
Pancreatitis treatment magnesium

Common Questions and Answers about Pancreatitis treatment magnesium


3241370 tn?1346753869 Derangements of the natural chemicals of the body and metabolic derangements after surgery can lead to an ileus. Sodium, potassium and magnesium level alterations can affect peristalsis and normal intestinal movements. Correction of metabolic derangements, High fiber diet, laxatives, stool softeners, suppositories, enemas are the available treatment options. The treating doctor can decide what is best for him. I do hope it helps. Take care and kind regards!
Avatar f tn t start treatment with a medication that can cause pancreatitis while you have pancreatitis. I bet any doctor would tell you that. Epclusa includes sofosbuvir which lists "pancreatitis" as a possible side effect. Here's a study that says.... "There were 7 grade 3 events including anemia, neutropenia, nausea, hypophosphatemia, and cholelithiasis or pancreatitis." https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.
Avatar n tn I am undergoing treatment for pancreatitis, I am 29 yrs old and not an alcoholic. What precautions I should take while undergoing treatment ? what are the chances of recovering from this disease?
Avatar f tn With repeated bouts of acute pancreatitis, damage to the pancreas can occur and lead to chronic pancreatitis. Scar tissue may form in the pancreas, causing loss of function. A poorly functioning pancreas can cause digestion problems and diabetes.
750120 tn?1252455030 One is to discontinue treatment and the other is to delay treatment until the pancreatitis has cleared up then start again slowly. Blood work they took today will determine the course of action they choose. The pancreatitis is extremely painful but morphine is extremely effective (smiling).
Avatar f tn It was pancreatitis (note, my husband does NOT drink alcohol). The PA then did a bedside ultrasound (I was right there during this), which showed several gallstones. They prescribed him pain medication and an antiemetic and sent him home. He eventually felt better. To make a very long story short, ever since 2006, he has gotten a flare-up of pancreatitis about once a year.
Avatar n tn I had to put my 11 year old Llhasa apso to sleep yesterday because he was diagnosed with pancreatitis and was in so much pain that they could not guarantee that he would survive even with treatment. It came on suddenly...he was fine Saturday but began throwing up in the middle of the night and continued...he couldn't even hold down water and was very weak. I took him into the veterinary hospital on Sunday and he was too weak to come home.
Avatar n tn The endoscopy found mild gastritis. All other test are normal.The pancreatic specialist did not mention pancreatitis at the time and only prescribed nexium and sulcrafate for the gastritis. I am 67, and never had a previous bout with pancreatitis. Moderate beer drinker. How should I be treated?
Avatar f tn SYMPTOMS: early satiety, nausea, trapped gas, and bloating, constipation and diarrhea. A battery of tests were done, including colonoscopy, upper endoscopy (hiatal hernia) esophageal motility (muscle doesn't work well), stomach emptying. All normal. I've been hospitalized with pancreatitis twice in the last 2 years. I have type2 diabetes, I'm overweight. I am a 60 year old African American female. DIAGNOSIS: My gastroenterologist came up with nothing Murilax and Amitiza.
Avatar f tn How long can someone live (approx) with Chronic Pancreatitis when they are a heavy drinker? I have a family member that was Diagnosed with this and continues to drink heavy! He has had many attacks! This last time they wanted to place him in ICU but he checked him self out against Medical advise! If he continues to drink like this what will happen to him? Worried!!!
Avatar f tn Correction: Gall bladder pancreatitis should be gall stone pancreatitis
Avatar m tn I agree 100% with Ginger, it sounds like an attack of pancreatitis to me. The normal treatment for pancreatitis is one week of hospitalization on NOTHING but IV fluids, not even water to drink, to give the pancreas TOTAL REST. After the week is up, they start slowly introducing very bland food. Any time a dog is fed human food there is the risk of them developing pancreatitis, and even one meal can be enough to cause it.
Avatar f tn Due to excessive alcohol consumption, I have been hospitalized with pancreatitis 3 times. They were all very severe attacks. I've been sober since the last hospitalization, over a year ago. I have constant pain in my back and under my rib cage, where my pancreas is located. My doctor says it should eventually stop hurting but it doesn't seem to be improving. My gallbladder has been removed, my blood work is normal and scans of my pancreas show nothing.
Avatar f tn Another study found that the lower the magnesium blood levels the more severe was the epilepsy. In most cases magnesium works best in combination with vitamin B6 and zinc. In sufficient concentrations, magnesium inhibits convulsions by limiting or slowing the spread of the electric discharge from an isolated group of brain cells to the rest of the brain. Animal studies show that even the initial burst of firing nerve cells that starts an epileptic attack can be suppressed with magnesium.
