
Slim fast diet plan menu

Common Questions and Answers about Slim fast diet plan menu


Avatar f tn Has anyone had any luck on the Slim-Fast diet? I just started it, I need to lose around 30lbs.
Avatar f tn hi has any one done the slim fast diet----(milkshakes) and lost weight.How lond could u go on for? I'm planning to go on it but will do only one shake for dinner and have breakfast and lunch as normal.
Avatar f tn Is it ok to drink slim fast while pregnant? I have gained too much weight so far. I started out tiny and now my mid section is huge! I'm not looking to lose weight but eating hurts. My lower back is in excruciating pain and I know it's from the weight gain and due to my belly sticking so far out. I'm only 25 weeks pregnant and I feel the only option is to eat tiny meals to keep up my energy because after I eat my stomach feels so tight b it just hurts.
Avatar f tn You should probably talk to your dr about this. Really any diet plan you try should be discussed with your dr, but who actually does that? Not Me!! The problem here though is taking some sort of supplement/medicine and if it will react with any asthma meds you are taking. Interactions there or if you are allergic to an ingredient could be an issue. I have never take supplements/medicines. I have used Slim Fast though.
655875 tn?1295695107 Slim Fast was getting difficult to stay on track. I found myself cheating on the diet. My friend told me about the protien shake that Dr. Oz uses. There are a few recipes on his website. Right now I am using the Ultimate Breakfast Smoothie. It tastes awesome and it actually keeps me full for over 6 hours. I have zero cravings for food and sweets. I've cut back my dinner portion.
Avatar f tn Google "scarsdale diet" and you can check out the menu
Avatar n tn In my opinion all those diet pills lose weight fast etc there all not good for you nor do they have a long term affect in order to keep the weight off you will proly have to contine with taking them.
Avatar f tn I need a diet/ menu for a person with hepatitis c ie what cooking oils, what meat can they eat, can they eat fruit etc. ?
Avatar f tn I was wondering if anyone has a special diet or menu that they follow for hepatitis c. ie what cooking oils to use, if you can eat meat, if you can eat fruit, etc. would anyone help me with this a husband has it.
Avatar f tn any tips on cravings.. im not on slim-fast but it is a shakes and soup diet... also any exercise tips for being quite obese... the thought of doing anything like the biggest loser makes me feel sick.. something gentle but effective... any takers?
Avatar n tn You say you watch what you eat! but you didn't state what the diet menu is and the calories. at the gym do weights first and cardio last. Doing cardio first you become tired and then it's harder to do proper weight training. Try the following routine! The Peak 8 routine it will quickly raise your heart rate 8 times for very short bursts, with a cooling down period in between.
304970 tn?1331425994 As for lunch today I had one of those lean cuisine chicken club paninis with a handfull of goldfish a rice crispy treat and a banana so like 450 calories..not bad I would say! As for dinner...I have no idea, my mom will be making it but she's home sick so I don't know what's going to happen there! We never plan for the week, I wish we did. My menu monday would be so much more interesting!
1399124 tn?1401020004 Can someone tell me if eating fast can actually keep your blood sugar levels higher then they should be?
Avatar f tn Well I have tried over and over again with pills shakes nutrisystem slim fast weight warchers etc you name it I tried it.
Avatar f tn a few hopeful weeks of successful breastfeeding...anyone hve experience with diet pills?? Or maybe a healthy diet plan while breastfeeding?..i can do the exercise but the food intake has to change....
Avatar f tn What's on the menu for today ladies? Its raining where I say so I'm making cheesy chicken sausage rice something warm and fast.
Avatar f tn Welcome to the community. Try walking at a reasonable pace. Also look into yoga as it's low impact and done at a slow very deliberate pace. Be sure to watch what you eat as well - might also help the e-coli infection.
1968463 tn?1374757813 Actually, I have tried a LOT of different fasts over the years, and the most comfortable and most effective I've ever done is the "lemonade fast", or "lemonade diet." You can google it and get the recipe...It's amazing, and weight comes off really fast. I have a low blood sugar problem, but did not have problems on this fast.
Avatar n tn There is a diet called the DASH diet which was created to help people with diabetes, high blood pressure, and hypertension. You can do a little research on line about DASH; some sites even have a menu plan. First, you should definitely discuss this w/ your doctor, to see if this would be a good diet for you to follow during your pregnancy. Also, keep exercising daily ~ exercise really makes a huge difference w/ high blood pressure, it lowers it...
Avatar f tn I found a diet plan from the Cleveland clinic right after my total colostomy.It saved me from the constant diarrhea . The main thing is to drink only Gatorade not water. Water does not absorb easy and just thins the bowel. Gatorade is absorbed better. You can look up the diet. It also gives suggestions on what to eat to help thicken or thin the bowel.
Avatar f tn I think there are two types of Weight Watchers plans you can do, the plan where you count points and the one where it is a lower carb diet. Anyways, I gained weight on weight watchers before, when there wasn't the lower carb choice. I am now doign South Beach and have had success this week.
Avatar f tn Lala is absolutely right, don't diet, breastfeeding will help you loose weight fast and you will loose more as the baby feeds more. Congrats and best wishes.