
Metronidazole trichomonas

Common Questions and Answers about Metronidazole trichomonas


Avatar f tn I am pregnant and I keep going to the doctor and they keep diagnosing me with trichomonas they give me pill for it 4 Tablets of metronidazole and I have taken them 3 times within two and a half months but everytime go back to get retested because my vagina is still not feeling regular they keep telling me the same thing at this point I'm feeling like maybe I don't have trichomonas maybe I have something else wrong but it keeps showing up as trichomonas also I have a hard time with swallo
Avatar m tn Hi Elle9473, Strawberry cervix isn't a good way to diagnose Trichomonas, it is only 10% accurate. Metronidazole is the right drug for Trichomonas but you may not have needed it. If you have any more problems see another physician who will actually do diagnostic tests and/or culture depending on the problem. No need to worry about this.
Avatar n tn According to the Johns Hopkins poc-it recommends a 28 day course of Tinidazole or Metronidazole for Trichomonas causing Prostatitis. Is this a good way to go? Are there any other STDs to check? I feel that I am beyond the realm of an average STD clinic and my suburban urologist. Do you know any STD specialist (non-HIV) in the Bay Area that can help me please?
Avatar m tn You can be tested for it at a gum clinic and it can be treated with a course of metronidazole. The person you think you have caught it from should also be tested and treated even if they dont have symtoms, otherwise if you had sex with them again, they could easily pass it back.
Avatar m tn well i been diagnosed with trichomonas vaginalis and the doctor gave me 2 grams of metronidazole as a single dose and a vaginal cream called clotrimazole (3 days). but since i used the metronidazole i had dark urine, i had and upset stomach i couldn't eat or drink anything because i will throw up. it's been 2 day and i don't have the upset stomach but i still have the dark urine how long is it gonna take before the dark uring goes away?
Avatar f tn I am having the same problem but i had been diagnossed with trichomonas in december I was perscribed metronidazole, in two weeks went for my follow up and the obgyn told me i still had it and that she would perscribe me tinidazole after i took it my symptoms were gone and every thing so before i went for my next follow up i had gotten a second opinion and they sad i was clear of all stds, so the very next day i go back to my obgyn and she just called me today and said that i still had trich so s
Avatar m tn The surgeon-urologist (this was in Europe) just visually inspected my penis, performed a quick ultrasound scan of my lower abdomen and diagnosed me with Trichomonas Vaginalis. He also mentioned that my prostate was enlarged. Her prescribed Cipro, 500 mg 2 x day for 10 days, and a Detreomycin 2% ointment to apply to the head of my penis. The symptomes subsided after about 3 days, and they appeared to go away.
Avatar m tn My partner was advised she likely had Trichomonas. She recieved medical treatment Ketonazole 100mg. I went to my doctor and was tested and at the same time was given metronadazole. About a week later I heard from my doctor who said I showed no signs of having Trichomonas. The doctor said that sometimes this is normal in males because it is hard to detect. My question is can ketoconazole be used to treat Trichomonas.
Avatar m tn Hi, Infection with Trichomonas can cause the symptoms you have described. This may or may not be accompanied with a change in the color and odor of the semen. Treatment for Trichomoniasis involves metronidazole (an antiprotozoal agent). Seeing a GP would do if you can discuss that your symptoms match that of trichomoniasis and can go in for the treatment with metronidazole. Do keep us posted on your doubts and progress.
Avatar f tn Hello doctor Here is my story in short. In february of this year I had unprotected sex if you can call it like that since he was in me for no longer than 30 sec. Anyways, 5 days after that exposure, I started having symptoms. My symptoms were as follow: vaginal discharge of a yellowish color that does not have smell and is milky in consistency, a burning sensation that seems to be with me all the time and is mild and only inside of my vagina. No painful urination.
Avatar n tn I have been tested for Garderella, UTI, trichomonas, yeast etc. All negative. That is the issue, cant find the cause but continue to have symptoms..(stomach pain, discharge, pain with sex, vaginal burning etc) Augmentin was the only antibiotic that seemed to work while i was on it but it immediately came back when off it. Being treated with metronidazole should have cleared a BV or Trichomonas infection but it didnt work..
Avatar f tn I had a pap done and the results came back that I had trichomonas. She prescribed 4 ea, 500 mg tablets of metronidazole to be taken all at once. I laundered all clothing, sheets, towels, etc in hot water to avoid recontamination. My husband also got treated and we have not had sex since before I was diagnosed. The symptoms went away but returned in about 3 weeks. I was again prescribed the antibiotic.