Avatar n tn My question is does this mean I have chronic pancreatitis or can you not tell on a MRCP? Does the duct dilatation set off an inflamation of the liver and pancreas and cause the pancreatitis pain? Also can the duct dilatation heal on its own in time? I have no desire to undergo an ERCP as I've heard such nightmare stories from people who have undergone but yet I'm so tired of not feeling good and having pain and just would like to feel good again. Thanks for your help.
Avatar f tn Verelan PM, 300mg and Topamax, 75, but also Magnesium Oxide, I did have low levels of Magnesium, and was put on 800 mg. daily. My magnesium levels are now within in range and now take 400 mg. daily, still along with my other meds. I also take a 81 mg. aspirin daily too. The stroke was caused from a constriction in the blood vessel and it shut off briefly long enough to do the same harm as if it were a clot, although I have no clotting issues.
Avatar f tn s Syndrome with fibromyalgia 7 months ago. Since that time I have been diagnised with chronic pancreatitis, gastroparesis and sarcoidosis. Is there a possibility that these diseases are related? She has attempted to treat the pancreatitis and the digestive issues but have yet to be treated in any way for the Sjogren's or the sarcoidosis. Is this proper protocol?
Avatar f tn 1. Steroids, mumps, Epstein Barr Virus and Cytomegalovirus, Lupus and other immune diseases, very high calcium, lipids and triglycerides, drugs: sulfa drugs, steroids, NSAID use, diuretics, duodenal ulcer, diabetic drugs especially Byetta. The drugs could be a problem for both the pancrease and liver too. If you have been taking Byetta for diabetis it is very important to get treatment for that right away. I would say there is cause for concern but you are getting it checked out.
Avatar f tn My chocolate lab "Skip" is about 10 years old and developed pancreatitis for the first time. We took him to the doctor he never vomited or diahrea until the day after he got to the vets office. His amalyse was high like 8000 and his glucose and white blood count low but we got an ultrasound to make sure not cancer. He started to show improvements with the IV and antibiotic. Now a week later he is starting to decline and the vet has tried everything.
1067109 tn?1258330364 I began a telapravir trial on Jan 9, 2009 and was taken off after 34-weeks because I got too sick, ended up with Pancreatitis and blah blah blah. I am now almost 4-months post treatment and am still UND even after having treatment stopped early. These new protease inhibitors are awsome as most of us already know. The nurse said that if I am still UND on my next draw in 2-months they are going to consider me cured. Just wanted to share the good news.
Avatar n tn Have you considered actute pancreatitis or chrnic pancreatitis? Look up their symptoms and if you think that is what you have then the first thing to do is to ask your doctor for blood work and an ultrasound.
Avatar n tn Pancreatitis is one of the more difficult diseases to treat. It is also extremely painful. If she isn't able to hold down water, I honestly think she needs to go back in hospital. The way pancreatitis is treated is by allowing that organ to rest through literal starvation. Same treatment holds for human patients too. The dog is given IV hydration and nutrition, nausea and pain control, and then you wait it out. Is she eating anything at all?
422425 tn?1307992990 I have been searching on the net for information about Autoimmune Pancreatitis. I was diagnosed with this disease in July of 2007. My doctors were sure I had cancer because I had a mass the size of a golf ball on the tail of my pancreas. I also have masses in my kidneys. I was very relieved to find out it was NOT cancer, but an autoimmune respose to something. My question is.....has anyone else in this community been told they have this, and did the treatment work for you.
Avatar m tn I just got diagnosed chronic pancreatitis and dont know what my options will be for treatment, so Im also looking for answers on what worked and what didnt, also for meds what helps the pain? Thanks in advance for your input. This discussion is related to <a href="/posts/Digestive-Disorders---Gastroenterology/Connection-Between-Chronic-Pancreatitis-Idiopathic-and-Liver-Disease/show/236754">Connection Between Chronic Pancreatitis/Idiopathic and Liver Disease</a>.
Avatar f tn I am a 60 year old female who was diagnosed in the late 80s with acute pancreatitis and still have sporadic trouble today in 2014. A few weeks ago I was diagnosed with hcv and was wondering what effects I would have with the two diseases together, for instance if given treatment for my hep-c will it make my pancreas worse or will I even be able to do the hcv treatment at all?