
Metronidazole for a uti

Common Questions and Answers about Metronidazole for a uti


Avatar n tn at first i didnt bother it but after my medication in soar throat and allergy(urcatitaria), my vagina started to became itchy and again, everyday i started having green discharged for `1 week. i went to a gynecologist and she prescribed me a metronidazole miconazole vaginal suppository and ive used that for `1 week.. now what my problem is, my white discharge had stop.. i am also currently taking up medice for my UTI and had experiexed sex but that was like long time ago...
Avatar f tn She said that my urine tested clean -- no evidence of a UTI. She prescribed Phenazopyridine for the frequent urination. I took the Phenazopyridine last night and it didn't seem to help my frequent urination much at all. It did, however, turn my pee orange and give me stomach cramps. I got only about 2 hours of sleep last night, because the frequent urination has developed into a constant uncomfortable feeling of having to pee again.
187316 tn?1386356682 I have just gotten off of meds for a horrible uti. I finished the meds yesterday. They are not to be taken during pregnancy. They are macrobid and metronidazole. Just found out I'm pregnant today and I'm super worried.
Avatar f tn Hi testing for trich with urine is done mostly for men as a swab of the discharge is done for women. have a swab when the discharge appears. also the discharge for trich in women is green. has your discharge been green?
Avatar f tn Please go to a quick clinic and have your urine tested for a UTI. The symptoms mostly sound like a UTI, and antibiotics are required to clear the infection if that's the case. NO, you should not self-medicate. Not a good idea at all. See a professional. If you an your wife are monogamous, then it definitely isn't an STI.
Avatar f tn Though my pain has lessened and I went to doc she gave me Metronidazole Vaginal Gel for 5 days.
5709929 tn?1372822098 I was prescribed Metronidazole 500mg twice a day for a UTI, what concerns me is that on the label it states not to use in the first 3 months of pregnancey and I have not yet had an ultrasound done with my Primary Care physician but the ER did an ultrasound that showed me a 9 weeks because they were afraid of a tubular I have notified my Doctor of this, So my question is should I take it? Is it safe to take at the stage in pregnancy??
Avatar f tn Anyone ever been prescribed metronidazole for a bacterial infection of the vjay?im 14-15 weeks pregnant and was just wondering..I've taken my azitheomycin for the second time and hope it clears up whatever seems to be going on but the first time I took my single dose they told me it killed the good and the bad bacteria but that I got a bacterial infection so the prescribed me metronidazole,called back and gave me another single dose of azitheomycin..
Avatar f tn I have just stopped antibiotics for a uti.
Avatar m tn Thanks God. They gave me Metronidazole again and another tablet for uti. Now my discharge is like snot. I recently went to a new doctor and had gramstain. She said my results were okay. But she noticed a wart inside my vagina. It's small though. Why do I still have this discharge? :( The discharge is not smelly but it resembles mucus. I'm still waiting for the result of my pap test. Please share your thoughts about my problem.
Avatar f tn I assume somewhere along the way the doctor has looked for a forgotten tampon? Have you had an ultrasound or a uterine MRI? Have they checked you for a white count that would indicate an infection? Have you had the same sexual partner throughout, such that if you have BV and get treated, he could be giving it right back to you? (Your partner needs to be given the same antibiotic as you, at the same time, to break this chain.
Avatar f tn Wow, that's a lot. That is one heck of a UTI and long stream of drugs tried. I'm the type that wants the stronger antibiotic right off the bat to knock out the infection from the get go. Yes, get checked again to see if you still have bacteria. You either haven't fully gotten rid of that original UTI or you are somehow reintroducing bacteria into the urinary tract.
Avatar f tn Alternatively, you can take clindamycin for the bv and drink a boat load of cranberry juice for the UTI and water of course. It will take longer to clear up the UTI but it should work. It did for me in a pinch. It just took a couple of extra days. Of course if you are diabetic you can't.
Avatar f tn Is it possible that the azithromycin didn’t work or is this possibly a UTI? My doc has told me to come back after 3 months for a chlamydia retest but should I go now? I took azithromycin on March 16.
