
Ovarian cysts and trying to conceive

Common Questions and Answers about Ovarian cysts and trying to conceive


Avatar f tn I stopped taking the birth control pills because I was trying to get pregnant. Now each month my period gets later and later. I have heard that Geritol helps but I am not for sure. I don't have that type of money to go get help. What do I need to do?
9603437 tn?1404786071 thanks! I had a lot of problems with ovarian cysts and PCOS so I really needed to know how that would effect my chances too. I appreciate you sharing?
Avatar f tn I wouldn't try the IVF so soon, even though you're 36 that's pretty young for trying to conceive. You're probably right with attempting IUI first and see how you respond to ovarian stimulating drugs. They can test you also for your ovarian reserve. If ovarian reserve isn't great than maybe the IVF...ask about clomid challenge test and/or anti-mullerian (sp?) hormone (this one's better) to test your ovarian reserve. Godd luck to you.
Avatar f tn I have had ovarian cysts and fibroids when I was a teen and have always had painful periods and irregular periods. I even experienced a cyst bursting one time. I sched an appointment with my obgyn. I am pretty routine with my visits and have changed my dr since then and she has only mentioned that things are fine. No cysts or anything unusual. Thanks for the input.
Avatar n tn Hi my husband are married for 3 years now. And we had been trying to have a baby for almost 6 months now and still no luck. I never used any birth control pill we just use natural pull out. I just turned 27 and I am 4'10" and weigh more or less 83 lbs. My husband is 33 and he weigh 190 lbs and he is 5'10". I dont know if he's weight and height matter. What is the best way to conceive? I am taking folic acid for almost 7 months now as well..
Avatar n tn i have always had pretty irregular cycles. mine was due to ovarian cysts. i agree with the comments above. please go and see a physician.
Avatar f tn I have had one full term child and my husband and I have been trying the last 2 and a half years to conceive. I was diagnosed when I was 18 with pcosand toktold then I would probably not have kids. I have had pregnancies but so far only one full term. I took metformin about a year ago go pregnant but lost it at 12 weeks. We are planning on trying clomid this spring. Just know it's possible to have a baby just stick with it and stay as positive as you can. The end result is worth the fight!
Avatar n tn We are ttc and I have PCOS. The months I have cysts he prescribes bcp to get rid of them. When I'm all clear the following month or two we start trying again. The docs don't want to give you meds to stimulate follicular growth because it could wind up being a surgery resulting in a loss of an ovary. But that's only when your taking stuff like clomid and the injectable fertility meds.
Avatar f tn Male factors causing infertility are varicocoele, ejaculatory disorders, radiation exposure and advanced age. Ovarian cysts like polycystic ovarian disease can cause infertility. For more queries and assistance it is advised to consult a gynecologist. You will need evaluation for above mentioned causes. Consult an infertility expert. I sincerely hope it helps. Best wishes and regards!
Avatar f tn I breastfed and never had a problem before I had my daugter and now I have cysts, and pain w/them and they are still trying to figure out exactly whats going on, we did try for a little while also and didnt get preg. like we did the first time which was right away! Maybe that's why I have cysts now~I had no idea! thanks haha!
Avatar f tn i have irregular periods but have been tested for homone irregularities and everything came back normal..when trying to conceive i just had to use ovulation can be expensive doing them every day if you have really long cycles but its worth it in the also know that approx two weeks from ovulation is when you can test from rather than going on when your period is due..that could be any time!
Avatar f tn The tissue may attach to the ovary and form a growth. These cysts can be painful during sex and during your period. Cystadenomas (siss-tahd-uh-NOH-muhs). These cysts form from cells on the outer surface of the ovary. They are often filled with a watery fluid or thick, sticky gel. They can become large and cause pain. Dermoid (DUR-moid) cysts. These cysts contain many types of cells. They may be filled with hair, teeth, and other tissues that become part of the cyst.
1798025 tn?1333814468 Hi all! I've been trying to conceive for 20 months so almost 2 years. Well went to fertility specialist on Friday and was recommended taking birth control pills for 1 month. I have a cyst on my left ovaries. Have you been told this before or know anyone who experienced this and got pregnant shortly after?
