Signs of concussion symptoms of concussion

Common Questions and Answers about Signs of concussion symptoms of concussion


Avatar f tn It is abundantly clear that in some cases concussions may result in seizures. That is not a "theory". It is a medical fact. It doesn't require "discussion". But not all concussions result in a seizure. There can be varying degrees of damage depending on the severity off the blow, where the impact takes place, and from resultant swelling, and if there is a delay in seeking medical attention. A "concussion" is not a "concussion".
Avatar f tn t anything else amiss, as headaches and nausea can be signs of more sinister conditions. That being said, the symptoms do line up with plain old concussion.
Avatar f tn I am a concussion survivor. Could you get a concussion if your head stops suddenly from a fast movement? Yesterday I was in a hurry and running and pushed the door in front of me. It stopped abruptly which caused my body to stop too. Could this cause a concussion? I'm scared because I am recovering from a concussion already. Does it make me more prone to brain injury? Please, help me!
Avatar f tn The next day it wasnt bothering me too bad so I didnt go to the doctor to see if i did have a concussion. Well ever since that weekend, i have pressure headaches on the right side of my head. It hurts on the right side of my neck too and around my ear area, but this is on the right side not the left where i got hit. I've been trying to figure out what might be wrong or if it's just an allergy headache that i get everyday. I havent been to the doc yet, not sure if its serious enough..
Avatar m tn About 5 months ago I slipped on ice and hit my head on pavement (front right temple). I had what I think may be considered as a mild concussion (loss of consciousness for 1 minute followed by heavy disorientation (amnesia?) for 7 minutes) At that time I was very drunk and I am thinking this played a large role on why I even lost consciousness. (I am only an occasional drinker though) I am a very healthy 28 y/o male.
Avatar n tn Post-concussive syndrome may involve a number of signs and symptoms including but not limited to headache, dizziness, fatigue, and memory difficulties. The "involuntary head jerking" your son has experienced may be related to cervical muscle (neck) spasm from the injury. This may be from a "whiplash" type injury (assuming any imaging of your son's neck were negative after the initial injury twp years ago).
Avatar f tn Light sensitivity, trouble focusing at near, difficulty concentrating, blurred vision are part of the post concussion syndrome. Not every person has every symptom and not every clears at the same rate. If you need glasses for distance generally you are myopic or nearsighted. That is not due to concussion. You should be seen by an Eye MD ophthalmologist for a medical eye exam.
Avatar m tn It impacts the liver, kidneys, every body part .... and yes, the brain of course. Concussion is when some action causes the brain itself to move and impact the inside of the skull. It can be a passive injury that causes no more than a headache ... or it can be very much worse by affecting motor skills and pupil dialation, even speech patterns. Concussion may appear like intoxication but any good doctor would be able to know the difference by just doing a blood test!
Avatar f tn I was wondering if there is another condition that had similar symptoms to post concussion syndrome. I have all of the most commonCommon coldsymptoms such as fatigue, nausea, migrains, mood swings, difficulty concentrating and remembering, but I also loss blocks of time, I pass out, and often experience some numbnessNumbness and tinglingon one side of my body. Could I have something other than Post Concussion Syndrome, and if so what?
Avatar f tn This then can be checked for the full year if there is any sort of injury to see if it is a concussion. Otherwise, you have to look for symptoms. This article you can copy and paste has a lot of info related to concussions. We looked for the signs after my son took a big head splitter in a soccer game and was put under concussion watch. https://my.clevelandclinic.
Avatar m tn A doctor generally looks for focal neurological or generalized neurological symptoms that would show there is a pressure on brain somewhere. In absence of these symptoms and based on the history a diagnosis of concussion is given. If concussion is severe, and there is underlying brain injury, then yes, even death can occur. Hope this helps! Take care!
Avatar f tn re supposed to take it easy after a concussion and orgasm raises your BP and all. Most of my symptoms of the concussion have gone away, aside from double vision. Thoughts?
Avatar m tn My 16 year old son was in a car wreck 5 1/2 days ago where he suffered a grade 2 moderate concussion. He was knocked unconscious for a short period of time & received a scalp laceration to the right side of his head . The CT scan discovered what the neurosurgeon described as a small thread size bleed. Later that day another CT scan was done & all signs of bleeding were gone & the blood had been absorbed. His stay in the hospital was for 3 days.
Avatar f tn I diagnosed concussion because I had pretty much all the symptoms of one. And I didn't go to the hospital for two reasons 1) I didn't feel like trusting my driving skills after that 2) I did a typical test for "serious" head trama (watching what your eyes do, how long you can focus on things ext) so I knew it wasn't "serious" so I didn't think to go. I know thats bad but what can I say.
Avatar f tn Since this is a concussion injury which is a brain injury causes by a sudden blow to the head or to the body. Symptoms of a concussion include memory loss, headaches or blurry vision, nausea, inability to stand or walk or having coordination and balance problems. There is an entity of post concussive syndrome where there is inability to think and headaches, changes in sleep patterns and personality etc. This needs to be evaluated clinically, CT/MRI scan brain needs to be done to rule out.
Avatar m tn A concussion can last for weeks after the head injury. The symptoms too vary from person to person. Headache, confusion, memory loss, dizziness, nausea vomiting, slurred speech and fatigue are common. Delayed symptoms include depression, irritability, sleep disturbances, seizures, loss of smell etc. Injury to olfactory and lingual nerves of smell and taste could be a cause or it could be that nerves are in shock.
Avatar f tn I had a very bad fall 2 weeks ago, hitting my head very, very hard on window sill. I had a CT & the diagnosis was a concussion but for the past 4 days I have the feeling I cannot get enough air & like I want to yawn but can't. Has anyone had this problem? It's only been since the concussion. No chest pain.
Avatar f tn Loss of consciousness isn’t required for a diagnosis of concussion or post concussion syndrome. Post concussion syndrome occurs within first 7 to 10 days and until 3 months. Symptoms are variable including dizziness, fatigue, irritability, anxiety, insomnia, loss of concentration and memory, light and noise sensitivity, headache varying from a tension type to cluster headaches. You need to consult a neurologist immediately.
Avatar m tn Is vision being messed up on of the first signs or is maybe the sleep or even the sines what are signs of chronic hematomo? Im so afraid of dieing in my sleep or going blind.
Avatar n tn Your symptoms could be due to migraine or PCS ( post concussion syndrome ) because of the concussion that you had years ago.Please go for an MRI brain to know the exact cause and consult a neurologist for treatment as a delay could be dangerous. There are chances of getting a stroke. Hope this helps you. Take care and regards !
Avatar m tn Usually people recover from a concussion without any residual effects. Some people may manifest the symptoms longer and the condition is termed as post concussion syndrome. Repeated concussions are known to double the risk. After a concussion, the levels of brain chemicals are altered. It usually takes about a week for these levels to stabilize again. However, the time it takes to recover from a concussion is variable, so avoid all strenuous activity till complete recovery.
Avatar m tn I also hit the back of my head and had a severe concussion and brain contusion (bruising of brain) 1 year 10 months ago and still suffering with 24/7 dizziness, stuffy head, ringing in ears etc., When it comes to Post concussion syndrome it is really a collections of many many symptoms and confusing. You are only 3 weeks away so it may be too early to call it and most people recover within few weeks or months. I am the unlucky one.