
Provigil adhd

Common Questions and Answers about Provigil adhd


620048 tn?1358018235 If I can explain this...along with fatigue I can also be very hyper too and it is like the two are pulling me apart and it does wear me out when it gets too bad for too long. Last time I was at the dr's office he asked me if i was ever diagnosed with ADD/ADHD ? I told him I had not and he said that I sure act as if I do. I am easily distracted, stop in the middle of sentence, interrupt him a lot and skip around from one thing to another, i am just all over the place...
429700 tn?1308007823 I don't have MS (so it appears), but I have quite a few similar symptoms, including dizziness and the related brain fog and fatigue. Back in 2000, neuro prescribed Provigil, saying "we used to use Ritalin for this" but that Provigil is now favored because of fewer side effects. Provigil was very helpful for both fatigue and cognition, although I didn't like the late-afternoon "letdown" effect I got with it. It was rather unpleasant.
18004103 tn?1462248643 I should add I chewed tobacco during this time and I also used adhd medication. Since this incident occurred I quit both. After a few years I slowly began using a small does of adhd meds and I began hormone rep. therapy (TRT). TRT can raise RBC count and hemocrit is 51.4% (even before TRT) and has stayed the same. My most recent blood work showed a slightly elevated RBC. I didn't worry because I exercise religiously.
429700 tn?1308007823 I was wondering--have any of you been diagnosed with attention deficit disorder (ADD)? I was quite surprised when my neuro diagnosed me with this last week. I think it's related to my MS, but not sure (dummy me didn't think to ask). He told me that Provigil actually helps with this problem and raised my dosage a bit. The cognitive stuff has improved greatly since taking Provigil, but if it would go away completely, I don't think I'd mind one bit!
1710955 tn?1309446473 The propanolol increases the Provigil in the blood. I only take 100 mg. of Provigil. I have tried other medicines for fatigue and they don't work for me. I don't have any adverse effect and it actually makes me feel human. Typically, the medicines used for attention deficit disorder or ADHD are used to combat fatigue.
Avatar m tn Depression is a very strong co-disorder of ADHD or ADD. Many times if the ADD is appropriately treated, the depression will lesson (since the undiagnosed ADD was the problem). You might ask him where in the clinical standards it says you should not be treated. You have all of the symptoms. This link will provide some more info on medication, ADHD, and depression. Let me know if you need any specific info. Best wishes.
Avatar f tn Maybe you could get on something else like provigil. It is also for ADHD but is not as strong and is popular among older patients diagnosed later in life. Look it up and do some research on your own about different treatment options and meds.
Avatar f tn s what your discussing. Most medications for ADD or ADHD are stimulants of one sort or another, and prescriptions for stimulants are often used to combat MS-related fatigue. I believe several of our community members use Provigil in this capacity. I don't have fatigue to that extent, so coffee usually does the trick. Hopefully folks with personal experience will chime in.
1627868 tn?1333886342 There are two meds that I learned about Provigil and Nuvigil, My neuro just prescribe Provigil. I haven't had it filled yet because I don't have the $$$. But I am looking forward to trying it.
789572 tn?1334424879 Hey there, You might discuss Provigil or one of its clones with your doctor; I’ve heard of HCV patients in treatment taking it for staying alert. I believe it’s labeled for shift workers (also fighter pilots), among other things. I know what you mean about fatigue; I was trying to work pre-treatment, and ended up napping in the cab of my truck some days. I hope you find something to help you out soon; are you in Anchortown?
405614 tn?1329144114 I’m writing once again regarding a possible appeal of the denial of Provigil prescription that you wrote for me at our last visit, after it was clear that the free week’s trial of the medication was very helpful in restoring some of my quality of life. I contacted my insurance company, spoke to Brandon, a pharmacy account specialist. He said that more evidence showing that the medication is medically necessary to help my condition is needed.
Avatar f tn I really need something to help because I am planning on going to college for bioengineering and I want to be able to successfully store and retrieve the information that I learn instead of forgetting the information after some time of not constantly using the information.
