
Valacyclovir and yeast infections

Common Questions and Answers about Valacyclovir and yeast infections


Avatar f tn best thing to do is to return to be seen and get properly tested for yeast and bacterial vaginal infections at this point. hard to tell at this point if it's still your primary infection still running its course or a recurrence or something non-related.
Avatar n tn As such I contacted my doctor and was prescribed valacyclovir hcl which I took (2 1 gram tablets twice daily). The cold sore remained small and eventually went away. After this I went 1-2 days without taking any Lysine or valacyclovir and on the second day I noticed the cold sore coming back again and now appears to have come back and crusted over. I did not think the new cold sore was actually one but then it crusted over.
Avatar f tn Which when self examining I had to pull back the skin to even see the sore, and he told me I had herpes and a yeast infection. I just felt very disrespected and that herpes was just assumed. I don't know he maybe right. I view a thread post from 2009 of a similar instance of a yeast infection associated with sore wondering if it was actually herpes. I guess my questions are: can this be something other than herpes? Can a yeast infection have caused the sore?
Avatar n tn Me and my boyfriend have been togther 2 years and it live with him and never leave his side so I know he's not cheating but I'm really worried I've never had a yeast infection before but the other night we had oral sex , he has no cold sores or anything like that so I don't think it's herpes But my symptoms are itching , and I have what looks like scrape marks on the inside of my labia lips and also a lot of white thick and creamy discharge .
Avatar f tn Has anyone had multiple yeast/BV infections? I've had 3 so far and I think I'm having another! I'm going to ob tomorrow and I'm sure I'll get some meds. It's frustrating. Anyone Else?!?! Please help.
Avatar f tn I was having servere pain in my middle back in the right side so at 1 am on the 5th I went to the er at that point was 22 weeks and 4 days they admitted me into labor and delivery where they found out the pain was due to a kidney infection they kept me on an IV with antibiotics until I was discharged this morning they sent me home with more antibiotics to take to finish fighting the infection but since I got home this morning my vagina has been kinda itchy when I itch it it hurts could that be a
Avatar f tn Dr. Handsfield and I share the forum. You got me. FYI, the reason we share the forum is because we have worked together for nearly 30 years and while our verbiage styles vary, we have never disagreed on management strategies or advice to clients. The topic of herpes is a complex one. The disease is common with HSV-1 being present in over 60% of adults and HSV-2 (the virus which causes most genital herpes) being present in about 1 in 5 Americans.
Avatar f tn I've heard you can take monistat for a yeast infection. But I would talk to your doctor first. Treatment for a yeast is different than bacterial, and you should make sure you don't have any other complications before starting something.
Avatar f tn Doc now has me on valacyclovir because he thinks i have oral herpes. The valacyclovir has taken much of my fever away. And the nystatin and valacyclovir have together mostly cleared up my tongue sores and blisters. But I feel like without the valacyclovir, i'd be very very sick. Also my lymph node on the right side of my groin is still quite swollen. any opinions about what this might be? two ER doctors said they thought my oral infection was fungal/yeast. only my GP thought it was herpes.
Avatar f tn I was on a very low 50 dose but it ask made me sick and gave my husband a yeast infection. I stopped taking it and now I have another one. I'm 38 weeks and praying I don't get a yeast infection again. I don't take baths anymore. Only use summers eve soap. Practically shower after sex.
Avatar f tn hello...dosomebody kknow...diferents between-yeast infection and bacterial vaginosis?
Avatar f tn I used to get yeast infections every time I had intercourse. The only way I was able to stop this from happening was by douching with a vinegar and water rinse right after having sex. It was a major inconvenience but it definitely stopped the ongoing yeast infections. And on those occasions when I was too "lazy" or "relaxed" to get up and douche, the infection would return without fail. A vinegar douche really does help, but it is a major "mood disrupter.
Avatar m tn The last few months I have thought I was having either bv or yeast infections. After this last round of antibiotics then having sex and itching again I went to a OBGYN. She said no yeast but I have two tears (thats what they look like to me) on my perineum so she took cultures and said she thinks its herpes. I am losing it b/c I wont have results for a while and I am still itchy on this medicine.
Avatar f tn You cant have vaginal sex and then go right to anal sex or vice versa. Its not healthy and it brings bacteria. The yeast infection you probably had, but had sex with your husband anyways before getting treated and then you keep passing to each other. That happened with me and BF. But...if you have no signs of a yeast infection, then your husband is the one that needs to go to the doctor to get medicine to clear it up.
Avatar n tn Im a ftm,17 Years old 24 weeks and new to everything and i think i have a yeast or urine infection, down there feels so raw it burns when i pee and im also spotting will this affect my baby
Avatar f tn I have been getting non stop UTI and Yeast Infections for the last 3 years, twice a year. @ yeast infections a year, and 2 UTIS a year. I recetly was taking a antibiotic for my UTI well those symptooms gt better and later I noticed constant itching and white thick yeast smelling discharge and now thy precibed me DIFLUCAN. I wanna know why does this keep happeing to me? I noticed the change when I started wearing tampons? can it be that, I also heard, I could be allergic to semen frm my dr.??
Avatar n tn t happen all the times but most times when I am dry. I am 32 years old and he is 49 I have went to the doctor and I keep getting yeast infections. I use the over the counter meds fr it and sometimes the doctor prescribes me creams but it keeps coming back. Is it coming back because I gave it to him and he brings it back to me each time? He is a diabetic and is uncircumcized but he is very clean and has good hygienes in that department.
1168718 tn?1464983535 with ms, but I have had the same exact question. I was wondering if I had continuous yeast infections and if it had something to do ms. I had recently gone for my annual Pap and all tests were clear for infection..... so what has been causing the "itch". My doc. said that in the beginning (5 months ago) it could have been yeast and I treated it, but to me it kept coming back, or so I thought, she said I must have treated it with the OTC inserts and it went away. But to this day...
Avatar f tn Douching upsets the natural balance of bacteria and yeast in your vagina and will cause infections. 2. Avoid bread and sugary foods as much as possible. If there is yeast in your vagina it is in the rest of your body too and sugar will just feed it. 3. Use condoms if you have sex. You CAN give a yeast infection to a guy (they usually get no symptoms) and then he will just keep passing it back to you. 4. Eat yogurt with live cultures in it - sugar free is best, but any kind helps. 5.
Avatar n tn I have been having yeast infections for the last 2 yeast off and on, been to many docs and still cant get them to stay away. I have been on flygal, diflucan, creams and all why do they keep comeing back what can i do to keep them away? PLEASE HELP!
Avatar f tn Im 6 months pregnant and I have never had this many yeast infections in my life. I only bathe with dial soap and the doctor said I shouldnt take baths, nothing but showers. Can anybody help me with some remedies or something to help with the yeast infections ??
Avatar f tn Seven months ago my boyfriend and I began having sex, and about two weeks later I started my period but noticed that I was having major pain and itching internally and externally towards the end of my period. I went to the OB/GYN and I did have a yeast infection for the first time ever. I wasn't on any birth control, nor taking any antibiotics, not pregnant, and the pap came back normal with no diseases.
Avatar n tn I'd rather use the creams. I'm currently battling an external yeast infection that has affected the top of my inner thighs (where the leg and vulva meet), my vulva and it's creases, lower abdomen and the very bottom of my butt. Also, near my vaginal opening I scratched myself too hard so there's scratches and it burns like a mother when I pee and the urine flows downward onto it. I am on the larger side of the body size scale (about 5'6 and over 300lbs).