
Restasis for blepharitis

Common Questions and Answers about Restasis for blepharitis


Avatar n tn Am wondering If punctal plugs are an option to help the extreme dry eye for blepharitis sufferers or would they make it worse? What are the complications and are there any other possible alternatives?
Avatar n tn If you can get your ophthalmologist to prescribe them you should be able to order off the internet. Both my wife and I have been on Restasis for years for marked dry eyes. with great results.
Avatar n tn There is one other thing - demodex follicularis - which are little mites in the eyelash follicles. They can cause terrible blepharitis in some people and the doctor needs to look for that. He may not see them unless he has a 25x magnification slit lamp and knows what to look for.
Avatar n tn I have had severe dry eye and blepharospasms since June 2008. I have been on Lotemax & Restasis for at least 6 mos. After I lubricate my eyes, why do they close? I need to work and how much longer until the blepharospasms go away? I have been to many doctors and stopped all medications I was taking over 2 mos. ago. The blepharitis is mild now.
Avatar f tn I then tried Restasis for 3 months.and all it did was burn, so I stopped. If you read the fine print, Restasis only works in 15% of the people. I found that liquid eye drops can aggravate the situation because they don't seem to contain the "oily" tears that are needed to protect the eye from drying. Often I would get headaches that started with my eyes hurting. I finally found that eye ointments works and Genteal PM was the best.
Avatar m tn I have discussed restasis eye drops with my optometrist and he told me that it wasn't a good idea. He also told me that he sees no signs of blepharitis and that it's probably allergies and gave me Opticrom to use (which were unsuccessful and stung my eyes and made them redder temporary -- as the side effect). He also said that the tear film over my eyes is very thin.
Avatar f tn After 2 steroid drops, Sooth XP, Freshtears gel at night, and now finally Restasis and Lotemax, I see no improvment. I have been taking the Restasis for 5 months now. If it was going to work, would it have worked by now? I show no signs of improvment. After spending lots of money that is hard for me to come up with, I am at my wits end. Any other suggestions?
429949 tn?1224691579 I've been in restasis for two months now for damaged tear bed due to chronic dry eye. I haven't had much of any side effects except for occasional increased burning of the eyes. I have noticed that my eye will water and tears will form on occasion when watching television or at the computer. My doctor prescribed Lotemax drops to be used the first two weeks of starting Restasis treatment.
Avatar f tn Thank you for the prompt reply. Restasis is only available in the U.S. and a prescription is necessary I was told. I am in Montreal. What exactly is in this medication that is so helpful? Can a Canadian cross the border, visit a clinic, and get such a prescription because at this point, I am ready to try just about anything. I see the top ophthamologist at one of the hospitals in Montreal and he told me to search the net for info on SLK as the man runs he has so many patients.
Avatar f tn I also had an infection in the left eye which cleared up with an antibiotic/antiflammatory drug and the Ophthalmalogist then started me on Restasis. The left eye still has pain. Can you still have dry eye with Restasis? Maybe this is the cause of the pain. Also the floaters are still in the left eye. Can the floaters cause pain also?
Avatar m tn We have been on Restasis with spectacular results for over 8 years. There are two other drops like Restasis, xiidra which patients do not like and is very expensive and Cequa which is same medicine as restasis but stronger concentration. Ask you ophthalmologist about Restasis (cyclosporin) think it just became available as generic.
807912 tn?1242136155 You might use the search feature and read about dry eye and blepharitis. Discuss with your retina MD or general Eye MD. You may need restasis if the problem persists.
Avatar f tn Look into all possible remedies including dietary supplements like flax and fish oil and punctul plugs, restasis, and also look very closely for lid margin disease. Secondly, I'm ver surprised that botox didn't help and it makes me wonder how much experience that doc has with botox for that problem. Suggest you see oculoplastic surgeon who has experience in botox for blepharospasm. In the end it may be a combination of all 3 problems.
