
Synthroid goiter

Common Questions and Answers about Synthroid goiter


Avatar n tn what could cause the inability for me to handle synthroid and if i could handle it would the goiter ever reduce itself in size.
Avatar n tn He might be putting you on the synthroid to see if it will decrease the goiter, but I would be very cautious not to go hyper on the 75mcgs. I would suggest a lower dose like 25mcgs to begin with and frequent blood tests. Just my thoughts.
Avatar m tn I am writing to get opinions in which direction I need to go. I had a goiter 5 years ago and has been suppresed with synthroid. Over the past year and half I have been telling my doctor somethign was outta wack. There answers have been " your getting older" "somepeople just have these issues and you just have to deal with it". I have all the symptoms again of hypothyroid. My neck is sore and have a noticable goiter. I had labs done.......blood test are all normal.
Avatar n tn I have been on synthroid for the entire time. I am hypo thyroid. Through the years my goiter has become large enough for the average person to notice something is wrong with my neck. My doctor suggests removal. I have been doing research on this topic and apparently weight gain, hair loss, depression etc are all side effects of surgery. I have never experienced any of these problems. My doctor says this is ridiculous.
Avatar f tn 2cm nodule on my left thyroid was a Goiter. I have two smaller nodules (mm) as well. My PCP wants to treat with Synthroid, 125 mg. per day. My endo just had his office call me and tell me to follow up in 6 months, no meds. So far, my blood work has been normal, but in the low end of the normal range. My sister has Hashimotos and is being treated for it. I have many of the Hashi symptoms.
487969 tn?1249313291 Should I be worried? What is the significance of Synthroid and will it make this goiter go down? My sternomastoid muscle on the right sticks out some (to me it is tight - contracted). Others do not notice this, but I feel a pulling. I also have some swollen gland on the right side of my neck. Do you think there is any connection there? Still worried. Thanks so much!
Avatar f tn I have had Palpitations since my teens, still get them on the meds for Hypo..I have a goiter and 4mm nodual, was told my goiter would be from having Hashi for so long not dx and ended up with a goiter as i went into sever Hypo and Myexedema.I know tho having read that a goiter does go mostly with Hyper..
1352348 tn?1315550254 Some say that being on thyroid hormones (i.e. synthroid or levothyroxine) will shrink the goiter. I have been on thyroid med for right at 2 yrs and I recently had a u/s -- my goiter (enlarged thyroid) has not changed. I have nodules as well, but they, too, have remained the same.
Avatar f tn I had a right multinodular goiter 12 years ago. After numerous biopsies and treatment with synthroid, after 1 year I elected the right thyroid lobectomy due to inconclusive biopsies. When I left the hospital the surgeon put me on a low dose synthroid and told me to take it for life. When I had to go back to see my endrocronologist he took me off the medication and told me to just do a TSH every 6 months. To this day my levels have been normal.
Avatar f tn I have been diagnosed with a multinodular goiter. On right side, my thyroid scan showed hyperactive 1.3 cm nodule. I test normal tsh. I am going for a FNA next week and I am a nervous wreck. I also have general anxiety disorder and some depression. Dr. said it had nothing to do with my thryoid. I take a little ativan sometimes to help with anxiety. I am very tired. Seeing an endo and she wants me to have a blood test to test free hormones and the FNA and another Thyroid Scan in 3 months.
Avatar f tn In march of this year I had the right half of my thyroid removed due to a goiter 2.4 cm in size. The only reason they even found this is because I had difficulty swallowing and always felt something was stuck in my throat. Well in the past 2 months this sensation has come back and is as bad as it was before. My ENT says that it is nothing and that if in 6 months I still have these sensations that they will do another ultra sound to take a look.
2644165 tn?1387244348 A few months later, my general practicioner, wanted me to have a follow-up ultrasound of my thyroid, which resulted in a diagnosis of NON-DIFFUSE MULTI-NODULAR GOITER. I had several small nodules both anechoic and a few solid, as well as two complex cysts in the right lobe that were close to 1 cm^3. I consulted an endocrinologist who put me on 50mcg Synthroid after I had bloodwork conducted. The bloodwork was relatively normal , except that the TSH was borderline low.
