
Stop smoking quit

Common Questions and Answers about Stop smoking quit


7773990 tn?1400728625 She's here for support not so people can make her feel bad. It might get harder. It takes 3 days for the nicotine to leave your system and 3 weeks to create the new habit of not smoking. To me that was the hardest part. What do you do when you would normally smoke lol! That's what they told my hubby in his quit smoking class that the military gives.
Avatar f tn Need to quit smoking I have been smoking since I was 18 years old and I am now 41
Avatar m tn Some of you might remember me, it has been about 15 days since I last took a pill, I still am feeling great on that front, however I decided last sunday I wanted to stop smoking(I also would use chew when I was in a situation where I could not smoke). after 4 days of tapering off the amount of cigs (from my normal pack a day to about 8) I put on a 14mg nicotine patch. I stayed on patches for just 2 days then decided that I was just gonna take it off and see how long I could go...
Avatar f tn He can help tailor a plan specifically to your needs and habits. OR you could call a quit smoking helpline, they should have knowledge and resources for pregnant women as well. Best of luck...I think it's a wonderful thing that you want to cut down on your smoking and quit! Baby's lungs will surely thank you..and yours, too!
Avatar f tn I started getting ready to stop smoking about 5yrs ago. I decided not to smoke in my car anymore. I suffer from anxiety, so I'm never away from the house for more than 2hrs max and I figured I could at LEAST go without a cigarette that long. At the time, I felt like this alone was an enormous accomplishment and it helped me to start thinking like a non-smoker, I had been a smoker for 33yrs before I quit last July.
Avatar f tn I know how hard it is to stop smoking. I smoked since i was 11 and quit for my kids when i was 24 and i swore i would never touch one again..hated the smell..couldnt stand been around anyone who smoked..hated seeing ppl in the street smoking. Then one night whilst on holiday with family i got very drunk and had a cigarette and from that moment i slipped back into it so easily..i smoked every day for another cpl of month and then i found out i was pregnant with baby no4.
8919982 tn?1400717187 I was smoking when I first found out I was pregnant, i was in the same boat couldnt quit, but by my 8th week they were making me so sick it was funny so I found that spearmint gum helped.
Avatar f tn Go buy the book. The easy way to quote smoking. I quit 3 days ago and haven't looked back. I will say I had hard time in the beginning because my husband smoked but he quit also and it has been great.
Avatar m tn Hi Nirban I smoked when I was younger too. Here in the USA, we have a patch. That helps. Dr can prescribe zyban & that's supposed to help too. When I quit, I did not use that stuff though. This is what I did. I bought some straws. Then I cut them to the length of a cigarette. I took them with me, so when I felt like smoking I'd hold a straw like a cigarette. I'd even puff or draw a breath on the straw. Helped to relax me. I'd have something to do with my hand too.
Avatar n tn I know this is going to sound trite, but you CAN stop smoking if you truly WANT to. I used to feel just like you, do a Rip Van Winkle and sleep through the cravings and withdrawals. I can't tell you how many times I gave into that crave just 15 minutes after I said that this was my last one! That's because I really didn't want to quit. After smoking for 40 years and using an inhaler for the last 5 of my smoking years, I decided that it was time.
1262435 tn?1270311859 I have been told and so many others with heart problems to stop smoking. I am about to do so, with deep belief that smokig is a major source for many many heart and other deseases. I have seen many doctors, and they all advice to syop smoking but NO ONE is realy convincing in their advice, no real and professional explanation to ordinary people. We see warnings on cigarette packs with no scientific and convincing explanations.
Avatar f tn I quit smoking 5 days ago and I am feeling like my breathing is somewhat shallow. Also, my lungs feel like they are being squeezed, I dont really know any other way to describe it. Also, in my upper back area, pretty much opposite my lungs, hurts as well. Is all of these symptoms normal for quitting smoking? I havent started the horrible coughing stage yet but my lungs do feel like stuff is loosening in them. Sort of like bronchitis. Does anyone know when that will start as well?
Avatar f tn I need help with this quitting smoking. What can I do to stop and deal with my depression, anxiety,bipolar?
Avatar n tn I've just found out I'm 5 weeks and am really struggling to stop smoking is there anything i can use to help thats safe?
Avatar f tn I'm 10 weeks and smoke sometimes but it makes me throw up. I've smoked for 9 years as well. It's hard as hell but the baby will make u stop. You'll get sick from the smell. At least I did. If you can't stop speak to ur doctor.
Avatar f tn anyone who is trying to quit smoking might want to read michael carr's (i think that's the author's name) book the easy way to quit smoking. he also has a web site. you can get this book at your libary or book store.
Avatar n tn t let anyone give you that excuse that it is so stressful to quit smoking that you may as well keep smoking. Smoking is poison for the baby, they'd rather have the stress. But if you get the patch it should not be that stressful. My brother quit in one day because -- guess what happened from his smoking, he had a heart attack and found out he needed a quadruple bypass. (Wakes you up, right?) He did it easily by using a patch, said he never missed the cigs.
Avatar f tn Im 8w9d and I'm still smoking. I know I need to quit. I'm just having a hard time. My doctor doesn't want me to quit cold turkey so she has me on a stop smoking plan. Unfortunately I havent been able to follow it properly. Does anyone know of other ways to quit? Please help.
Avatar f tn Anyone have tips on how to quit smoking cigarettes?
Avatar f tn Did any of you have to quit smoking when you got pregnant? How did you do it? With my first or was easy because it made me sick but now I'm craving one all the time!
Avatar f tn Okay. I'm 22 and I've been smoking daily since I was 13. I want to stop now that I'm pregnant but I can't seem to just put them down. Any helpful tips? I'm 5 months pregnant and really want my baby to be healthy. That and I want me and my baby's father to stop fighting about it so much.
Avatar f tn m not a smoker but, When my mom quit smoking she did what my grandpa always said to do If you have a sore throat. It sounds nasty but my mom says works! And I know it works for a sore throat. You drink a tablespoon of vinegar and then right after a tablespoon of honey then drink plenty of water. The vinegar kills bacteria in your throat while the honey soothes it. Hope this helps!!
Avatar f tn At least try to quit. But my nephew was born perfectly healthy. Her drs even told her smoking was good for baby.
Avatar f tn I hAve been trying to quit also for some its harder than others i guess i was told by my het doc and ob that if i quit now i wont make it through l n d good luck hun
Avatar f tn I started smoking when I was about 10, quit when I was 50. Got a carton for my 13th birthday. One of the 50 times I quit smoking I was sitting there wearing a patch on each arm, chewing a piece of Nicorette, puffing on a Marlboro all at the same time. It's rough!! It finally took. What bothered me the most at first was people smoking, but I made an oath that I would never be a reformed smoker that looks down their nose at smokers. One of the times I failed we went to the Casino.
Avatar f tn Im almost 21weeks now and still smoking average of 5cigs a day. I dont know how to quit anymore, feels like i've tried everything...I do want to stop smoking but it just feels impossible. Any tips ladies, how did you stop smoking?