
My fingernail is falling off

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Avatar f tn My figernails are separating from the nail beds and falling off. When I brought this up to my oncologist, he stated that it was from the Taxotere. I'm wondering if anyone else has had this problem occur and what they've done for it. Thanks!
Avatar n tn Ever since I can remember, on my thumbnail and big-toe nail, there has been a strange deterioration. It looks like a series of grooves in the center of the nail (see attached pictures). My fingernails aren't weak or brittle and they're not really falling off or anything. I don't think it's anything serious, but I've always been curious what it is. If anybody could help at all, that would be great.
Avatar f tn Why is my fingernail on my middle finger starting to pull away from my skin and turn white and the bottom half is pitting and peeling? What could this be?
Avatar n tn I can scrape it off with my fingernail and it is just white skin, almost transparent. It seems like if i dont brush my teeth everyday it gets more dry. It doesnt ever really hurt but it gets tender at times not a lot. I just have to idea what it is and i am concerned and scared.
Avatar f tn last year ( i was in a dorm) i got strep followed by horrible mono, and while i had mono i had an abcess in my throat then 2 ear infections then an infection in my fingernail then i contracted hidradenitis suppurativa and ever since then i have not felt right. so hopefully my dr. can tell me. ill let yall know!
Avatar n tn Sometimes these white spots are easy enough to rub off with my tongue. My inner cheek feels raw like I have been biting it. There is never any bleeding when the white substance is wiped away. And like I mentioned. Even if there is no visible white spots in my mouth I van run my finger along my cheek and gumline and scrape out a white pasty substance. When I run the substance between my fingers it seems to just disappear.
Avatar f tn my 2 year old son hurt himself, his baby fingernail is coming off, its almost half off. will at home bandages keeping it together heal it???
Avatar m tn I have added a photo as I am not sure if everything is ok. I guess what is the nail is growing back but its like a half inch bump in the middle of the nail, Could anyone recommend if I should leave nature take it's course, or should I see a doctor?
Avatar n tn I have not injured the finger- My ring finger on the right hand has had a "rash" that looks like extremely dry skin (almost like the skin is peeling) for about two months now. I also noticed that the cuticle is gone. It DOES NOT itch but does appear like the redness is spreading. Tonight, I looked down at my finger under the nail it was bleeding and I didn't even feel it. The rash isn't that bad since I started using a baby eczema oil on it that I purchased from the drugstore.
Avatar n tn My fingertips on my right hand have severe pain. It started in my pointer finger. I thought it might be ingrown fingernail so I used fingernail clippers to get it out(with no success of seeing signs of ingrown fingernail).. well each day i woke up it was in a different fingertip. This lasted about a week and went away. It came back a few weeks ago but much worse. All my fingertips are sore, but the severity of it moves every couple days to a new finger.
Avatar m tn It is exactly the consistency of healthy fingernail material. So my guess is that the hair follicle is defective and is producing fingernail keratin from the scalp. Maybe that means simply that the normal outer sheath of the hair is wildly thicker than it should be. Any help from anyone who knows would be appreciated! Thanks!
Avatar f tn I then put some soap on turned on the water and started to lather my hand, but then before I could get the water on my hand my fingernail I was using dug into my other hands skin and broke the skin and drew blood. I washed my hands for about a min but my question is I had blister waterish on my fingernail and went into skin. Could have I just transferred the fluid into my skin ? I have had herpes 2 for 4 months.
Avatar n tn my finger nails keep liifting and come off on both hands I just noticed a few days ago it started on my toe nailsnails
Avatar n tn Thank you for your comments. Yes, I know its not a GI Problem, didn't realize I was posting under GI. Can't say the page is user friendly. My mistake.
Avatar m tn In my case I ejuculated into condom and kept on have sex with this girl The condom started to come off at one point, meaning rolled about half way of my penis. I stopped and just moved it back up. When we were done having sex I took the condom off. I was drunk, but I am worried this could lead to an exposure to HIV. She is 24 from Pa. She said she has been with around 20 guys.
Avatar m tn I had been experiencing same condition on my left and right hands fingernail (both thumb and index finger, rest of my fingernails started to thicken too). They are thickening, test result is negative for fungus, the doctor told me to use Canesten. Last four months is ok, the coloring gone, but now its coming back. Then I just notice, that my nose, ears, navel and even my anus started to become itchy. I do not know if it is related to my fingernails.
Avatar n tn I am 22 years old. Diabetes runs in my family. I have had a problem with sitting down for the past 2 years. My left leg falls asleep within a few minutes of sitting down. Over the period of a year and a half, I was checked out for neurological problems by both a neurologist and a neurosurgeon (resulting in NO additional information as to causes for my symptoms of my leg falling asleep).
Avatar m tn It is 1.5 year that i have fatty liver (nonalcoholic). In last two tests, my liver enzymes and protein level were normal. Recently, I have color changing hands in cold or when I am stressed. In addition, I started to be suspicious about my nails and wonder if I have terry nails. The picture of my nails are at: are these terry nails? I noticed that the color of my nails are changing depending on temperature.
Avatar f tn I bite my fingernails off and one of my cuticles is really red and sore. Almost like an open sore. It looks like it's on the verge of bleeding. Well, I inserted that finger inside another guy's ***. Is that a risk?
Avatar n tn Hello, Last night I was at a strip club with some friends and I got a lap dance from one of the girls. My finger was dry and the skin below the fingernail area was peeling so there was a small cut. I don't believe it was bleeding at the time, however the outer layer of my skin is peeled off and you can see the red skin beneath. I have done some research and searched the forums but I could not find a similar question.
Avatar f tn It has spread over my entire body and I am now sticky all of the time. My hands and feet are by far the worst. Now there is a sticky, shiny film on my hands, and a white coating on my tongue. When I shower it takes a good 20 minutes to be dry enough to dress, although I am still sticky. Also my skin does not absorb anything. I no longer use mosturizer because it just sits on top of the skin and makes it even more sticky. It's the same with deoderant.
Avatar m tn s been going on for over a month peryoticly I try to dig out what feels to be a hard(like a fingernail) mass out off the wound. Tonight I had my son dig it out what we found was a hair deep(maybe a centimeter) under the skin on the edge of the wound and then fished out a piece of skin that looked like a worm almost. After dining the skin and hair out its stopped itching completely. My doctor says that it's eczema but I'm not so sure about that.
Avatar f tn My hair is falling out in clumps. I don't damage my hair what so ever. I wash ig, let it air dry, and pull it back in a pony tail. I'm so concerned. I spend my whole shower trying to get the hair off of me. I take my vitamins everyday. I called and a women told me to discuss this with my doctor at my next appointment and that he would probably wanna run lab work. I'm scared I'm gonna be bald by the time my baby girl is born ! Anyone else having this issue ? What should I do ?
Avatar m tn Not on anything, nor having a outbreak . My hand is feeling numb and so is my wrist now. Could I have past herpes to the underneath of my fingernail possibly giving myself whitlow from my zipper? I've read the virus can live on surfaces and now I'm worried its under my fingernail and is now going to be whitlow?
Avatar m tn Today one man accidentally scratched with a fingernail over my scabs on my finger...has the risk of Hiv...
Avatar m tn no no ,, my nails kinda look normal but thier is about 15 or so ridges they are like groves and its not a fungus , acctually I got a fungus several years ago and this thing killed it , it took a year to do it and the nail had a horizontal line as the fungus grew off,, and i've seen the pitcher in a magizine of what I have ,, and the drops were just 19.