
Rice milk health problems

Common Questions and Answers about Rice milk health problems


Avatar f tn If you have a nut allergy, you can try rice milk. There are many rice milk options available. Trader Joe's makes a really good one that they sell in the refrigerated section, if you live in an area where they are located. It is not uncommon to have sensitivities or outright allergy to soy. Soy is one of the top 16 allergens.
Avatar f tn So once I relax my anxiety of my stomach making a noise goes away and why is that?
Avatar f tn I did a little research on Coconut milk simply because I have to stay away from saturated fats such that cow milk has. Turns out Coconut milk is a wonder drug for those that live in an area where saturated fats are nearly non-existent but has far more saturated fat than cows milk. I love coconut candy, cakes, and such which is what started the research. Turns out that Almound milk is one of the best milks out there for health issues.
1303813 tn?1303159362 What do you think, I started him back on baby rice ONCE A DAY yesterday he has it at lunch time, I make it how it says 1 spoonful of rice 10 spoonfuls of milk (The baby spoon sized) and he will eat it all then finish his bottle (he is a chubby one) She also had a go at me for the way I made my bottles, I made them how my mum made them... boil water and once its called down add the milk... But because ONE baby died of them being made like that... its wrong..
Avatar f tn You can mix rice cereal with their milk and feed it to him with a spoon. . My daughter really enjoyed it and filled her up more.
Avatar f tn Hi :-) I am very interested in changing my eating habits and learning more about nutrition. I recently was told that soy milk can cause thyroid problems. Would any one like to share pro's and con's of consuming a lot of soy in your diet? Thanks, B.
1099716 tn?1257569824 It sounds to me like you are lactose intolerant and suceptible to the butter fat. Your usual symptoms sound very much like classic symptoms to lactose intolerance. It sounds like you need to become very strict with yourself and totally eliminate dairy from your diet, since you have had a history with it bothering your digestive tract and your sinuses. Totally classic lactose intolerance.
290867 tn?1333569278 t have any kids but i do know of women who have giving there infants age 3 months rice cereal. it just made the babies fat for there age. no health issues, or anything is wrong with the infants it's really up to the mother and how she feels . hope i was able to help.
2030686 tn?1351688548 Even the ones that specifically say milk free on the label have milk in them. Lactose free usually still has milk poducts in it and typically whey comes from milk. Any one else with a milk allergy on peg/riba who can help me out here? Any suggestions on what to do when I can't eat? Like I said, it's not lactose that's a problem, it's any milk products.
8112046 tn?1396620403 Just be careful with soy. It can causebissues woth estrogen in boys.
Avatar f tn So husband and I are really contemplating adding rice cereal to his last bottle before we go to bed. Just enough to get him to maybe drop 1 night feeding and be fully hungry at the next. What are some of your thoughts. I know they say 3 months or older but this whole waking up just to feed 1.5 ounces every 2 hours is super annoying. And we're wasting a lot of formula.
Avatar m tn Chew your food thoroughly. Be sure you get lots of vegetables and protein. Eat whole fruit; bananas are good. Nuts are good; eat a handful every day. But brazil nuts are not to be eaten too often or in large quantities because they have a lot of selenium or something and you can overdose. But other than that, nuts have calories and good fat and can help you increase your calorie intake (assuming you aren't allergic). Consider you could have food sensitivities such as to milk.
Avatar n tn t end up with a soy overload. Rice milk or even almond milk are safer bets. If someone is sensitive or allergic to nuts, obviously almond milk is out, too. "Til I discovered I'm sensitive to all nuts, I had tried almond milk a few times and found that it really tastes good. The rice milk is the safest, and Trader Joe's has a few options there, too. When avoiding gluten, you'll want to investigate the bulk foods section of your other grocery stores.
Avatar f tn So husband and I are really contemplating adding rice cereal to his last bottle before we go to bed. Just enough to get him to maybe drop 1 night feeding and be fully hungry at the next. What are some of your thoughts. I know they say 3 months or older but this whole waking up just to feed 1.5 ounces every 2 hours is super annoying. And we're wasting a lot of formula.
1666434 tn?1325262350 I have heard that a person's system changes every 5 years, so, it is very possible to develop new allergies or sensitivities almost at any time, especially if your immune system is not up to par. I did not know that constipation was a sign of allergy to milk, that is good to know Chit Chat. I have never tried any other milk other than the "orginal cows milk" So, rice milk is good? I could not drink soy milk, I have a horrible allergy to soy, makes me sick as a dog.
383536 tn?1225030613 when you start feeding yor baby rice cereal how often are you supposed to?
Avatar n tn Make pasta and cheese or add cheese to rice and beans. Some children will accept whole milk if you add chocolate or strawberry flavor mix to it. If that does not work and she likes soy milk, then give her soy milk (has the same amount of calcium as in regular milk). Hoped this helped you.
Avatar f tn I think food allergies might be causing your ear problems. Mine used to sound the exact same way....ringing, muffled, popping. Since I had read that MILK is the #1 cause of ear problems in kids, I gave up all milk products ( I didn't have anything that contained any derivative from milk - no yogurt, cheese, ice cream, coffee creamer (not even non-dairy creamer - that has a protein from milk in it called sodium caseinate). Read all ingredients on labels.
Avatar f tn How old is ur baby? How much milk are they eatting. . Have any one added rice to the babies bottle. .. my son is 1 month and he is eating 4 oz...
Avatar f tn Try mixing some baby rice into his milk, it'll help make him feel fuller x
Avatar m tn The substitutes for dairy products are soymilk, rice milk, almond milk, soy cheese, soy yogurt, soy ice cream, and rice ice cream. Hoped that helped you.
Avatar n tn Well, you could add some boullion (sp?) to the chicken & rice, which would give it a little more flavor and moisten it up for you. Bananas are very good for someone who needs to concentrate on a bland diet. As is applesauce. Plain oatmeal or cream of wheat is good for digestive problems too. Hope you fell better soon!
Avatar f tn s store, they have good prices on rice and wild rice, which is actually not a variety of rice. This is important to know for people allergic to rice. It's just called wild rice, but it's actually an aquatic plant seed and is longer than a grain of rice. It has a nice flavor all on its own, which is a nice break from rice, too. Trader Joe's has a couple of rice pastas. Are you able to eat rice still?
Avatar f tn My son was soo hungry ( he was iugr) he got to nearly 3 months n milk just wasn't enough so , as I didn't have any baby rice and it was 7pm, my mum cooked n pureed some Carrott n he ate that till I go some baby rice the next day, he knew exactly how to eat it and was soo ready he would have never made it to 6 months on pure formula, he is now a healthy 2.
Avatar n tn There are other alternatives other than regular dairy milk-there is the soy, rice, and almond milk. I would ask your doctor about using these instead. I also would not give her peanut butter yet this is a common allergy food. hope this is helpful (by the way lactose intolernace is not an allergy and a different test would need to be done to determine that.