
Metronidazole and bv

Common Questions and Answers about Metronidazole and bv


Avatar f tn I visited the doctor Monday with a vaginal infection and was given Metronidazole to start taking. I went back for results Wednesday and I was confirmed to have BV. My doctor then gave me Erythromycin to take (2, twice a day)... as well as the Metronidazole (3, three times a day). This seems like an awful lot of antibiotics. Why was I given Erythromycin, when from as far as I can tell, Metronidazole alone is the recommended treatment for BV? Hope someone can shed some light on this. Thanks!
Avatar f tn *Did not mean to put that as the title* But i need answers for if I'm able to masturbate while taking metronidazole pills and does anyone know if BV odor goes away after taking metronidazole cause i’m still dealing with the odor while taking the pills
Avatar f tn I took metronidazole gel at about 20 weeks for bv and baby is fine now at about 28 weeks
Avatar f tn i was given doxycycline and more metronidazole and finished these about three weeks ago. the tests results for stds and candida all came back negative, but the sympoms are still present. i am going back to the gum the next time i can get away from work, but no one has been able to tell me what kind of infection this is or what kind of treatment will work. i would think it was only bv but the doctor said that it was an infection of some kind.
Avatar n tn I was told I had BV two weeks ago. I was given 5 tablets of metronidazole to swallow by mouth in one go that evening. I returned to the clinic on a Tuesday and was told some BV remained (half of it had gone). I was then given another 10 metronidazole tablets to take by mouth (one twice a day). The doctor said no alcohol but did not mention anything at all about whether I should refrain from sex.
Avatar f tn I went to the obgyn last week they ran urine samples and std tests and everything was okay, I told them I’m spotting still for two weeks now three and cramping the test came back for BV so they prescribed me Metronidazole I felt way too anxious about taking it , Friday I went in for a ultrasound and pelvic ultrasound I believe and got the results today that it was fine. They now prescribed me clindamycin gel which I will pick up tomorrow due to pharmacy out of stock.
Avatar f tn Alternatively, you can take clindamycin for the bv and drink a boat load of cranberry juice for the UTI and water of course. It will take longer to clear up the UTI but it should work. It did for me in a pinch. It just took a couple of extra days. Of course if you are diabetic you can't.
Avatar m tn I have to take metronidazole for 7 days 2 times a day (1 pill in the morning and one at night). can i still have sexs while doing this process?
Avatar n tn Hi Sarah, BV it will just keep coming back, and may go on for a few years yet, try the natural way, google bv and sea salt, you could also try bv and boric acid, on earthclinic under symptoms you find BV, and apple cider vinegar as a cure or ACV, just some other ways to try. Who knows one day you will beat it.
Avatar f tn I would like to know if I can get BV because of a herpes outbreak? Im sure the smell isn't herpes, but BV as ive had it before, herpes doesn't have an odor. Is it safe to take metronidazole and aciclovir at the same time?
Avatar m tn A bit more detail if needed - doctor told me I had BV and prescribed the Metronidazole gel for 5 days. I finished using the gel on Sunday Oct 2. My symptoms seemed to be going away. However, starting yesterday morning, I have been experiencing some itching as well as thick, cottage-cheese like discharge. I understand it is common to develop a yeast infection after metronidazole.
Avatar f tn BV is a major pain. I had that a long time ago and it lingered. It would be gone and reappear which is not uncommon. If you are sexually active, your partner could be passing the bacteria to you. It happens. They take medication too which solves that. Many women get BV all on their own too as this bacteria loves moist, warm, dark environments.
Avatar n tn m currently 23 weeks as of today, and this is my first baby. Have any of you taken it before and had any issues? I know my doctor wouldnt give me anything harmful to the baby, but it still just scares me. Any tips would help! Thank you & i hope you guys are doing great!!
