
Mri scan frequency

Common Questions and Answers about Mri scan frequency


Avatar n tn I had an MRI, Ct scan AND several xrays done for my migraines. i get them a lot. the MRI and Ct scan both came back fine.... the xrays showed that i have extra fluid in my sinuses, which was later diagnosed as sinusitis.
Avatar n tn Hi I just had a CT scan and did not have to have my ICD shut off. MRI`s are a different story, I can not have a MRI because of my ICD. I am on my fourth ICD and I run weed eaters, chain saws, leaf blowers and I work on my car while it`s running. My ICD is in my abdomen and after seventeen years none of my electric or gas powered tools have ever caused a problem. I try to keep my power tools at least six inches from my ICD same as my cell phone.
Avatar f tn The above link tells you pretty much everything you didn't want to know about MRIs. I had a brain MRI one time, I had to be sedated because I was afraid of it, they even have a little mirror in there so you can see out of it, sort of claustrophobic in the machine, and they had a microphone and radio in there so I could talk to the techs. When the machine started up, it was VERY loud, surprised me, kind of made a bumping racket.
Avatar f tn What catches my eye is that menstruation is connected to your pain frequency. You may be looking at endometriosis that has formed on your bladder. You'll need to talk to your gynecologist about that, but fair warning - endo doesn't show up on tests and can be very difficult to treat. It won't show up on an ultrasound, MRI, x-ray, or CT-scan. Laparascopic surgery is both diagnostic and therapeutic if all other tests fail to detect a problem.
Avatar f tn The main effect is that doubling the magnetic field strength doubles the Hydrogen Proton Larmor Frequency and improves the radio frequency (RF) signal to noise ratio when the MRI listens for the signal of the spinning Hydrogen Protons. A 1.5T MRI has a Larmor Frequency of 63.87 MHz, a 3T is 127.74 MHz Some sequences also use RF energy to change the "cross product" of the spin. The magnet spins and relaxes the Hydorgen proton spin that is it.
Avatar m tn 30 years ago I had an acoustic neuroma successfully removed leaving me with a 'dead' ear. The resulting constant hissing tinnitus inside my non-hearing 'dead' side has caused me no real problems.Last year a severe head cold left me with 4 concurrent problems.1. 'tent shaped' hearing loss starting at 60 db improving to 30 db and dropping to 65db and 2. severe distortion of music and speech; TV sound, radio and squeaky female and child voices in my hearing side. 3.
Avatar m tn Following with scans is not unreasonable--they should also try MRI instead of CT scan to decrease radiation exposure.
Avatar m tn Right. here goes nothing...I've had problems of frequent urination for over a year now. I have been tested for infection, STI's, had an ultrasound scan and have just returned home after a cystoscopy. It all started after a urine infection that was treated with antibiotics, a few months later I had a kidney infection that was again treated with antibiotics. I dont get frequent urination all of the time, some days are completely normal but others i need to go every 5 mins.
Avatar f tn After multiple trips to my GP, they referred me to a neurologist. I got an MRI done, and eventually they called and said it looked normal, but they wanted to get another done in 6 months. They didn't really explain further. A couple days ago I went to my GP again because I woke up with an excruciating headache on my left side. Upon one the doctor's reading the MRI results, they told me there was "an anomaly" on the left side of my brain (or the scan, rather?
Avatar m tn At the start of epilepsy the seizures attack increase up to 20/22 per 24 hours.Every attack has 6 to 10 seconds.We make MRI scan and EEG reports which is available in Mumbai.Some report comes normal.Some report the problem tint in right frontal lob & other tint in Left frontal lob(MRI BRAIN,SPECT,PET SCAN,14 HOURS VIDEO EEG REPORT.No report can highlight spot.Physicians already tried Tegrital,Fresium,Lemitec kid,Levipil,Valparin.No drug can control seizures.
Avatar m tn I've had tinnitus now for 6 months. It all started when I did a few lines of cocaine in November of 2007. Shortly after I developed serious sinus problems where I had major swelling on the inside of my nose along with pain on the bridge. And then........I woke up with ringing in my ears 1 1/2 weeks later. The ringing got louder as the sinus problems continued. Short of 3 sinus infections to date I really don't have too much to complain about with my sinuses.
Avatar m tn Had been flying often when this first occured,Can I assume at low altituteOn your next 3T MRI scan could you ask your radiologist to report size and frequency of cysts in the area of pineal and pitutiary glands.IN MILLIMETERS.
Avatar n tn She is scheduled for an MRI based on the results of the CAT scan. The MRI is scheduled for March and the appt. with the neurologist is set for the week after the MRI. she has also been referred to an Ear/nose/throat specialist as they say that the blood vessels and veins in her nose are "fragile & bulging". The pediatrician printed out a copy of the CAT scan report for us.
Avatar f tn So I recently had an MRI done of my knee. During the exam at certain frequencies my leg would tense up or twitch uncontrollably. The tech told me after the first two scans o was moving and put a little wedge between my knee and a sandbag on my leg. This helped a little but the tensing and twitching continued. I had a copy made immediately and it isn't very clear and is pretty blurry.
Avatar n tn the frequency has become more day by day. had MRI scan and nothing found and the results are all normal. A nerulogist suggested to have Sarotena 25 mg and Lonazep 0.25 mg daily.
Avatar n tn I had an MRI completed- everything looked good. I have gotten no results so far. Why am I having this pain? I have had the pain for a long time. My appendix was removed in 2007. The pain has recently gotten worse. I am having pain everyday.
Avatar n tn What is the best detailed imaging of the male urologic anatomy. CT or MRI. Can you give me a list of what these tests show and possible detail? Like if they can see bladder good, ureters from kidneys, urethra to penis, seminal viscle, vas deferens?
5531927 tn?1445274919 Hello, I'm current waiting for a CT scan appointment as my MRI isn't until 7 months from now to rule out a suspected acoustic neuroma. I saw an ENT who confirmed high frequency hearing loss in my left ear. My symptoms have changed from just fullness in that ear to frequent headaches, very mild tinnitus, one pupil is bigger than the other, and I can hear my eyes move when the room is quiet. That last one doesn't appear to be a normal acoustic neuroma symptom.
Avatar n tn urinary frequency , vomiting and acute headaches ? im 17y male and my head circumference is larger than average at (95%) percentage , i feel like that my head is really heavy like a blowing ball , i always feel tired and sleepy , i feel that my neck can't hold my head up i just want to lay down my mental powers is good I'm doing good at school , my IQ is above average but my reactions and movements are very slow.
Avatar m tn The MRI showed no Schwannoma but it did show a small (7mm) incidental ovoid T2 hyperintense focus in the posteromedial aspect of the left hemisphere that is hypointense on the diffusion imaging and of intermediate signal intensity on PD sequences. A MRI scan from Oct 2008 showed it as unchanged in size and configuration. The radiologisit thought is may be an epidermoid, arachnoid cyst or a small neuroepithelial cyst although the signal characteristics were atypical.
Avatar m tn My exercise test was cut short as my blood pressure went too high and I assume the heart rate too. So in Jan 2014 I had a cardiac MRI scan with an injection to increase my heart rate. The result came back is "essentially a normal study". I didn't explore any further as I was pleased I didn't have heart disease or anything like that.
5531927 tn?1445274919 You really just need the MRI to find out if you have one. Make sure the MRI is done WITH CONTRAST--this is very important to find the smallest acoustic neuroma. If you have migraines, it's VERY possible that migraine is the cause of your symptoms. Many doctors don't know this, but migraine can cause hearing loss, dizziness, and a bunch of other strange symptoms.