
Ribavirin in measles

Common Questions and Answers about Ribavirin in measles


707563 tn?1626361905 The CDC has identified current measles outbreaks in 18 states in the US. Additionally, Brazil, Canada, Columbia, Madagascar, Philippines, Ukraine, Russia and several other countries are also seeing a resurgence in measles. (To check locations - or Measles had nearly disappeared in the U.S.
Avatar f tn in hamsters, ribavirin was associated with defects of the limbs, eyes, and brain; in rats, defects of the brain and eyes predominated -- but these were experiments exposing bone marrow cells. Because of its frequent association with adverse effects on pregnancy in animal experiments, the marketing approval of ribavirin specified that it be avoided in women or girls who are pregnant or may become pregnant within four weeks after exposure to the drug.
941975 tn?1245421820 My daughter was diagnosed with HCV in March of this year and she was getting ready to start the treatments with interferon and ribavirin. Then when we called to set the first appointment up for treatment they told her that she no longer has HCV all her liver test came back normal, and that she does not have to have the treatments. Is this possible? The letter stated that the HCV RNA by PCR quanatative Not detected, and to repeat the test in 6 months.
3191940 tn?1447268717 I was born in 1961. Was there such a thing as the german measles or red measles?
Avatar f tn Have u had ur measels jab?
Avatar n tn my doc went on vac for a week his nurse told me i shouldnt be hurting after taking the prilosic i told her i was and she acted like i was lying it made it better now i only have attacks sometimes all day it hurts and if i dont eat at all it hurts real bad it hurts the more i sit it feels better when i stand or lay down i know when i was on the ventalator with the measles they nicked my lung going in and it hurt really bad afterward for a week and i have had the measles vaccination 3 times when
Avatar m tn I was born in 1974. My mother told me that I was given complete immunizations when I was a child, but she cannot remember what specific immunizations I got. My mother also cannot find my immunization records at present. From what I remembered, I may have experienced measles and mumps when I was a child. I’m not sure if I’ve experience rubella. Now, the hospital that I’ll be working requires all employees to get MMR vaccination.
8227972 tn?1414913484 new here.. last april 4 i was diagnosed of having german measles coz i had rashes all over my body. it was never itchy(just felt hot) and never had a fever.. yesterday, i found out im pregnant..before i had german measles, i took 3 pregnancy tests which were all negative.. yesterday, i went to my ob after reading an article about german measles causing birth defects or miscarriage..i then found out that im pregnant..of course im happy about it but got scared..
463897 tn?1468013750 The measles virus is highly contagious, and kids are getting sick. Our FAQ has helpful information to demystify the measles and links to where you can learn more. Click Here: http://www.medhelp.
463897 tn?1468013750 The measles virus is highly contagious, and kids are getting sick. Our FAQ has helpful information to demystify the measles and links to where you can learn more. Click Here: http://www.medhelp.
463897 tn?1468013750 The measles virus is highly contagious, and kids are getting sick. Our FAQ has helpful information to demystify the measles and links to where you can learn more. Click Here: http://www.medhelp.
463897 tn?1468013750 The measles virus is highly contagious, and kids are getting sick. Our FAQ has helpful information to demystify the measles and links to where you can learn more. Click Here: http://www.medhelp.
Avatar f tn I have a rash on both my upper arms which looks like German measles type rash and I have swollen glands in my neck what could this be?
Avatar f tn The virus replicates in the upper respiratory tract and then transfers to all of the body, crosses the placenta and damages embryo/fetus. The consequences can be: cataracts for baby, deaf, heart defects, mental retardation and death during first year.
Avatar n tn I had measles a couple of months ago. That's gone. What happened afterwords is my groin area started showing red patches, very dry skin, then red spots on my buttocks (a few). I've had this rash for more than two months. Doesn't seem to be spreading but will not go away. I use diaper rash medicine which seem to help the redness, Also, just after the measles, my groin testical skin area chapped up bad. A crust layer grew over this area then after so many days of showering fell off.
Avatar f tn Anyone against them needs to walk through an old graveyard and see all the headstones of entire families of children taken out by measles, polio, whooping cough and chicken pox. In 1912 4 million people in the u.s. died from chicken pox! 4,million and 500,000 from the measles.
Avatar m tn I have thought that antibodies are produced by your body in reaction to a viral infection i.e. Hep c virus or measles virus. I guess should read up on how antibodies specifically function.
Avatar f tn In southern California there has been a measles outbreak and more and more cases are popping up. I'm so nervous for my new baby since she won't be able to have the vaccination until she is 1 so she will be at a huge risk. I'm due May 2nd so I'm hoping it will somehow go away but it doesn't look likely. The most frustrating part is that because of irresponsible people not vaccinating a disease that was pretty much gone is now popping up everywhere.
Avatar m tn Rubella is not chicken pox or measles. But it can cause birth defects. Maybe ask to get retested. Did you recieve the mmr vaccine as a child? (measles, mumps, and rubella) will look it up and see if I can help you with info.
Avatar m tn after etching it becomes red and kinda looks like Measles..but i dont feel any fever or any other symptoms of measles.. problem is only in my legs..when etching starts feels like i will rip off my skin..what to do?
250701 tn?1320974765 I had the rash like that across my chest and it was miserable and I do have a few scars. Mine looked like chicken pox, shingles and measles all in one and they did pop and ooze, I am surprised I didn't get a huge infection as I was constantly scraching it. I used calamine lotion on it and that helped alot.
Avatar f tn I am really worried about the measles outbreak. I am due on 3/9 and i HAVE to go back to work after my son reaches 6 weeks. I havent heard anything about Oklahoma having a case yet. YET. but its spreading and there is always a risk that it will eventually get here. i am a single mom now, so daycare is my only option of being able to provide for my children. So the risk is so much greater.
Avatar n tn This could be measles. Has she been in contact with anyone that has had Measles, German Measles or Chicken Pox over the last couple of weeks? Keep her warm and give her plenty of drinks and children's pain reliever as directed on the packet if she is fretting or has a raised temperature. Chicken pox tend to have blister looking type spots after the initial red spots. Try and make sure that she does not scratch.
1215361 tn?1326790731 i am 33 weeks pregnant and my husband is infected with measles. i come to know about it yesterday when he got the rash on the skin. Please help me what should i do to protect myself and the baby.