
Sertraline and long qt

Common Questions and Answers about Sertraline and long qt


Avatar m tn Your QT time will change all the time, it depends on a lot of things; heart rate, what you eat, activity, stress, medications, etc. One EKG showing borderline prolonged QT is NOT diagnostic of long QT. Also, a cardiologist must interpret your EKG, as the machines often are wrong, and prolonged QT will also usually manifest with specific changes in the T wave too. There are two variants of long QT.
Avatar m tn I have had my Primary care physcian consult a cardiologist and preformed a holter and echo-both normal and they are not concerned about Long QT. My ER doctor was not concerned about Long QT as his assumption was that it was cause by low potassium. I had even sent my EKGs to a arrythmia specialist at Mayo Clinic in Rochester to see if they thought I needed an appointment and they did not feel I needed an appointment given I have no family history of fainting or sudden death.
Avatar f tn I am suffering from depression but I have Long Qt and am obese , diabetic and have svt's my GP has been unable to find any medication that is suitable - do you have any suggestions?
Avatar f tn Spicy foods and foods that cause acid reflux. Becoming dehydrated and over extending self working out. and stress and anxiety. Many people have PVCs daily some a lot more than you are experiencing so they can be lived with. PVCs can be very scary but they are generally benign in an otherwise healthy heart. I would suspect if you stay heart healthy you need not worry even with long qt but in life there are no guarantees.
Avatar f tn I ended up getting the genetic test done.. it came back negative, and the doctor says my qt values are fine, so I don't believe that I have long qt. I saw Dr. Spencer Rosero in Rochester, NY who is a specialist in long qt. When he measured my qts by hand, the highest he found is 440 for qtc. He was sure I didn't have it and he has never been wrong. Nevertheless, I ended up getting the genetic test.. low and behold it turned out negative!
Avatar m tn Hi - I have some questions about long QT syndrome. I've recently had 3 EKGs because of palpitations and a fast heartbeat. I've asked the doctor who did them about long QT and each time he said there was nothing showing I had it. My QT/QTc was 350/418 on the first one I believe, on the second 362/425 and on the third 358/440. Heartbeat was 86, 83 and 91 respectively. The last one is the one that got me worried, because apparently 440 is the limit for normal.
Avatar m tn I understand that anything above 430-440ms is borderline and possibly indicative of long qt syndrome. So, I was just wondering regarding long qt syndrome, if it is what I have and it is a gene inheritance deal is sleeping a trigger of symptoms and problems for people with LQT1 and LQT2, or is that just with the rarer LQT3.? I tend to think I might have LQT1 because I am deaf in one ear.
Avatar f tn My internal medicine doctor of 12 years wants me to see a cardiologist. But it is soooooo rare to diagnose Long QT on ECG. I have had an episode of documented Long QT on ECG when I was hypokalemic (low potassium). After exhaustive research on internet, I found that the genetic blood test for Long QT Syndrome only identifies 70% of Long QT cases. So you have a 30% chance of getting a negative test and still have the syndrome. The test is $5,000 for one person.
Avatar m tn I'm a 30yr old male. I was on Sertraline approx 10 years ago for depression and it seemed to work until a crash. For one reason or another over the years, my treatment has changed several times. It is 2011 and i have found my way back to sertraline. I am currently taking 10mg of buspirone 2x day and 15mg of mirtazapine for major depression and generalized anxiety. I have been feeling constantly tired, apathetic and despondent.
Avatar n tn Hello, Last sunday my 12 year old daughter stood up quickly from the couch and fainted without warning. This had never happened before. She came to almost immediately and said she felt fine. Just prior to fainting she had been sleeping for about 12 hours and also had had nothing to eat or drink for close to 14 hours. When we took her to the ER they found that her QT was 459. The next day the EKG was repeated and was 441.
Avatar f tn I did notice on my last ekg that there was several downward spikes, i know this probably has nothing to do with long qt but does anyone know what the downward spikes mean? I am simply just paranoid and curious about this condition. I also read about antibiotics and other meda causing it. How do I know what antibiotics are safe and if I should take them?
Avatar m tn s laterand I still felt awful bp would drop heart rate felt either pounding or slow but I plodded on went back to university and so on Fast forward to last month, my dad told me that his sons from a previous marriage had children who had an event at school and the doctor decided to test her for long qt which she has.
Avatar n tn If this is not happening to you then you need to resolve this with your cardiologist and psychiatrist as long qt syndrome is serious business. Did you get diagnosed with long qt while on the drugs or after you stopped taking them? Because if the long qt is resolved it could be simple anxiety making you weak and dizzy. Well it sounds like you are on top of the situation. Take care, I hope you get this all worked out.
Avatar n tn Both ECGs said my QT is over 500. Do I have long QT syndrome who can this be just a hiccup on the ECG. My cardiologist is referring me to an arrythmia specialist. I am scared now because I have that Long QT syndrome can cause sudden death.
Avatar f tn Best of luck, but I would avoid your daughter taking cold and allergy meds since she already has a borderline long qt.
Avatar f tn At this stage, at the current level of QT, I would suggest it is wise just stop zoloft for few days, let’s say a week, and recheck QT. If it normalizes, and especially if it gets prolonged on reintroduction, then it proves the causal hypothesis. You will need to stop and avoid zoloft and preferably all SSRIs if possible. As of now you have very low risk of torsades de pointes and need not worry much unless you develop some symptoms.
Avatar f tn In regards to shortening the QT, Flecainide has been shown to shorten the QTc in Type 3 long QT syndrome though not in the other types of long QT. Flecainide can actually lengthen to QT some patients. I would recommend that you discuss these questions with your electrophysiologist. I hope this helps.
1425157 tn?1311651679 Hi,I have a history of pvc and pac i take atenolol 50 mg a day for this,no high blood pressure ,,i have had many ecg and a few holters and an echo,,and an av node signal average test,,no one has ever mentioned a long qt interval before -i am haveing gall bladder surgery soon and as a precaution they sent me to internist who ordered this last holter,saw clinic doc today for results he said it showed a long qt interval and he did and ecg then and there- no long qt on that one -i was haveing an an
Avatar f tn Since I told the cardiolgist I was there for a murmur instead of the qt and he never actually saw the ecg with the long qt, could it have been missed? Is there another possible reason for a qt to be long once?