
Slim fast low fat diet

Common Questions and Answers about Slim fast low fat diet


Avatar f tn Is it ok to drink slim fast while pregnant? I have gained too much weight so far. I started out tiny and now my mid section is huge! I'm not looking to lose weight but eating hurts. My lower back is in excruciating pain and I know it's from the weight gain and due to my belly sticking so far out. I'm only 25 weeks pregnant and I feel the only option is to eat tiny meals to keep up my energy because after I eat my stomach feels so tight b it just hurts.
Avatar f tn Has anyone had any luck on the Slim-Fast diet? I just started it, I need to lose around 30lbs.
Avatar f tn hi has any one done the slim fast diet----(milkshakes) and lost weight.How lond could u go on for? I'm planning to go on it but will do only one shake for dinner and have breakfast and lunch as normal.
Avatar n tn Also eat healthy, well balanced meals that are low in fat and high in protein. Stay away from soda and junk food. If you get hungry between meals eat a snack such as fruit, nuts, or raw veggies.
655875 tn?1295695107 Slim Fast was getting difficult to stay on track. I found myself cheating on the diet. My friend told me about the protien shake that Dr. Oz uses. There are a few recipes on his website. Right now I am using the Ultimate Breakfast Smoothie. It tastes awesome and it actually keeps me full for over 6 hours. I have zero cravings for food and sweets. I've cut back my dinner portion.
Avatar f tn Also covered are discussions relating to specific diet plans like the South Beach Diet, Atkins Diet, Slim-Fast, Weight Watchers, Counting Calories, Fat Flush, Body for Life and others." "Fat Flush" is a detox diet, much like a fasting regime. "Slim-Fast" is not a natural product. I am getting confused by the terse dismissals being offered to people who have come here for support.
Avatar n tn I have been eating far too much fatty foods and I am embarrest by how bad my fitness is. I am not a fat person, I am very slim but fat has accumulated throughout my body (cellulite yuck). I have decided that I have had enough of not being able to do the activities that I want to do like swimming and I need to do something to get rid of the fat. I am keen to take up skiing which is a good reason and motivation to improve my fitness.
Avatar n tn So I just need to lose my belly fat. Any particular kind of diet or plan to follow? Any suggestion? I also do jogging 3 times per week. Thanks!
Avatar f tn I love pizza, but since I make it myself, it is low on calories (little oil in dough, low fat cheese, lost of veggies, wholemeal flour). I only eat half, and if I am still hungry, I eat a side salad, with lemon juice instead of dressing. Look up the healthy food guide for fast, easy and low calorie recipes. Another, more radical approach is: no more carbs. Eat lots of veggies, one portion of fruit only, one handful of raw nuts, low fat dairy, high fat fish, lean meat.
1968463 tn?1374757813 I packed on alot of weight (35lbs.) in three months and my doctor said that it was due to one of my meds and that a three day juice fast may help me detox my sytem and gain a healthier start. I was just wondering if anyone here has trjed it before. I have read alot about it and it sounds awesome. Everone that I know that has tried it has said they feel so much better...and I want to try it, but I am wondering how it will effect me with all of the meds that I am on.
Avatar f tn I am very slim. 5'7", 120 lbs. Low BMI, marathoner who runs between 60-80 miles a week. I am vegetarian and don't eat fried stuff at all; the fat I get comes from avocados, almonds, nuts and is a very low fat diet. My diet is based on whole grains, legumes, and fruits. I don't eat refined sugars nor processed food. I don't drink alcohol. Always my cholesterol and triglycerides levels have been very, very low.
Avatar f tn Hi there im on a diet and was wondering what kind of fruits would be low carb or any kinda low carb snacks for in between meals or at lunch time ?
1707055 tn?1316144521 First off, there is no healthy way to drop pounds fast. When you lose weight, you want to do it slowly in order to keep the pounds off and have the weight loss last. Second, according to your weight tracker status on your profile, you are already in a healthy weight range, so why are you trying to lose more weight? It's not healthy to go below a certain weight and your body needs many nutrients, especially as a growing teen.
