
Stomach pain causes chronic

Common Questions and Answers about Stomach pain causes chronic


Avatar m tn Sometimes what seems like chronic stomach pain is caused by the gallbladder, which could have stones or it could be infected. If no stones show up in a scan, then a HIDA scan can show % of function. If the HIDA scan itself causes intense pain or if your % of function is below a threshold, they'll take it out. Be warned, having your gall bladder out is not trivial! Some doctors will tell you that you don't need it.
396332 tn?1320003615 Sometimes the pain may be sharp or pressure-like, rather than burning. Such pain can mimic heart pain (angina). In other patients, the pain may extend to the back. Typically heartburn related to GERD is seen more commonly after a meal. Other symptoms of GERD include: Recommended Related to Heartburn/GERD Severe Heartburn? It May Be GERD Hoarseness.
Avatar f tn Another possibility is hiatal hernia, where a portion of stomach herniates into the chest cavity through the diaphragm. This causes acidity like symptoms. Stress and anxiety leads to acidity. Omeprazole is a good drug to combat this. Along with it you can try over the counter antacids. However I would recommend you see a doctor and take medication under a doctor’s supervision. Avoid heavy meals. Avoid too much of caffeine, tea, fried food and drinks both alcoholic and non alcoholic fuzzy ones.
915119 tn?1341948989 She has been on vacation for a week now and she continues with her stomach pain and the severe abdominal pain just occurred and she vomited and now feels better. Does anyone have any suggestions as to what other tests can be done? They have also done blood work and show that she's just slightly allergic to shrimp, which she doesn't even eat. Please help. I feel helpless and my daughter continues to have these symptoms.
Avatar f tn Pain under the left shoulder blade is usually a referred pain from abdomen like stomach ulcers, acidity, pancreatitis, or ectopic pregnancy (unlikely) or from the chest like in heart attack, pericarditis, pleuritis, pneumonia, pulmonary embolus, and aortic dissection. Another possibility is ankylosing spondylitis. Back pain worse when sitting or lying down and feels better with movement is usually caused by ankylosing spondylitis. This is a genetic condition.
936335 tn?1246412231 I have pain in about ten minutes after I eat that causes severe pain. I keep a food journal to try to avoid different foods that causes the trigger. But the pain is so severe that is debilates me for the remainder of the day and causes severe back pain on the left side of my back near my spine. If I take whatever stomach medicine I am trying at the time, my enzymes to break the food down, and pain medicine then I can usually function pretty well without going into that severe pain.
Avatar m tn My Gastro Doctor believes it is IBS due to stress so I have worked on that part (accupuncture, massage therapy, grief therapy) I work out every day and practice Yoga daily and have tried changing my diet a number of times. I lead a very active life but having chronic stomach pain and discomfort is truely driving me insane as I am uncomfortable every single day.I am beginning to feel depressed and hopeless with this situation as many of you have also mentioned.
Avatar m tn I have had fibromyalgia for almost 20 years, i have learned to cope with the pain from it. However recently I have had chronic burning pain on the left side of my mid back, and it recently started burning in my upper stomach- but on the skin not in my stomach. I know I have neuropathy as well, and that went from zero to full pain in a few short months. I also have burning in my feet, toes legs. What I don't know is if fibromyalgia could cause this pain or if its the neuropathy.
Avatar m tn I have always been very healthy but here lately have had pain in my stomach. On my own I got tested for Hep B using a Hep B Core AB, Igm (I was also tested for Hep C). From what I read this test for acute only. My doctor said that one of my liver emzymes is high and is testing me again. My last test was last week. It was negitive. I had unprotected sex with a CWS one year ago and oral six months ago. What is your thougths?
Avatar f tn I have a constant upset stomach and it feels like there is something in my throat. I guess I have chronic gastritis. Is it curable, what does this all mean and how can I help myself get better? I've cut out a lot of foods and I have a sugar issue - was not diagnosed with diabetes but prediabetes. I Thanks.
Avatar f tn I'm not sure what 'small village surgery' means, but you can't remain shy about being ill. If you have FMS I would consider that something serious (because they don't know what causes it, nor how to cure it)...therefore it is a lifelong, chronic illness. Continue to seek treatment for it until you locate a physician who will listen to your symptoms and will be receptive enough to help you treat them. IBS is something that typically comes along with FMS.
Avatar n tn My 8 year old daughter has stomach pain when she eats, which causes her to eat very little then 1-2 hours after she will have diarrhea. Sometimes she has diarrhea and stomach pain without eating anything.
Avatar m tn After two weeks of being real sick, last night and today I feel pretty good. I always have stomach pain even when I feel my best. If they could only find out what causes that pain they might find out why I am sick as well. Thanks for helping.
Avatar m tn anyway these symptoms have annoyed me for years on end i have a constant stomach pain in the centre of my stomach all day every day without fail. and the worst part for me is i dont know if this is normal but i have some form of stain in my underpants every day and what makes this worse is heat.
Avatar f tn For the past maybe two-two and a half months I've been dealing with a lot of symptoms. Lately I've realized I always have a fluctuating fever. It will be normal, a low grade fever and even up to 101.
Avatar n tn why do i get nightsweats, headaches, stomach pain and bloating after eating anything, heartburn...
Avatar n tn Start with your gallbladder and then have the doctor check your stomach. My grandmother had severe chest pain one night and thought she was having a heart attack. When she arrived at the hospital, they said that they were going down her stomach to have a look. Sure enough, she had a stomach tumor, benign and the doctors said that she had it for years and did not have any symptoms until that one night.
892237 tn?1249841914 It has been about a month and I have been in and out of the hospital. ER doctors have not been able to tell me what is wrong. My GI dr has not given me an adequate diagnose. I suffer from severe stomach pain, it makes itself present when I eat solids or so I've noticed. The pain lasts for about 2-3 hours and it goes away on its own. Along with the pain is vomitting. I also get the sensation of having a bowel movement but nothing happens.
Avatar m tn Hello tom25700, I just read your comments. You said you suffer from chronic pain for a few years and you're frustrated because some doctors can not find the source of it. My mom suffers from chronic pain as well as the doctors she has seen cannot find the source of the problem either. Where on your body is the chronic pain. For my mom it's her back. I really sympathize. I know how frustrating this must be. My mom says the same thing.
Avatar n tn Hello, Gastritis can cause pain in the upper abdomen after eating .Peptic ulcer disease causes upper left quadrant pain that usually begins 2 hours after a meal. It gets better with over the counter antacids. Stomach flu can cause indigestion and abdominal discomfort. Viral gastroenteritis can lead to nausea, abdominal pain and diarrhea. The exact location of pain and other details will help in determining the accurate cause .Take light meals. Avoid spicy fried foods.
Avatar n tn my 4yr old daughter has very bad stomach pain all she wants to do is be cuddle in a ball she is also itching all over she is saying her back is hurting!