Avatar f tn I took metronidazole on 6/6/11 for BV as well. On 6/16/11, 5 days after the last pill, I broke out in the worst case of hives I have ever had. All around my hair line, into my scalp, along my hip and pelvic bones, on my jaw line and neck - -burning, painful and firey. The doctors tried to get to the bottom of it, but eventually they sent me on my way and I never did determine the source of the problem.
Avatar f tn usually the chunkies start a few days after you are done with the medication. discharge a month later is a good reason to be seen again for proper testing. you have a post on the herpes forum already that we can talk about your hsv2 status in - follow up there - thanks!
385161 tn?1270081218 I need some advice...anyone take flagyl or metronidazole vaginal inserts for BV? is this doctor correct? Should I demand more cultures or just take the meds? What happens if I don't treat BV, i've heard it can cause preterm labor, and raises risk of miscarriage, but is it safe to treat now???? HELP> > > ps. is it time for a new doctor?
1054108 tn?1314298660 I have a yeast infection bu not pregnant and might start my period soon and im on Fluconazole and metronidazole (2 pills 72 hours apart and metrogel for 5 days once every bed time) yesterday was my first day on pill and gel and today i notiched like this blood like little clumps nothing like discharge i want to know if its normal ?
Avatar f tn BV current approved therapies are not sufficient to deal with this multi-species biofilm-related vaginal disorder. Future, research should address biofilm communities with a particular emphasis on multi-species biofilms, a topic that only recently emerged (Castro and Cerca, 2015). By properly addressing the complex interactions established in multi-species biofilms, novel strategies will hopefully overcome the high recurrence and relapse rates associated with BV.
Avatar f tn I slept on and off on Tuesday and I didn’t get the Metronidazole filled until Wednesday. I took my first dose on Wednesday and by Thursday my vaginal discharge had changed from the light watery type to thick and white. I don’t have a great sense of smell, but I never once had a bad foul/fishy odor. I waited until Friday to see if the ER would call my back but they never did, so I called them around noon and asked them what the results were.
Avatar n tn Hello. Good times, right? Ugh. BV is hard to totally eradicate. If you were just diagnosed over the phone, I'd go to the doctor and get swabbed to make sure you have BV. But if it is indeed BV, it's not unusual to be difficult to fully go away. Your husband may need to be treated too as partners can pass it back and forth. Both getting treated at the same time helps combat this. But I think you need to see your doctor again.
Avatar n tn i finished taking metronidazole 500mg for 7 days and then took a pill for yeast infection for one day cant remenber the name but a week after the npleasant smell is still her ..
1308690 tn?1273696411 The bacterial flora that characterizes BV have been recovered from the endometria and salpinges of women who have PID. BV has been associated with endometritis, PID, and vaginal cuff cellulitis after invasive procedures, including endometrial biopsy, hysterectomy, hysterosalpingography, placement of an IUD, cesarean section, and uterine curettage. Have you ruled out the above.
Avatar n tn t able to go back to the doctor for a follow up because I was away at college. In January I went back to the gyn and I took a dose of metronidazole. There was no reduction in symptoms and I'm still having issues with discharge, itching, burning during urination and just general irritation. Recently, my right labia has been causing me discomfort while, walking, exercising or just laying down. Does this discomfort have anything to do with BV?
Avatar f tn I am 18 weeks with my first. I was diagnosed with BV (bacterial vaginosis) and they put me on a antibiotic to help with it. The doctor informed me that it could cause early labor. I am very nervous and wanna know if any other moms have experienced this!!!
Avatar f tn If you are asking about your birth control pills, there is really only one that has been proven scientifically to interact and metronidazole is not it. There are anecdotal things on the internet but nothing concrete or proven. That is a rumor unfounded by science. When they tested the levels of hormone in someone on BC pills and metronidazole, the level of the hormone was unchanged. Does this answer your question?
Avatar f tn I have been treated three times with metronidazole, and now have a prescription for clindamycin. Do you stabbing pains occasionally in the vaginal area as well?