Avatar f tn No, I don't think it will affect kidney stones, but.. Slim fast has horrible ingredients, and I would not feed it to my dog. From their website, they list Hydrogenated soybean oil, High Fructose Corn syrup, etc. Soybean oil will make you fat, and so will high fructose corn syrup.Suffice to say, stay away from Slim Fast! Eat whole foods instead. At best, these drinks may cause rapid weight loss, but they are not healthy and usually the weight comes back later.
Avatar n tn In my opinion all those diet pills lose weight fast etc there all not good for you nor do they have a long term affect in order to keep the weight off you will proly have to contine with taking them.
Avatar f tn In the last 3 or 4 years I started trying out different forms of exercise. Running seemed to be the most effective, however I've developed some problems with my knees and right foot. I've also tried yoga (hatha, bikram), pilates, various types of bootcamp and recently the bar method - all of which I enjoy. If there's weightloss, I can usually see it in my face and upper body, however my problem areas are my abdomen, obliques and thighs.
Avatar m tn From your measurements, you are underweight for your height. Some people have a natural high metabolism which tends to cause them not to gain weight. Since you are underweight, you need to gain weight slowly, try to eat a Heart Healthy diet that will give you the nutrients, vitamins, and minerals your body needs, and help with possibly preventing future disease states. Suggest eating about 2000-2400 calories per day broken down to three meals a day, with snacks between meals.
526889 tn?1212540641 pasta), low fat and substitute dairy products (1% milk, low fat/fat free yogurts, low fat soy milk/soy yogurt), use plant oils, non trans-fat margarines, and eat a lot of fruits and vegetables. Eat daily high fiber breads and cereals (oatmeal). To help eat less food pre meal, eat about 7-10 almonds (good fat), 20 minutes before lunch and dinner so you will feel full faster and not eat as much food.
Avatar m tn From the measurements you stated you are about 30lbs underweight for your height. Suggest you eat 3 meals a day and try to eat a Heart Healthy diet which will give you the nutrients, vitamins and minerals your body needs, gain weight slowly, and help with possibly preventing disease states.
Avatar f tn I include arms 3 times a week, along with crunches and lunge exercises. My diet Monday thru Friday is this...A 20 oz coffee, Slim Fast with a banana and a low fat yogurt, 10-15 carrots, a handful of grapes, a frozen lunch <300calories, a low fat cheese stick, 1 serving of whole wheat crackers or pretzels, an apple, a hanful of mixed nuts and then finally dinner, which is either grilled chicken or fish with a fresh veggie. What is going on?
Avatar f tn Welcome to the community. Try walking at a reasonable pace. Also look into yoga as it's low impact and done at a slow very deliberate pace. Be sure to watch what you eat as well - might also help the e-coli infection.
Avatar f tn Hi, A lower calorie balanced diet is very effective for weight loss. A low carb diet causes the body to go into Ketosis whereby the body uses its fat as a source of energy. Also when you are in ketosis your body feels less hungry. This all sounds good except that this can also lead to kidney issues (even failure), osteoporosis, and kidney stones. Stay balanced and control your calories and you'll lose weight and avoid the side effects. Good luck.
Avatar f tn hye..i'm 19 & i'm fat since i was 6 years old.can you suggest me on healthy diet that will make me slim within 2 months? with exercises too.. cause i'm getting tired on people who always look down on me. TQ :) plus i'm having 'shy' problem.its not that i dislike jogging,but with people around,its make me feel like 'why i am the only one with this size..
Avatar f tn low cal, diet, fat-free, low fat, sugar-free,etc. They will just add more weight on your body in the end for sure!!! These products are designed for marketing purposes and profits!!! I purchase mostly ONE ingredient items from the supermarket, so I KNOW what's in my food,lol! If you gain weight too easily, have your thyroid checked. Ask and insist for Free T3, Free T4 and Reverse T3 tests! The standard tests miss too often!!! Good luck with your weight loss goals!