Sertraline side effects withdrawal

Common Questions and Answers about Sertraline side effects withdrawal


Avatar m tn Since posting here i have just gone and looked up Sertraline. It seems the side effects of that are very similar to withdrawal symptoms? Like i said i was getting symptoms before i started the Sertraline. In hindsight though it does seem to have gotten worse. Just let me add, when i went to my doctor it was more for my physical symptoms than mental ones. I have always suffered from Insomnia, probably due to my long term drug use, and have learned to cope with it.
Avatar m tn I tend to notice side effects whenever my dosage is adjusted by my prescribing doctor or when I initially start it or taper off of it. I believe that experiencing side effects are two fold with me. One, there were some side effects, and two I probably tended to 'magnify' or focus in on them more intently and decided that any odd feeling was related to the medication when in reality, it may not have been due to the sertraline.
Avatar m tn t ever know if these are side effects of the Zoloft or withdrawal effects from stopping the Lexapro. This should also tell you about stopping the Klonopin abruptly -- it's not about whether you're technically addicted to something or not, it's how easy your brain finds it to adapt back to being without the artificial way medication makes it work. Other medications can't duplicate this because they all work differently and target different receptors.
Avatar f tn My sertraline tablets recently stopped working so well and the GP switched me straight on to fluoxetine. It was a complete nightmare, withdrawal from sertraline plus the side effects from fluoxetine took me to the most terrifying place. I then stopped all ssris and have not had any for 17 days. The first week was awful but then I started to improve, I seemed to get my energy back and I could go out and do things, this was short lived.
Avatar f tn s part of the problem -- it takes about 4-6 weeks to notice if a med is going to work or not. Side effects, however, start immediately, because all these meds are artificial to the body. Twitching is a common side effect of antipsychotics, but not so much with antidepressants, but we're all different. It might be a problem with magnesium, as these meds interfere with the absorption of magnesium (and vice versa if taken at the same time).
Avatar f tn i was on 150mg sertraline and 80mg propanolol slow release have stopped taking both two weeks ago how long does it take for side effects of this take to stop
1030383 tn?1338460785 I'm withdrawing from Zyprexa, Abilify, Ativan and sertraline. It's been three weeks and I've had terrible nausea, stomach pain, fatigue, and generally not feeling good. How long will this last? And, any ideas on how to deal with mania since I can't just "knock myself out" like usual? I need to get enough sleep to stay out of the hospital!
Avatar f tn Obviously, your psychiatrist knows more about your present state of mind at the minute than I do, and I would urge you NOT to stop taking your medications without discussing it with him first, because stopping them cold turkey can have horrible side effects for you. The most important thing to do right now is find out whether you are pregnant or not, because you might be getting worked up about nothing. Good luck.
1910757 tn?1348683319 When I came off Sertraline there were no side effects, but with Venlafaxine the side effects of coming off it are very difficult. Like you I could not tolerate Fluoxetine either. Made me very bad. I can understand the worry about you losing weight. Is there any way you can adjust your diet to help with this? Will your doctor help you with trying to gain some weight?
Avatar f tn s just hard to know when something is coincidental or a side effect of a drug or a side effect of too many drugs at once or the side effects of stopping a drug. But at this point, you are where you are, and if it goes on for any length of time you probably need to see a headache specialist. Psychiatrists aren't that. And if you did abruptly stop either or both of the other two drugs, go back on them and see if the problem resolves. If it does, it was withdrawal, not the Zoloft.
Avatar f tn As most people taking anti depressants would say it takes 1-2 months to get the benefits and also putting up with possible side effects. I personally had the side effects of extreme tiredness/ lethargy, lack of motivation and slight Nausea. After four weeks I still get anxiety but I'm more in control and it doesn't go 'so deep'. My doctor has recently increased my dose to 100mg and only feeling ok but still have to tiredness.
9475243 tn?1405300275 Sertraline has a higher dose for working than Paxil because the drug are different. Sertraline usually starts its therapeutic dose at 100mg. Some do well at 50. Some are highly sensitive to things and absorb them really well while others don't. It usually takes about 4-6 weeks to notice positive effects, although some do notice them earlier. Side effects, though, start right away.
