
How long do sertraline withdrawal symptoms last

Common Questions and Answers about How long do sertraline withdrawal symptoms last


Avatar m tn I have been clean 11 Months and still seem to be getting withdrawal symptoms? Nothing like the initial symptoms, but bad enough How long can i expect this to last?.
Avatar f tn These are some of the most common withdrawal symptoms, and they started when he stopped taking a drug that causes withdrawal. Usually, when you stop a med because you feel you don't need it anymore, it takes a bit of time for the depression to come back and when it does it's just like it was before you started the drug. Unless I'm reading this wrong, this is all quite different from how the poster felt before going on an antidepressant. That's a sign of withdrawal.
Avatar m tn 90 days is a common turning point, but it doesn't stop there. Yes, methadone can take a long time to recover from. I was on twice as much as you and it took me 10 months to feel good. It is rough, but totally worth it. Hang in there. Are you taking vitamins and getting enough electrolytes and amino acids? That really helps. What are your other symptoms, maybe we can help with supplements to get you through.
Avatar m tn I highly recommend you start on one asap. I dont think it necessarily matters how long you were on subs, but how long youve been abusing substance. I was only on subs for 4 months, but abused pills for about 3 1/2 years. I am 34 days clean and not back to what I would call "normal." But, here's the thing. You can't focus on 30 days or 70 days. Take it 1 day at a time or 1 week at a time. Say, TODAY I can make it through. Each week it gets better.
Avatar m tn m currently going through Zoloft withdrawals and have many of the typical Zoloft withdrawal symptoms. I was just wondering if taking a Vicodin will interfere with the recovery of my Zoloft withdrawal? Could I have done any permanent brain damage from taking a Vicodin since my brain is in recovery mode? This is the first Vicodin I have taken since I stopped taking the Zoloft.
Avatar f tn Can anyone please give me information on how long the withdrawal symptoms last. I search all over and only see stories of this horrific drug withdrawal. Does anyone know how long I will endure this or does it vary?
Avatar f tn Do you think prozac is causing these problems? Unlikely it is withdrawal from Sertraline after 2 months. You should discuss this with your doctor. Your prozac dosage is very low, so it is probably not that. Nevertheless, what you are feeling is a worry. Looks like the cardiologist will give you the answer. The problem is now you are getting stressed about waiting so long for the appointment, and that is not helping, and stress and anxiety will give you bad palpitations.
Avatar m tn Nobody can answer this -- you are the only you and we all respond differently. Much of what you were feeling and might still be feeling are the effects of stopping the Lexapro abruptly -- you're describing typical withdrawal symptoms. We can't know because you not only stopped abruptly but then started right away on another medication, the Zoloft, so we can't ever know if these are side effects of the Zoloft or withdrawal effects from stopping the Lexapro.
Avatar f tn I keep reading that the worst of the withdraws last 3 to 4 days, and while i do feel better, I do not feel like I thought I would. I'm concerned that I'm just never going to feel normal again. If anyone has any information that would be of help i would greatly appreciate it. thanks.
1030383 tn?1338460785 I don't know how long it will last, it depends highly on the medication and what dose you're taking and how quickly you withdraw from it but I believe cold turkey withdrawal is the longest and hardest withdrawal of them all.
Avatar m tn My question is, did you taper? Also, exactly how long did your withdrawal symptoms last? I feel like this is lasting forever!! I know that it will get better and I will normal again I would just like to know when?? I will fight this demon, I will keep strong.
Avatar f tn s will last 4-6 days, but not everyone is the same depending on how much, how long and how many we were using. The good news is you have only been taking them for 3 months and can put an end to this for good. Addiction is progressive, so stopping now is saving you a lot of grief down the road. If you look in the top right of this page, you will see health pages. In there is the thomas recipe and that can help ease w/d's a lil. Best of luck and keep posting, you can do this man.