Avatar f tn re never going to be able to know for certain. In any case, both your partners need treatment for trichomonas. Even if you didn't catch it 2 days earlier, that partner was exposed to your infection, and could have caught it. I hope you'll get into the condom habit. If you're going to continue to have sex with more than one partner, you really should be using condoms 100% of the time for vaginal or anal sex. You're at risk for STDs a lot more serious than trichomonas!
Avatar f tn I was diagnosed with Trichomonas at the end of June and I know I got it in April. The doctor prescribed me a mega dose of the metronidazole and said I should feel better in 24 hours. I did NOT feel better in 24 hrs I waited a week because everything online kept telling me the symptoms could take a week to subside but when they didn’t I called my doctor and she prescribed me another mega dose. This one did absolutely nothing but make my symptoms worse my cervix hurt so bad.
1211949 tn?1271716170 , and have not had sex anytime after this vaginal or oral, can could it be possible I have Trichomonas? is this fluid anything to worry about? would the urine test that said "no growth" there is no way for it to be trich right? and the nurse said that I could not have urithiritis because she said the tests showed no growth. Can I believe that this is not trich? Is this fluid normal?
Avatar m tn If I do need a drug against trichomonas, such as metronidazole or tinidazole. what are the doses please and can I take the same time I take the azithromycin 1 gram Thank loads for your help..
Avatar m tn This didnt help so I went back to the doctor in July and was positive for urinary tract infection and 8/12/2012 was then given 500 mg of metronidazole one tablet twice a day for seven days.This still didnt cure me,, mind u everytime i go back to the doc .. im checked again and I am still positive for trichomonas. next trip to doctor was 9/22/2012 i was given 150 mg of clindamycin two capsules twice a day for 7 days. This did not cure me either.
Avatar m tn There is no evidence that trich causes prostatitis, but some doctors include one of the anti-trichomonas treatments (metronidazole or tinidazole) if other antibiotics don't work. Usually it has no effect, but there's probably no harm in trying.
Avatar f tn I have taken three rounds of the single dose. Twice of Metronidazole and once for Tindamax. Then a couple weeks later Metronidazole twice a day for seven days. I saw no change in my symptoms. When I realized that I wasn't getting better I went back to my obgyn, thats when they told me again that its "inactive". I told her I didn't know what that meant and she said that it means its not moving and said its like little spores of trich.
Avatar m tn Your doctor has correctly treated you for both of these -- cefixime against gonorrhea, docycycline against NGU (using American spellings). The metronidazole probably was not necessary; it is intended to treat trichomonas, but that infection is not likely from oral sex. However, it won't do any harm, and your doctor was probably just being careful. Your doctor correctly told you how to take the drugs. The large single doses of cefixime and metronidazole are normal.
Avatar f tn trichomonas?
Avatar n tn After 3 days I started to feel burning in urethra and entrance in urethra became to be swallowed The symptoms looks like with gonorrhea, Trichomonas or Chlamydia But no discharges. Tests for std all negative. But I have got treatment from gonorrhea for 7 days, to treat Chlamydia I got doxycycline for7 days, and flogil to treat Trichomonas for 7 days, but nothing help Then I got apo-fluconezole to treat yeast infections I become to feel better but in 2 days symptoms came back.
Avatar f tn I have taken doxycycline twice, azythromicin, metronidazole, and moxifloxacin. I had relief with initial doxycycline treatment, but it came back shortly after. Tests for herpes, gonorrhea, chlamydia, ureaplasma, micoplasma, trichomonas, syphillis, HIV, hepatitis are all negative. Cystoscopy 2 weeks ago confirmed urethritis. No other symptoms. Why does my penis still burn?
Avatar n tn 0 gram of metronidazole (Flagyl) in addition to erythromycin. The reason for the recommendation is that a substantial proportion of men with NGU also have co-existent infection with trichomonas. Trichomonas is difficult to diagnose in men but can certainly be a cause of persistent discharge and symptoms. I suspect this will help. Good luck.
Avatar f tn 2 days after that I was put on a 7 day course of Metronidazole for a tooth infection. About a week after the pills I started to get itchy and sore down below plus lots of abdominal pain so I went for a std test. I had finished the course of pills for about a week before the test. Would the Metronidazole have effected the results???? As I am now feeling bad down below again!!