1178465 tn?1264081415 Hello, I was diagnosed with a multinodular goiter, caused by low thryoid levels in October. I was having my periods every 3 weeks for years before this. I was put on 125 mcg Synthroid to keep the goiter from enlargin further and perhaps to shrink it. For two months after I started Synthroid, I was thrilled to get normal periods back, every 4 weeks. No since that 2nd period, I started bleeding just 2 weeks after and it's been almost a week now, not bad bleeding but more than spotting.
Avatar n tn I have been on synthroid 100mcg, since mid January. Some of the bad symptoms have faded, but new one`s seem to be taking the old one`s place. After nearly 11 weeks, my collarbone, shoulder and sore throat are still not getting it, that they are supposed to stop hurting. Goiter has decided to join in and start becoming sore, painful and tight.I was under the impression, that after about 10 weeks of synthroid, I would start to feel better. What gives?
Avatar n tn I am 59 years old, have had hypothyroidism since I was 12. Have taken Synthroid for 30 years. Had a very visible goiter my entire life until AFTER MENOPAUSE! My doctor also says no correlation between menopause and goiter going away. All I know is it is gone. I still have to take 75 MG of Synthroid, but goiter is gone. Obviously more studies of this needs to be done.
1102845 tn?1285493058 The only thyroid option is to consider combined T4 (synthroid) and T3 (cytomel) - in this case reducing synthroid to 75 and adding 5mcg of cytomel in the am along w/ the synthroid.
1107393 tn?1263417738 I just received the final results of the Ultrasound. I have a multinodular goiter. My FNP stated that we will be increasing my dose of Levo after Dec 12th tests. I will see an ENDO soon. Ultrasound results: Both lobes appear moderately enlarged with generalized distortion of the gland architecture, which has a course heterogeneous appearance consistent with the diagnosis of multi-nodular goiter. No discrete of dominant or focal mass is demonstrated on this examination.
461353 tn?1206515291 My gut is telling me this is something else - and he is just basing his diagnosis on a goiter. Even if this is just a bad reaction to the Synthroid, I need answers - because this is getting progressively worse, and I'm at a loss. Should I start looking for a new endocrinologist? If so, should I try to find one who is also a reproductive specialist in case this is related to my PCOS? And, anybody know of a good doctor in San Antonio? ...
Avatar f tn 2cm nodule on my left thyroid was a Goiter. I have two smaller nodules (mm) as well. My PCP wants to treat with Synthroid, 125 mg. per day. My endo just had his office call me and tell me to follow up in 6 months, no meds. So far, my blood work has been normal, but in the low end of the normal range. My sister has Hashimotos and is being treated for it. I have many of the Hashi symptoms.
487969 tn?1249313291 If I remember you have the goiter causing problems right? This could all be symptoms relating to it. Try gargling with salt water (sea salt) that may help alot.
Avatar m tn My TSH level was .080 tested 4/21/08, I was prescribed .075 mg synthroid to reduce the swelling. My TSH is borderline hyperthyroid, and my endo will not perform a free T3/T4 test. Is it standard procedure to use Synthroid on normal TSH, + or - hyper/hypo levels. What is considered normal ranges for prescribing synthroid for an enlarged thyroid.
Avatar n tn old and just got diagnosed with a multinodular goiter and presents with an enlargment of her thyroid gland, one side being larger than the other. Also bloodwork shows elevated tsh level at 6.4(normal range is up to 5.5) t4 and t3 and thyroid antibodies came back with in all normal ranges. How long do you think this may have been developing? I'm just afraid that this is serious. She cannot get in to see the ped.
Avatar f tn I had TT almost one year ago for multinodular goiter and then found papillary cancer. My Synthroid dose was adjusted twice until I hit near the range posted by the lab. I've been on the same dose of Synthroid and my TSH has gone from .46 to .005. My FT4 and FT3 are "in range". Why would my TSH change so drastically with changing dosage?