
Seroquel blood sugar

Common Questions and Answers about Seroquel blood sugar


Avatar n tn Thanks to all who responded about the Suboxone-blood sugar problem. It wasn't Suboxone but Seroquel, another drug prescribed "off label" to help me sleep. For those of you who don't know, Seroquel is a vile, nasty drug with very serious side effects including Diabetes. If you are taking this poison, do your homework by checking all of the articles on the web. Good luck.
Avatar m tn Tests like fasting blood sugar, postprandial blood sugar, and thyroid tests may be needed. Consult your doctor and get evaluated. Hope it helps. Best luck and regards!
Avatar f tn Yes, all of those contribute to weight gain. Also Seroquel contributes to raising your blood glucose levels so for instance I already am at high risk for type 2 diabetes due to family history and I'm already overweight, so my doctor will not prescribe it for me. He said it is too great a risk of me developing type 2 at a young age. There are very few psychiatric meds that do not contribute to weight gain. I think Lamictle, Geodon (sp?
Avatar f tn d suggest having your psychiatrist refer you to a nutrionist and definitely get a test (at least once a year) for blood sugar levels and the like (on any antipsychotic). As for the "known" medication I take which is Clonidine as a mood stabilizer it makes me want to eat all the time so my policy is keep fattening snacks out of the house so I don't give into temptation. Speak to your psychiatrist and see how best to approach it.
1021784 tn?1306363011 I have taken seroquel since I was 17 and I am now 24. Usually a doctor will start you off on a lower dose from 25 mg to 100 mg. It makes you really sleepy so don't drive. But it does help with anxiety and insomnia and bad dreams. I am now at 600 mg. Over long periods of time u will get immune to lower doses. I take seroquel xr which is extended release where u take it at night and the benefits last all day. Not just at night. U won't be sleepy all day, just at night when u first take it.
Avatar m tn The most common side effects are dry mouth, drowsiness, sedation, dizziness, high blood sugar, weakness, constipation, abdominal pain, sudden drop in blood pressure upon standing, sore throat, weight gain, abnormal liver tests, upset stomach, and sluggishness. Sounds kinda nasty to me.....
874521 tn?1424116797 Be sure his dr watches his blood sugar levels as these meds can make you go pre diabetic or diabetic.
Avatar n tn Benadryl seems to knock the edge off of the tension and movement but I will still feel like my skin is crawling and like I have low blood pressure or low blood sugar. But it is enough sometimes so I can get to sleep. I have tried to not tak seroquel and switch to another drug but seroquel is the only medicine that manages my bipolar II disorder so I’m stuck trying to deal with this side effect but sometimes it’s so bad I want to wake my husband up to take me to the ER.
Avatar f tn t say in your post, Katie, is what your blood sugar readings are. The way to avoid complications is to keep your blood sugar below 140 as much of the time as possible. You are right that eating junk food will raise your blood sugar and having it high for a period of time can lead to complications.
Avatar m tn Physiologist? Not psychiatrist? If you google any of these drugs, or just consult the information that comes with it from the pharmacist, it will tell you all the possible side effects, but since individuals differ quite a bit in their experience there's no way to know what you'll experience. I will offer than Seroquel was illegally marketed for pretty much everything, especially sleep, which was an unwanted side effect of taking it, and it is a powerful drug.
8520825 tn?1398511460 You shouldn't be quitting by yourself. If you really hate it, you can point out to your doctor that you don't have to take anything you don't want to, and that you'd rather have a proper schedule. Stopping too quickly could cause a flare up in symptoms. 1200 mg is actually higher than the recommended max dose, which is 800 mg/day, unless you're taking something else that speeds up its metabolism. Another drug might work better for you without feeling so zombifying.
Avatar n tn Yes. It is the seroquel definetly. I have been on seroquel for 5 years now. I take 150-200mgs at nightime. In the last 5 years i have gained 100 pounds and my life has changed so much. It is a very bad drug cause even though it slows your brain down to help you sleep. It causes so many health issues and it makes you so hungry you could eat and eat and eat and its not that you are actually hungry it makes your brain tell you you're hungry.
