp and cortisol, but crashed in the last few weeks. I read today that licorice can lower estrogen and is a phytoestrogen so it probably messed up my thyroid too. So what do you do then if you have several health issues that the treatments all contradict each other? I need something to help my adrenals, but the natural herbs like rhodiola and licorice seem to be bad for my hormone and thyroid problems.
429647 tn?1249753429 only to find out that her cancer is estrogen postive and probably caused or in some part aided in the growth of her masses. This is a very touchy subject on this forum, and as much as I love and adore Mary, she and I are on opposite sides on this one. Flashes are horrid, I will agree that I have had a really tough time with them as well as the other symptoms of menopause....but, you know what....I am alive. Gather all the facts you of luck.
Avatar f tn The estrogen is kicking in with a vengeance and my poor husband has to just grin and bare it all. I think after this pregnancy he will think carefully before attempting to make number 2. Are you experiencing the same?
Avatar f tn Thank you for your last response. I did see a dermatologist and she said the marks on my legs were sun spots. However now I have many other questions. Mt Melanoma was "in situ", which I hear is great. But now I am trying to do all I can to prevent it from coming back. I have recently read that both estrogen and vitamin C have been linked to increasing Melanoma. Is this true?
Avatar f tn You can find this online (along with reviews of that and other brands at several websites) or in health food stores. Most perimenopausal women try it without the saliva test, that is up to you. I didn't get hot flashes until my estrogen dropped, but had low progesterone for several years before that happened.