
Metronidazole for trichomonas

Common Questions and Answers about Metronidazole for trichomonas


Avatar f tn I am pregnant and I keep going to the doctor and they keep diagnosing me with trichomonas they give me pill for it 4 Tablets of metronidazole and I have taken them 3 times within two and a half months but everytime go back to get retested because my vagina is still not feeling regular they keep telling me the same thing at this point I'm feeling like maybe I don't have trichomonas maybe I have something else wrong but it keeps showing up as trichomonas also I have a hard time with swallo
Avatar n tn According to the Johns Hopkins poc-it recommends a 28 day course of Tinidazole or Metronidazole for Trichomonas causing Prostatitis. Is this a good way to go? Are there any other STDs to check? I feel that I am beyond the realm of an average STD clinic and my suburban urologist. Do you know any STD specialist (non-HIV) in the Bay Area that can help me please?
Avatar m tn You can be tested for it at a gum clinic and it can be treated with a course of metronidazole. The person you think you have caught it from should also be tested and treated even if they dont have symtoms, otherwise if you had sex with them again, they could easily pass it back.
Avatar m tn well i been diagnosed with trichomonas vaginalis and the doctor gave me 2 grams of metronidazole as a single dose and a vaginal cream called clotrimazole (3 days). but since i used the metronidazole i had dark urine, i had and upset stomach i couldn't eat or drink anything because i will throw up. it's been 2 day and i don't have the upset stomach but i still have the dark urine how long is it gonna take before the dark uring goes away?
Avatar f tn I am having the same problem but i had been diagnossed with trichomonas in december I was perscribed metronidazole, in two weeks went for my follow up and the obgyn told me i still had it and that she would perscribe me tinidazole after i took it my symptoms were gone and every thing so before i went for my next follow up i had gotten a second opinion and they sad i was clear of all stds, so the very next day i go back to my obgyn and she just called me today and said that i still had trich so s
Avatar m tn In the US, I was treated witn Metronidazole 500 mg 2 x day for 7 days (I did not have any tests done), which supposedly is the drug for trichomoniasis, and that this drug did not do anytning to improve the condition; the symptoms are still present. The only difference in symptoms I am observing is sometimes clear discharge, more ofthen though, yellow, thick discharge, which is most observable in the morning, before the urination. Also, there is no odor of any kind.
Avatar m tn Ketoconazole is therapy for fungal (yeast) infections, not for trichomoniasis. Metronidazole, which you took is the appropriate therapy. Alternately there is a drug called tinidazole which is also highly effective for treatment of trich. That your tests were negative is not suprising. As your doctor correctly told you, trich is difficult to diagnose in men. Treating you was the right thing to do.
Avatar f tn I was given metronidazole for the second time (same dosage). Its been just recently when I went to visit the same doct. And. He tested me again due to my persistent symptoms. Agan negative results of culture and this time I was given tinidazole 2 g one dose. The man I had intercourse with said he was tested for chlam and gonorrhea with negative results but was never tested for trich because he says he is symptoms free.
Avatar n tn I have been tested for Garderella, UTI, trichomonas, yeast etc. All negative. That is the issue, cant find the cause but continue to have symptoms..(stomach pain, discharge, pain with sex, vaginal burning etc) Augmentin was the only antibiotic that seemed to work while i was on it but it immediately came back when off it. Being treated with metronidazole should have cleared a BV or Trichomonas infection but it didnt work..
Avatar f tn re never going to be able to know for certain. In any case, both your partners need treatment for trichomonas. Even if you didn't catch it 2 days earlier, that partner was exposed to your infection, and could have caught it. I hope you'll get into the condom habit. If you're going to continue to have sex with more than one partner, you really should be using condoms 100% of the time for vaginal or anal sex. You're at risk for STDs a lot more serious than trichomonas!
Avatar f tn I had a pap done and the results came back that I had trichomonas. She prescribed 4 ea, 500 mg tablets of metronidazole to be taken all at once. I laundered all clothing, sheets, towels, etc in hot water to avoid recontamination. My husband also got treated and we have not had sex since before I was diagnosed. The symptoms went away but returned in about 3 weeks. I was again prescribed the antibiotic.