Avatar f tn Risperidone was the best antipsychotic for me but it does have its own side effect probs one being weight gain and blood sugar probs.
Avatar m tn Most medications carry a risk of elevated blood sugar. I've been on Seroquel for a while now and my pdoc requests blood work on me at least every three months, just to monitor.. If you're concerned about the elevated blood sugar, than get tested to determine if your sugars are within normal range...
518117 tn?1429276273 On this forum someone was talking about there being a tort action lawsuit against the makers of Seroquel. That it is causing excessive weight gain, diabetes, very high blood pressure in people taking this antipsychotic. I am wanting to know further about these complications caused by Seroquel. My 28 year old son has been on this med for approximately 4 years now. He has gained a lot of weight on it. Anyone having further details on this subject, I would be most thankful for your input.
574118 tn?1305135284 The Zofran I take is currently approved for nausea from chemotherapy and the Tenex as a blood pressure medication but both are keeping me from rapid cycling. The sites that were posted as links give more detailed information on how mood stabilizers work if you want to know.
Avatar n tn t recall gaining weight. However my blood sugar soared up to on an average to over 30o fasting blood sugar. I am diagnosed with diabetes type2. I strongly recommend to at least be cautious of you're diabetic. Plus discuss with your prescribing doctor if you're diagnosed with diabetes, especially type2.
Avatar f tn she prescribed me some seroquel for sleep, cuz she asked about my sleep, which is HORRIBLE. so she told me to try 25mgs & if that didnt help then try 50mgs so im going to call the psych tommorrow & hope i can get an appointment soon, that way i can get a diognosis. anybody have any negative thoughts on seroquel?
1349329 tn?1276985202 A friend who had gone off of it due to this same problem advised me to start monitoring my blood sugar. Sure enough-I had FASTING levels of 200!!!! I went off a few months ago, blood sugars now run in the 70's and I've lost 28 of the 45 lbs. Please be careful with Seroquel!!
Avatar f tn Not in massive quantities. Just in the same amount I always have (prior to seroquel). Well, for the most part anyway. I made a chocolate cake the other day because I love baking, but not actually eating what I bake because usually after I'm done baking I'm so sick of whatever I was making that I don't want to eat any of it, but I ended up eating the ENTIRE THING. My husband was impressed. He didn't think I had that in me. I didn't think I had that in me!
Avatar f tn Hi i m male 29.weight 95 question is regarding my blood sugar.5 days ago randomly after heavy dinner i checked my bs and home gluco meter said 225 after almost 2 hours.then i checked half hour later and it was 182 after 3 and half hours it was 103.225 was high so in morning i went to lab with gluco meter and they picked blood from vein and tested on gluco meter ist it was 103 and in lab 87.lab technician told me that go home eat drink tea with sugar and come back after two hours.
Avatar f tn But this morning I got really lightheaded and a headache all of a sudden(which I know is normal in pregnancy) but I checked my blood pressure again to see if that was it, and it was perfect. So I checked my blood sugar and it was 79, I had just had a fruit smoothie. The medical assistant at work told me it was low, and then another told me it was slightly low. My question is does anyone know what it should be? I go to the Dr tomorrow so I will ask him, but I'm just curious.
Avatar f tn But this morning I got really lightheaded and a headache all of a sudden(which I know is normal in pregnancy) but I checked my blood pressure again to see if that was it, and it was perfect. So I checked my blood sugar and it was 79, I had just had a fruit smoothie. The medical assistant at work told me it was low, and then another told me it was slightly low. My question is does anyone know what it should be? I go to the Dr tomorrow so I will ask him, but I'm just curious.
Avatar f tn Anything with carbs is going to spike your blood sugar. If your trying to stabilize blood sugar, I would recommend eating lots of protein and vegetables. As for carbs, choose the healthy carbs or brown rice and more slow digesting carbs. That way your blood sugar won't rise as high or fast. I'm type 1 diabetic and pregnant, so u have been testing blood sugar like crazy for a good amount of my life.
Avatar n tn Is 130 high for blood sugar?