Proscar efectos secundarios

Common Questions and Answers about Proscar efectos secundarios


Avatar n tn Esto ha sido una maravillosa ayuda. Tengo mejor calidad de vida en general. Efectos secundarios muy pocos y manejables. Cariños. Espero les sirva mi respuesta.
Avatar n tn Por favor, tenga en cuenta nPEP implica bastantes pocos efectos secundarios. Mi mejor consejo para usted es consultar a un médico local. Goodluck.
Avatar n tn y Lopinavir 200 mg/ Ritonavir 50 mg. también cada 12 horas. El tratamiento me está causando como efectos secundarios malestar, diarrea, arcadas, hinchazón de estómago, dolor en el lugar del hígado. Lo cual me preocupa pues he sufrido de hígado graso y cada año controlan el estado de mi hígado, y además tomo medicación para el desorden bipolar lo que hace mi hígado aun más sensible.
Avatar f tn Sólo me imagino que el médico, quien le ha estado prescribiendo el tramadol con tanta libertad, debe estar dispuesto a ayudarle a vela y le ayudan con los efectos secundarios de los retiros que se experimentan. No recomendaría detenerlo "cold turkey" como la retirada de ella es esencialmente el mismo que el de los opiáceos. Por lo general toma varias semanas de los síntomas realmente desagradable seguido de varios más de tan sólo el insomnio y debilidad general y la depresión.
1240849 tn?1269509484 En cambio, esa planta que dices, si lo que hace tiene efectos hormonales, yo no la tomaría hasta no estar segura de que tu problema es ese, y eso solo te lo puede decir un médico. A veces nos pensamos que tenemos los abortos porque nos pasa algo o algo no esta bien, y eso solo es así en contadas ocasiones. El resto de veces no nos pasa nada y es simplemente casualidad.
Avatar n tn Propose that your partner try Avodart. I think it really helps with prostate enlargement. That is what the television commercials say anyhow. Unfortunately it also can cause a large reduction in semen production. AND women wanting to become pregnant should NEVER touch the pill as it can cause birth defects if they are exposed at all to it. You can Google Avodart read all of this yourself from a variety of sites, including Avodart's manufacturer.
Avatar m tn I had quite severe BHP and taking proscar and cardura. Had always difficulty urinating. I tried saw palmetto and it made me unable to urinate at all. I had to go to hospital.
Avatar m tn No confíes en que serás el único habitante que puede controlar los efectos de estos medicamentos en sus terminaciones cerebrales, que tú eres distinto o que sólo es de vez en cuando por favor, no lo creas, no es así. No juegues con fuego y no te quemarás, amigo. Sobre tu pregunta, aqui no nos permiten responder preguntas para pasar análisis pero puedo decirte que varios días, no muchos, en la orina lleva más días que en la sangre.
1881216 tn?1320835314 Si eres una persona a la que le gustan los dulces, podrías recompensarte un día a la semana con una porción de chocolate negro, es el que menos engorda y tiene efectos estupendos, ayuda a la producción de endorfinas, igual que el ejercicio.... Sobre los paseos, a partir de la media hora, es cuando empiezas a quemar grasas.. así que es mejor una hora diaria seguida que repartida, ok ?
Avatar n tn observation if another biopsy done in 04/09 shows increase in positive cores to 3 or more or if any one core shows 50%+ positive for cancer? Also, is there any current opinion regarding use of Avodart or Proscar while in Watchful Waiting mode? I understand there would be a likely reduction in PSA, but that new PSA baseline be established and return to monitoring of PSA velocity. Not sure what, if any, benefit this would provide.
250398 tn?1225263291 52 year old male. I have BPH and am on meds (Proscar and Cardura XL). My urine is dark yellow/gold and has a strong oder like yeast/wheat and foams a lot in the toilet. Cause for concern? Any ideas? Thanks for any insight.
Avatar m tn 05/11 =1.3 11/10= 1.1 04/10= 1.1 04/09= 1.2 10/08= 1.1 01/08= 0.9 11/07= 0.8 07/07= 1.1 12/05= 0.8 01/05= 0.6 07/04= 0.7 10/02= 0.9 08/02= 0.9 05/98= 0.9 DRE -no nodules What is likelihood this rise represents Ca, and what is next suggestion? Thanks!