Avatar n tn i read on a medical web page not long after finding out that i myself have a hemmhoragic cyst on my left ovary that fertility drugs can help to cause ovarian cysts because most ovarian cysts are caused by the eggs not making it all the way out of the ovary or something of that sort and they just kind of pile up inside of the ovary and form a cyst. however, i did read that most ovarian cysts go away sometime during ovulation.
Avatar f tn Unfortunately, PCOS does cause infertility due to absent or irregular periods, but there are treatments to help with ovulation and weightloss. Ovulation and periods help to shrink the cysts down. I'm sorry that you're going through this. But don't give up hope. There are plenty of women with PCOS that went on to conceive and give birth to healthy babies. Just keep in mind that you need to get supplements for hormones, such as progesterone to help carry the pregnancy to full term.
919507 tn?1267591732 My first cyst was hemorrhagic and I never knew it was there until it ruptured. While my husband and I weren't actively trying to conceive I never got pregnant while I had the cyst. Once I had surgery to remove it we conceived within 4 months. Cysts are very annoying when it comes to TTC since they can wreak havoc on your hormones. As Trudie said it is best to have your doc evaluate and develop a game plan. Best of Luck to you!
Avatar f tn I had ovarian cysts in the past (Functional- fluid filled) and had a healthy baby girl 8months ago.
Avatar f tn I have a history of ovarian cysts and recently had a laproscopy done to remove minor endo and a couple of ovarian cysts. WHen I had my first Day 3 FSH test done in Oct it was 10- not an issue according to my RE. I had the test re-done in Feb when I was also having issues with some small cysts on my ovaries, and it came back 1.6!! Very low, but both gyn and RE said that was "very good".
1023997 tn?1251922166 I had ovarian cysts in my late 20's and while I was trying to conceive. My first surgery the doctor was able to remove the cysts withouth damaging my ovaries. The cysts came back on both ovaries. Had another surgery and had my entire right ovary removed. Amazingly, I became pregnant 6 months after surgery with just one ovary without trying or doing anything special. It had been 8 years of infertility.
Avatar m tn I am not sure why her doctors are advising her to wait so long to conceive. She should ask them the reason. Usually, ovarian cysts are removed without cutting into the uterus. So, having a vaginal birth is not considered risky if you have only had a pelvic surgery and not a uterine cut. But, only her doctors can recommend what is best for her since they know her entire medical history. In the US, doctors sometimes prescribe birth control pills to help control cysts.
Avatar m tn Hi, I'm 33 years old and have a 3 years old boy. When I got pregnant the first time I went to the doctor for few months and then got pregnant. My periods are not regular and that's why I can't get pregnant easily. We've been trying for 10 months now with the help of my doctor but I'm still not. Please tell me what to do. Thank you in advance.
Avatar f tn t know for certain but I developed some small cysts after breastfeeding for 14 months. We had been trying to conceive with no luck for four months when I felt two of them burst (I don't know if there are any more as I did not have an u/s). That was last month, this cycle I think that we did conceive, but won't be sure for another couple of days.
900457 tn?1266782689 Hi Shannon. Yes yes yes! I do lean over & concentrate to get it out. Its strange though. I also had kidney stones about 7 years ago so was thinking maybe its my kidneys. Or maybe the cyst pushing on my bladder. But it seems like if it was bladder I wouldnt have trouble peeing. I am not trying to conceive at the moment but I want to have kids. I know I'd better get on the ball cause I'll be 35 yrs old in four years.
Avatar f tn why do you correlate the two together? are you trying to conceive? <> (this is from site) however, your pain could be of numerous possible origins, too many to try and count. I only gave the above information to you since that is what you suspect, but dont get tunnel vision and think that is the only possible cause. Go to your doctor if it does not get better, or if it becomes worse (go soon if that happens).
Avatar f tn You need to see a doctor about different things you can do to try and get it under control and go from there. There are different medicines that can help force ovulation and such.