
Stomach pain after weight loss

Common Questions and Answers about Stomach pain after weight loss


Avatar f tn Hi. I'm 34 year old mother of 2 young children. For the last year, I haven't been able to feel normal. Last September, I was vomiting so I went to the doctor and she ran regular blood work and it showed urobilinogen in my urine (4.0). She did an ultrasound of my gallbladder and liver and it showed no abnormalities. We did urine again a week later and it was down to 0.2.
Avatar m tn I'm having a pain, stomach cramps and diarrhea/loose stool problem myself. But also on the right and no swelling that I've seen. The doctor thought I might have a problem with my pancreas today with pressing and ordered blood testing and x-rays. I've had extreme pain in my stomach on eating in the past and was diagnosed with gastritis, advised to follow a clear liquid diet I think it was for 72 hours.
Avatar f tn There could be many reasons for missed period Hormones, Weight loss or Weight Gain medications Stress Anxiety. And The pains Could also be many reasons Gas Stomach Flu Ovarian Cyst . Best way to find out is Doctor. Because we could guess but honestly without test being done only could speculate. Make an appt. it will ease your anxiety and also get down to trhe problem.
626316 tn?1221977378 I have had stomach pain since i was 15 years old. I am 25 years old now. My stomach hurts on a daily basis ranges from mild to severe. I have no blood in my stool and i have controlled my diet to see if the pain is related, but it can happen with any food that i eat. I've lost about 25lbs in the last year. I have no idea how to get help. Do you have any ideas how to help diagnose my problem?
Avatar n tn I recently went into hospital to have a gastroscopy as I have been experencing both lower and upper abdominal pain, accompanied with extreme tiredness and weight loss. After the procedure the doctor said that everything was normal and there was no inflammation. He took a biopsy of my duodenum as he thinks that i may have celiac disease. I am currently awaiting the results to come back and have an appointment to see my consultant in two weeks.
Avatar f tn After reading you're first comment I was pretty sure that is a sign of pregnancy. If it was probably pain from you're uterus where the ovum has implanted which would cause a deep stomach pain. However, you should probably consult a doctor or checkout you're local Planned Parenthood. Also, try to think back to when you had risky/unprotected sex if you can remember.
Avatar f tn Dont know if the weight loss is normal. Was your cyst big? Could it account for some of the weight? Are you eating/drinking normally? Change in toilet habbits? If you had laparoscopic surgery (keyhole), they would have pumped your stomach full of co2 gas, which would make you swell up. Light exercise is supposed to help it go away, but it will probably take weeks for it to disappear completely.
Avatar f tn The majority do lose weight but some people just don't. Doesn't matter what brand of interferon or ribavirin because antiviral therapy as a whole seems to diminish the appetite regardless. In my case I consumed smaller portions because I couldn't get down what I had been accustomed to eating but I ate whatever I wanted to and still lost weight. Some people stay the same or actually gain weight on treatment which is hard for me to understand but it happens.
972758 tn?1253099564 Im thinking from the impederial after having 2 children.. I am also on Para Gard BC, and has notice terrible stomach pain since then. Could my back pain be from the bc? or imperderial??
Avatar n tn diarrhea, intense nausea, significant weight loss, loss of appetite, fatigue, burping of just air, and both upper and lower stomach pain. I have been to the ER, the GI, and the doctor countless times. I have had my blood drawn many times, a CT scan, and stool tests. No one can tell whats wrong with me. They have mentioned IBS and GERD. I am on medication for both but nothing is really making a difference. I am not sleeping at night because thats when my symptoms are at their worst.
Avatar f tn I lost weight as well. About 2 or 3lbs before the morning sickness hit then about 8 more.
Avatar f tn Are you underweight, average weight or over weight? If you fall in either of the last two, I wouldn't worry, its not uncommon to lose weight. I'm down 2 or 3 lbs, at 8 weeks. I'm over weight so losing isn't unexpected, plus I've been sick to my stomach.
Avatar n tn I experience all different kinds of physical symptoms due to my anxiety.... Upper abdominal pain, fatigue, loss of appetite, headaches, chest pain, dizziness, and just plain crying....oh, and yes..l weight loss.... Honey, I'm sure you're fine... The fever is probably nothing to worry about because I get them sometimes too... You will live and you'll be there for your kids. DO YOUR BEST AND TRY TO STOP THINKING YOU HAVE CANCER!!! And another tip....
Avatar f tn Hello, My mom just turned 50 this year. She was diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes two years ago and was 168 pounds at 5"5'. Her doctor put her on Metformin, and she is supposed to be on it for life. Her doctor told her that she would lose weight on it, and the lowest she's been so far is 143 pounds when she weighed herself within the past couple of days. She was at the doctor in December because she had laryngitis and she was weighed at 150 and he was glad about the weight loss.
535882 tn?1396576685 s thyroiditis and fibromyalgia, and I lost 25 pounds in 2009 and it did not change my levels, though my endoc tested me earlier than usual after the weight loss in case it did. My numbers remained fairly steady for a while and then my dose got bumped up a little this winter. My weight also crept up about five pounds probably because I was slightly hypothyroid; this winter I felt unusually hungry.
Avatar f tn I took her in after about six weeks because she was still slowly losin weight. The vet could find nothing wrong. At the present time she has a big stomach, but the rest is just skin and bones, i took her in again, but after everything the dr. could think of all tests came back neg. If she seemed to be in pain i would have her put down, but she acts like she feels good. She looks so bad, i can hardly look at her, does not stop me from petting her though.