Avatar f tn Yes I have had it. Go get your self tested .. very odd that they didn't test you sew-cute. But they put you on a med for 2x a day 7 days a week metronidazole I believe is what it is called I have Google it and it said it's a class b drug and if you don't take care of the problem then it can cause problems for the baby so I just took it ... I hate being on meds while pregnant.
Avatar f tn I went to the obgyn last week they ran urine samples and std tests and everything was okay, I told them I’m spotting still for two weeks now three and cramping the test came back for BV so they prescribed me Metronidazole I felt way too anxious about taking it , Friday I went in for a ultrasound and pelvic ultrasound I believe and got the results today that it was fine. They now prescribed me clindamycin gel which I will pick up tomorrow due to pharmacy out of stock.
Avatar f tn I saw my primary doctor and they did a dip/culture for UTI and a culture for chlamydia/Gonnorrhea (first void). The tests came back negative, but due to my symptoms my doctor prescribed me 1g azithrimycin. I had "the talk" with my girlfriend and explained everything and encouraged her to see her doctor. At that time my symptoms started to go away. My girlfriend saw her doctor a few weeks later.
Avatar m tn My wife went to the doctor who informed her that she had a uti for which she had a course of antibiotics. I would however point out that my wife presented with a slight blood stain to her urine and soreness on urination, she did not however have any discharge. Due to my location it is hard to get medication I can however get both ciprofloxacillin and metronidazole would either of these be of benefit.
Avatar f tn she gave me prescription to take metronidazole for a week treatment.. after that, no more bad smell coming out from my secretions but i am afraid because sometimes my vagina is itchy.. does it mean i still have std bacteria?
Avatar f tn Hello- I have a question regarding an antibiotic I was prescribed when I was 6 weeks pregnant. I had a severe UTI and went to the ER and was given Bactrim. I'm worried about the adverse affects because after reading several articles online, they had all mentioned the drugs risks.
Avatar n tn I have a dog with IBD and he takes a compounded steroid called Budesonide everyday plus an enzyme supplement called Prozyme and stays on a strict diet of a fish and pot dry kibble. He still flares up every few months with bloody diarrhea which then we start up sulfasalazine 3 times a day which usually calms things down within a few days and after a week or 2 he's back on track.
Avatar n tn Itchy urethra can be a sign of a UTI or a trichomonas infection, again transmitted sexually, and needs treatment with metronidazole (Flagyl). Infection and type of treatment will depend on organism identified. Ensure that you keep your fluid intake over 2000 ml per day and avoid irritants such as caffeine and alcohol. Adding citrus fruits and juices to diet can also wash out any existing infection as it acidifies the urine and helps in flushing the bacteria out of the urinary tract.
Avatar f tn My doctor then gave me Erythromycin to take (2, twice a day)... as well as the Metronidazole (3, three times a day). This seems like an awful lot of antibiotics. Why was I given Erythromycin, when from as far as I can tell, Metronidazole alone is the recommended treatment for BV? Hope someone can shed some light on this. Thanks!
Avatar f tn So I am baffled by this. About 3 weeks ago I started to feel like my stomach was coming apart. I immediately went to the ER where they tested me for every known thing. They said I had a UTI and possibly a Kidney infection and prescribed Macrobid. That didn't work and in 2 days I went back, they changed the medication to Levoquin (spelling may be off). That worked!
Avatar n tn I have been tested for Garderella, UTI, trichomonas, yeast etc. All negative. That is the issue, cant find the cause but continue to have symptoms..(stomach pain, discharge, pain with sex, vaginal burning etc) Augmentin was the only antibiotic that seemed to work while i was on it but it immediately came back when off it. Being treated with metronidazole should have cleared a BV or Trichomonas infection but it didnt work..
Avatar f tn My doctor never gave me a urnalysis to test for a UTI. But ive been having flank pain is it possible i have all three UTI,BV,and small yeast infection? If so would the metronidazole for my BV cure the UTI?
Avatar f tn Had to go to Doctor`s Care today, due to a miserable UTI. I am a myoclonic seizure patient and due to this UTI issue Am on no sleep. Not good for seizure condition. The Dr. was aware I had the seizure problem and prescribed cipro, which I had to call and tell them to send me something different. The one at the pharmacy now is Augmentin. Just need a neurologist`s expert opinion as to whether or not it is alright to take Augmentin with my myoclonic seizure condition.