612551 tn?1450022175 Talking to myself? Now 8 days on sertraline and still fatigue side effects, an no noticeable reduction in my troubled ruminations. I will go to the full 50 mg on day 10, and if things get no better I'll ask my doctor for advice. Others have told me it takes a couple of weeks, so I should give it at least that long.
Avatar f tn These drugs I think work very well but they have trial and error for which is a best fit for someone AND they almost always have some start up side effects called transient side effects. They typically go away once you are at a therapeutic level for a while which is at about 6 to 8 weeks. And they gradually get better as you get used to the drug. This is why slowly increasing the dose helps. So, I think this is a reasonable plan.
Avatar f tn s thru the years (at different times for each), and some were a breeze to start, others had some pretty awful side effects. The good news is...those side effects started improving for me usually by the 2nd week, and once they started getting better, they went away pretty quickly. Hang in there...keep the line of communication open with your doc and of course, we're here for you too!
Avatar f tn The final part is that Zoloft works fine for anxiety and depression, but it takes about 4-6 weeks for most people to feel the beneficial effects. Side effects, however, start right away. I have no idea why you have these racing thoughts or why you would think you were going to die from having a stomach ache. As I said, there's got to be more your doctors diagnosed than you're saying.
Avatar f tn We all react differently to medications and we are all able to tolerate side effects differently. If the sertraline works well for your depression/anxiety, it will be up to you personally to decide if you can tolerate the side effect. Just don't give up too quickly. I almost did.
Avatar f tn Venaflaxine side effects not as bad as Sertraline. Cant remember that I experienced any side effects with Venaflaxine like I did with Serdep.
Avatar f tn t really work, or may just have annoying side effects, or even intolerable side effects, such as insomnia, or more often being tired all the time. Either one can happen. (One med kept me awake like drinking 20 cups of coffee. The same med put my mother to sleep for 18 hours.) Keep hope that there's a medication out there that will work wonders, and keep searching for it, and understand it's normal for any particular one not to work for everyone. Each one works for some.
Avatar f tn Pharmaceuticals have millions of awful side effects every day, and companies are repeatedly caught not putting the right amount of product in their capsules or tablets (research Teva pharmaceuticals, the world's largest generic manufacturer, for how many times it has been caught with adulterated product; research any pharmaceutical company for how many times it has marketed their products for unapproved and unresearched uses and lied about side effects including death), but we don't th
Avatar f tn Did you taper off the vibryd or quit abruptly? You can't just switch from one medication to another even in the same class and avoid withdrawal -- these meds are not easy to stop taking and it must be done carefully. Unless you completely stop taking a medication before starting another it's impossible to tell if your symptoms are a sign you're suffering withdrawal and quit too quickly or are side effects of the new medication.
Avatar n tn The most common side effects of Sertraline that you should watch out for are nausea, diarrhea and sleep disturbances, in that order. There are a lot of other side effects listed for Sertraline, but these are the ones commonly encountered. Drowsiness and excessive sleep may be seen with Clonazepam. Other side effects are rare. I won't be able to comment much on the effects of the initial dosage on your blood pressure, as it differs person to person.
Avatar f tn Different meds affect different people different ways. I have been on Sertraline (Zoloft) in the past and I am actually on it now. I actually prefer it to any other SSRI, but I can share with you my personal experiences with it. First of all, it is very common to prescribe a benzo like Xanax when starting an SSRI. It is true that it can have a high affinity for addiction if abused. But in my experience, taking it as prescribed for a month is what it is designed for.
Avatar n tn i have chills right now too, i used to have them as bad as you, chills and shaking, when i took a high dosage of perphenazine, and at a different time when i had a urinary infection. many psychiatric meds have chills as side effects. until recently i was taking 20 mg geodon and 4 mg perphenazine and had mild chills.
Avatar f tn just try and stay busy as hard as it may seem. distract yourself from these side effects. it helps. if the side effects are really that intolerable then talk to your doc asap. I really hope this med works for you like it has for me. what dosage are you taking?