405614 tn?1329144114 The side effects look a lot worse than those listed for Provigil. I wonder how long the patent on Provigil lasts, and when there will be a generic form? Does anyone else have trouble getting medications that they need or that are really helpful in improving your quality of life? Ess and I discussed on another thread how both our insurances only allow you to get half a month's worth of Ambien. Are we only supposed to sleep every other day?
Avatar m tn MS, 22 years, Provigil / Nuvigil just not effective > 2 hrs, what is next ? Adderall ? I shut down around 1-2 PM, having an effect on my work quality, and this NYC heat is not helping. It has never been this bad. Would a next step med be Adderall, Ritilan, etc. Should I be afraid to take due to addiction issues with those meds ?
572651 tn?1530999357 A co-worker called this week with a question about our insurance - she was denied provigil/nuvigil, even though her doctor contacted the insurance company and appealed the decision. She suffers great fatigue and the sample helped her a lot. She was wondering if I had any clues as to how others get this drug approved since it is not an MS drug.
Avatar m tn Were you going to try another medication to help improve your energy or switch from the Paxil to another antidepressent? There are many more medications to help with fatigue-not just the ADHD medications such as Concerta, but medications that aren't psych meds as well.
Avatar f tn Adderall is generally prescribed for ADHD. It generally would not be prescribed just to keep a person from experiencing the sedating effects of other medications (which should not be confused with the low energy levels of depression) because of the potential side effects (at least to my knowledge, you could ask your psychiatrist more about that). Adderrall does have somewhat of an antidepresent effect but generally standard anti-depressents would be tried first.
Avatar n tn I still feel pressure in my temples and forhead even though I have stopped taking Provigil. Can you have withdraws from Provigil?
5509293 tn?1428531475 This is my first day on Provigil, taking 200 mg this morning. This is an attempt to replace Adderall 15 to 30 mg per day. Provigil walloped my blood pressure. It dropped by 10 points when I check 12 hours after taking the first dose. I've been lethargic most of today. I finally took an Adderall so I could function.
401095 tn?1351391770 Is anyone familiar with the drug provigil or monafinil for enery and depression...? It is a drug for narcolepsy....wakes me up but not sure about use during tapering tabs...
390916 tn?1204840470 Has anyone tried ProVigil? My sleep specialist suggested that I try it for the deep tiredness that I experience, even after getting great help with sleep from my CPAP machine. By the way, my trip to Seattle went very well. Though it is indeed very hilly, the cooler weather and low humidity made it easier to get around than here is muggy Baltimore. The weather seems to have a huge impact on this disease.
518001 tn?1212419235 Is anyone taking Provigil? Has it helped you? What does it help? Do you have any side effects from it? I'm going to try it, after I get my results back from my next set of MRIs. Does it make the tremors worse? Thank you!
1088527 tn?1425313375 I started taking provigil yesterday and wow I cant believe the energy I scrubbed the shower down washed the cabinets down went food shopping then took dog to dog park for 4 hours then home and dinner usually just one of these activities wipes me out . I am glad that I have energy but I feel jittery my legs feel like they are going hundred miles and hour and I am stuttering badly in the am I think I am trying to talk faster then I can get it out.
565254 tn?1224716453 I am currently taking provigil for my fatigue. The pharmacy had to order it so I was out for a few days. During those days I have been headache free. It seems that my headache has come back since I started taking it again. It isn't as bad as a normal one but it is enough to be irritating. I am curious as to whether anyone else has had this issue and if so did it go away after a while. It has really helped the fatigue but I would hate to think that the daily headaches are back.
Avatar f tn s been an issue with me for more than 10 years, but the last 2 months I was really bad and just being awake for more than 5 hours wore me out. He prescribed Provigil and I've read some of the threads on it and it sounds very promising. My question is, is it something you can take daily indefinitely? Or are you supposed to just take it when you need it (which would be daily for me!) I hope my insurance will cover it because I'm not diagnosed with ms or anything.
Avatar f tn I dont know if this is accurate or not, but I thought it should be shared. I just read this in the "Health" Section of I have heard a lot of really good things about Provigil, although I've never used it. It was recommended to me many times though. Just some food for thought. Seems EVERYTHING comes with its own set of dangers attached.