Avatar m tn There is no evidence that trich causes prostatitis, but some doctors include one of the anti-trichomonas treatments (metronidazole or tinidazole) if other antibiotics don't work. Usually it has no effect, but there's probably no harm in trying.
Avatar n tn I had an unprotected vaginal sex exposure almost three weeks ago. I have had tests for Chlamydia, and Gonorrhea -which came back negative. I have no signs of herpes and was tested for that as well. My only symptom I've had is a mild discomfort at the tip of my penis. Buring during urination is very slight, not much to speak of. I recently masturbated just to see if there would be any pain - there wasn't.
Avatar f tn I went to immediate care and they diagnosed me with a uti but they also tested my urine for trich which came back negative. The doctor treated me for trich with one weeks worth of metronidazole based off of my symptoms. 2 days after finishing my metronidazole I feel the symptoms of my trich returning. I sent my doctor a message through the portal saying they came back but she basically said I’m a liar bc no one fails treatment for trich so I must have reinfected myself with a new partner.
1211949 tn?1271716170 The usual treatment for trich is metronidazole or flagyl. But there could be other treatments. I do not know what they are off hand. You could check the website for recommended treatments of the various std's. Also, offers a lot of information on the various std's. Good luck!
Avatar n tn I went back to the ER and after 6 hours they told me it was a yeast infection and gave me medications(metronidazole and diflucan) for BV and Trich and YI. I took the medications as prescribed and cleared within 5 days just to have the same symptoms linger on. I visited planned parenthood and the doctor took swabs and cultures and looked at each one with a microscope and saw trichomonas and gave me more metronidazole to give to my partner as well.
Avatar m tn If I do need a drug against trichomonas, such as metronidazole or tinidazole. what are the doses please and can I take the same time I take the azithromycin 1 gram Thank loads for your help..
Avatar m tn This didnt help so I went back to the doctor in July and was positive for urinary tract infection and 8/12/2012 was then given 500 mg of metronidazole one tablet twice a day for seven days.This still didnt cure me,, mind u everytime i go back to the doc .. im checked again and I am still positive for trichomonas. next trip to doctor was 9/22/2012 i was given 150 mg of clindamycin two capsules twice a day for 7 days. This did not cure me either.
Avatar f tn I have taken three rounds of the single dose. Twice of Metronidazole and once for Tindamax. Then a couple weeks later Metronidazole twice a day for seven days. I saw no change in my symptoms. When I realized that I wasn't getting better I went back to my obgyn, thats when they told me again that its "inactive". I told her I didn't know what that meant and she said that it means its not moving and said its like little spores of trich.
Avatar m tn Welcome back to the forum. However, you are asking a question that really should have been directed to the doctor who is treating you. It seems likely you caught nongonococcal urethritis (NGU) or perhaps gonorrhea fromt he oral sex event. Your doctor has correctly treated you for both of these -- cefixime against gonorrhea, docycycline against NGU (using American spellings).
Avatar n tn But I have got treatment from gonorrhea for 7 days, to treat Chlamydia I got doxycycline for7 days, and flogil to treat Trichomonas for 7 days, but nothing help Then I got apo-fluconezole to treat yeast infections I become to feel better but in 2 days symptoms came back. My doctor and urologist sad if tests for std are OK then I am OK to. But I have a feeling it is something very wrong with me HIV and Syphilis tests are negative to. Please anybody help me.
Avatar f tn I want to kill him and the baby is fine i found out the sex yesterday and her hb was 152. So she is okay right now and i havent had sex since june so i had to have it since june and got the anti's as soon as she let me.
467126 tn?1283144858 ***A recent National Institutes of Health study found that treatment for another vaginal infection, trichomoniasis, with metronidazole might do more harm than good in pregnant women. Trichomoniasis, like bacterial vaginosis, has been shown to increase the risk of giving birth prematurely nowhere did i find anything about it causing miscarriages....
Avatar n tn we really can't help you much with this to be honest. most providers just treat for the usual std's instead of waiting for test results to come back and this certainly appears to be the case here though just listing medications without time lines and test results makes it hard in general.