Avatar n tn what is the medication, is it proscar??
250398 tn?1225263291 Currently on Cardura and Proscar. Suggestions?
Avatar f tn s for benign prostate enlargement, and the results were rather mixed. Then Proscar came along and pretty much ended that debate. Saw Palmetto has faded into the background - it's possible you affected your DHT levels, but it will definitely only be temporary. I quit Proscar for that reason, best not to fool around with sex hormone levels, in my opinion.
Avatar m tn While taking Flomax or Proscar, does this have an effect on getting HARD.
250398 tn?1225263291 55 year old male. I have BPH and take Proscar and Cardura XL. Having some lower abdominal soreness and have noted cloudy urine and now a whitish discharge from my penis. Began Bactrim and Cipro yesterday, along with Ibuprofen. I am working out of the country, so tracking down a Urologist or even a general practice doctor that speaks good enough English for me to understand, and for them to understand me, is a challenge. So, am I on a good track? Prostatitis? Bladder/Kideney infection?
Avatar n tn If his bladder contracts, and/or there is an obstruction, and pills are ineffective, then he may certainly need the TURP or a similar procedure to relieve the obstruction. The alternative is continued intermittent catheterization, while adding a second drug Proscar to try to shrink the prostate and get him voiding. This is not the best alternatives because studies show that prostates respond best to there drugs like proscar if they are 40 grams or larger and it takes 6-12 months to work .
Avatar m tn Pero cuando empeze a investigar y asufrir la falta de sueño y otros sintomas secundarios me asuste y intente dejarla, pero no pude. En esa busqueda de soluciones encontre este foro que me ayudo a identificar primero que era adicto y eso hasta a uno le da verguenza admitirlo y dos que la forma de dejar no era de inmediato sino poco a poco. Tengo una niña de seis años y la verdad no podia dejarme ganar por esta pendejada.
Avatar n tn 5 days later he had prostrate problems and ended up leaving the hospital with a catheter. He ended up with an infection and after taking proscar and flowmax for 5 months (and using the single use catheter) he went in for an opening of the urethra. He since has had recurrent bladder infections, terrible gas and bloating. He is still on nitrofurantion (2 pills a day for 5 days) one pill a day for 30. He has no relief. He is up every night with terrible pains.
Avatar m tn BTW, I noticed one of the treatments for this condition is beta blockers, which I am already taking daily (for PVC), along with alpha blockers and Proscar for BPH. Thanks again for your input.
Avatar f tn I DO have a SLIGHLY enlarged prostate, I DO have pre- diabetes, I do take Verapamil, and a small dose of Atenolol . I do take PROSCAR. HOWEVER NO new medications were added i nthe pats YEAR and the DECREASE in amount of semen and sensation has been during this YEAR. I dont think its the medications. I DONT smoke. I DONT drink. I have some minor kidney damage fom taking LIPITOR (muscle enzyme leaking .high CPK) nutthat wouldnt SHRINK my RIGHT teste. I have NO SWELLIN there no lumps..
Avatar f tn I am alarmed NO ONE is too concerned (I saw 2 urologists) and no one can dfiagnose this..I take PROSCAR for benign hypertropic prostate-that has nothing really to d owith hleping the loss of feeling..just lets me urinate..when I CAN sense it..HELP ???? I have NOT been put on any new medications recently but LIVALO I hardly think that causes a numb bladder or reduced sensation. here is NO Burning or pain on urination .
Avatar n tn cuanto tiempos llevas tomando suboxone ? La duración de los efectos de la abstinencia depende mucho del tiempo y de haber ido reduciendo las dosis hasta el mínimo que suele ser 0.5 mg.... De todos modos, la vida del suboxone y yo no tengo experiencia con él pero he conocido a muchos aqui que sí, hará que hasta dentro de 5 días no estará totalmente fuera de tu organismo. Es importante que bebas mucho líquido para no quedarte deshidratado, tendrás dolores de cabeza, toma paracetamol o ibuprofeno.