Avatar n tn I have noticed the burning sensation you have discussed. What is the success rate for Restasis for people who have tried it and stuck to the Restasis program.
Avatar n tn Thank you very much for your response. I have use Steralid, after while it caused eye irritation. Fish oil made me sick to my stomach. I did ask my eye doctor for antibiotics and his nurse told me he declined that and also restasis. The only two left are the minocycline or deoxycycline and the restasis. So, should I beg the guy, I went to high school with him 30 years ago.
Avatar m tn In early Oct. 08 it felt like something was in my eye. I flushed it, used drops that may have been expired for some time as we just moved & did not through out all meds. I then flushed it under the tub faucet and it burned for 15-20 secs. I did not feel anything after that, but it has never looked the same. The left eye is redder most of the time and burns & itches from time to time. I'm on Restasis and 50mg of Doxy. I'm 42 yr old male.
Avatar n tn While there discuss with him/her going on long term restasis and using a topical steroid such as lotemax for the first couple of weeks to reduce the stinging you likely will have. The use of restasis for long term eye for surface eye inflammation is a very promising new use. Another very promiscing drug that might benefit you is Azasite which is an eyedrop that has emerged as the favorite for resistant and chronic blepharitis.
Avatar f tn For the last few years I have been suffering from dry eye problems. I would wake up in the middle of the night with blurred vision, scratchy, hard to focus, and sensitivity to light. I also wake up in the morning with this. I have been putting perservative free eye drops in my eyes but it doesn't seem to be helping. I was told that taking fish oil & flasx seed supplements helps with dry eye. Is this true? If so how many milligrams should I take and how many a day? Thank you.
429949 tn?1224691579 My optho put me on the Restasis because I had been on the artificial tears for a year and a half and was still having sevier eye dryness, pain, Meibomian gland dysfunction, blepharitis. He felt that I was having to use these drops too many times a day to try to control it. This is why he aded the Restasis. He never said that they were an immune supressant, I looked it up myself. He is not too comfortable when the brain damage or immune system is brought up.
Avatar m tn I am hoping to narrow down the possibilities because I have spent a decent amount of money and have not been able to get the proper answer to solve the problem. The red eyes has lasted for a month or so, my eyes are white through out the day but red/pink when I wake up.
Avatar n tn THE THING for blepharitis control (not cure-its a chronic disease) is TheraTears SteriLid eyelid cleaner available over the counter. Also use the search, archives and health topic features here to read the many references to blepharitis.
917763 tn?1311628896 Its not like the standard cortico-steroid immune system inhibitors apparently. I have used Restasis for several years (after tx) and found it to be effective for my dry eye problems, after the initial month or two acclimation process. The first month is the worst, with eye reactions, and lots of burning, for many users. Later it seems to have the opposite effect. If it also 'kills' HCV virions, maybe it is an even better choice during tx. I would discuss with your Hepatologist....
Avatar m tn My Eye Doctor suggested I keep Restasis in the fridge to make more comfortable and reduce the burning and to keep using ir for 2 days. Does Restasis lose its effectiveness when placed in the fridge. Also when are results typically seen? I have a TBUT of 5 and hoping to see an increase if ues consistently.
Avatar m tn 1 % ointment turns out to be an excellent therapeutic option for treatment of severe atopic blepharitis. Long-term efficacy and safety have to be evaluated in long-term follow-up studies.
429949 tn?1224691579 I have been on Restsis eye drops for about two weeks and I am already seeing some changes for the good! I have had Severe dry eye, blepharitis and Meibomian gland dysfunction ever since I had the acute attack in 2006. The Meibomian glands secrete an oil that is essential to the tear film, and they get clogged and stop working correctly. Blepharitis is inflamation of the eyelids. They both are very painful conditions that I have been trying to get under control for two years now!
Avatar m tn 1% for blepharitis aka Topical FK 506 Ointment 0.1%. I have blepharitis many years and used many treatments most short lived and then back on the rollercoaser with red eyes + inflamed lids crusting etc .