
Metronidazole for bv dosage

Common Questions and Answers about Metronidazole for bv dosage


Avatar f tn I visited the doctor Monday with a vaginal infection and was given Metronidazole to start taking. I went back for results Wednesday and I was confirmed to have BV. My doctor then gave me Erythromycin to take (2, twice a day)... as well as the Metronidazole (3, three times a day). This seems like an awful lot of antibiotics. Why was I given Erythromycin, when from as far as I can tell, Metronidazole alone is the recommended treatment for BV? Hope someone can shed some light on this. Thanks!
Avatar f tn *Did not mean to put that as the title* But i need answers for if I'm able to masturbate while taking metronidazole pills and does anyone know if BV odor goes away after taking metronidazole cause i’m still dealing with the odor while taking the pills
Avatar n tn Yes, I went through BV when I was 13 weeks and took the same antibiotics. It cleared after I took the antibiotics, but if yours didn't then they might have to try a different dosage for you. I've had bv many many times and most of the time, it didn't clear up or came back as soon as I stopped antibiotics. The best thing I have figured out is to try to prevent it by washing your underwear separately and not using fabric softer.
Avatar f tn I just got done taking my dosage for bv but I think it was flagiloid or something like that. I didn't have any of what you're describing but maybe it's the difference in medicine.
Avatar f tn I took metronidazole gel at about 20 weeks for bv and baby is fine now at about 28 weeks
Avatar f tn These issues sparked the interest in developing alternative therapeutic strategies. This review provides a quick synopsis of the currently approved and available antibiotics for BV treatment while presenting an overview of novel strategies that are being explored for the treatment of this disorder, with special focus on natural compounds that are able to overcome biofilm-associated antibiotic resistance.
Avatar f tn a + wiff test is considered diagnostic for bv and you should've been treated for it a month ago when you were seen.
Avatar n tn I was told I had BV two weeks ago. I was given 5 tablets of metronidazole to swallow by mouth in one go that evening. I returned to the clinic on a Tuesday and was told some BV remained (half of it had gone). I was then given another 10 metronidazole tablets to take by mouth (one twice a day). The doctor said no alcohol but did not mention anything at all about whether I should refrain from sex.
Avatar n tn I was told I had BV two weeks ago. I was given 5 tablets of metronidazole to swallow by mouth in one go that evening. I returned to the clinic on a Tuesday and was told some BV remained (half of it had gone). I was then given another 10 metronidazole tablets to take by mouth (one twice a day). The doctor said no alcohol but did not mention anything at all about whether I should refrain from sex.
Avatar n tn I'm a 39-year-old female with only one partner (my husband). After my recent period I noticed I had a brown, foul smelling discharge. I was on vacation so called my GYN who suspected I had bacterial vaginosis (BV). She prescribed me a 5 day course of metronidazole gel, which I just completed. The smell seems mostly better, but the discharge is still fairly significant (enough that I need to wear a sanitary pad) and I'm concerned that the symptoms haven't gone away after treatment.
Avatar m tn It depends, probably, on what the metronidazole is for. If it is for a condition that can be passed to a partner, refrain from sex.
Avatar n tn Im using metronidazole miconizole suppository second.time again my bv back but the second time is much lighter and not as bad as first time, i used half of the sup i break them in two that time and i guess the reason on second time it didnt cleared up. Now in third time i bought 4 sups and on dayone it went okay. I didnt feel anything untik with day two it started to buble up some whitish that smells like my sup i wanna say my vagina washed away the metronidazole is that a process of changing?
Avatar m tn A bit more detail if needed - doctor told me I had BV and prescribed the Metronidazole gel for 5 days. I finished using the gel on Sunday Oct 2. My symptoms seemed to be going away. However, starting yesterday morning, I have been experiencing some itching as well as thick, cottage-cheese like discharge. I understand it is common to develop a yeast infection after metronidazole.
Avatar f tn I took metronidazole on 6/6/11 for BV as well. On 6/16/11, 5 days after the last pill, I broke out in the worst case of hives I have ever had. All around my hair line, into my scalp, along my hip and pelvic bones, on my jaw line and neck - -burning, painful and firey. The doctors tried to get to the bottom of it, but eventually they sent me on my way and I never did determine the source of the problem.
Avatar f tn You can, I have been prescribed that before for BV, but it doesn't always work and may not be for the right kind of bacteria you have
Avatar f tn How long after taking metronidazole (oral) do the "chunkies" occur? I took this for BV early in December and noticed now (after using an internal sex toy-not something I have done for a long time) lots of very solid non smelling whitish chunks. Yuck- but at least there wasn't an odor. What is the relation of BV and hsv2? Is BV considered an STD?
Avatar f tn have (-) partner and are in a monogamous relationship) should request a culture test. The tx for BV is metronidazole, an antibiotic that DOES NOT kill gc/chlamydia. If the culture is negative it's because you never had it, not bc the medication erradicated it. I know because it happened to me. Supposedly, false positives are rare so you may want to request the culture and empirical treatment.
Avatar n tn Hi ladies ! I was given this drug to help with BV. I'm currently 23 weeks as of today, and this is my first baby. Have any of you taken it before and had any issues? I know my doctor wouldnt give me anything harmful to the baby, but it still just scares me. Any tips would help! Thank you & i hope you guys are doing great!!
Avatar f tn i was given doxycycline and more metronidazole and finished these about three weeks ago. the tests results for stds and candida all came back negative, but the sympoms are still present. i am going back to the gum the next time i can get away from work, but no one has been able to tell me what kind of infection this is or what kind of treatment will work. i would think it was only bv but the doctor said that it was an infection of some kind.
385161 tn?1270081218 I need some advice...anyone take flagyl or metronidazole vaginal inserts for BV? is this doctor correct? Should I demand more cultures or just take the meds? What happens if I don't treat BV, i've heard it can cause preterm labor, and raises risk of miscarriage, but is it safe to treat now???? HELP> > > ps. is it time for a new doctor?
Avatar f tn The metronidazole is for bv, not yeast. it's a shame your provider never did any proper testing to see what is going on and evidently just treated you for bv and then when that didn't work, treated you for yeast with the monistat. had you had any vaginitis testing done at all during the 2 years that you had itching issues? You only have to increase your valtrex to 500mg 2x/day for 3 days to treat ob's.
Avatar f tn -“Recently, Bahamondes and colleagues verified that a soap containing lactic acid and lactoserum could be used for external intimate hygiene, reducing BV recurrence after treatment with oral metronidazole (Bahamondes et al., 2011). “ -“Interestingly, vitamin C, when coated with silicon, allowed the constant release of the active agent, resulting in a long-lasting vaginal low pH and prevention of vaginal irritation (Polatti et al., 2006).
Avatar n tn i finished taking metronidazole 500mg for 7 days and then took a pill for yeast infection for one day cant remenber the name but a week after the npleasant smell is still her ..
1308690 tn?1273696411 Intravaginal clindamycin cream is preferred in case of allergy or intolerance to metronidazole. Intravaginal metronidazole gel can be considered for patients who do not tolerate systemic metronidazole, but patients allergic to oral metron-idazole should not be administered intravaginal metronidazole. I do not know what pills you are on but If you have an allergy or intolerance to metronidazole then the insurance company would most likely place you on Intravaginal clindamycin cream.
Avatar n tn I was given metronidazole to treat Bacterial Vaginosis for twice a day for 5 days, it worked within the 2-3 day the odor cleared up, no itching nothing, however after i finished what i was prescribed to take, i started to have dryness and was itching again , i have phoned the GUM and im not happy with the responce I had as they gave no help or information , but told me to wait until my other results come back for sti's, I dont understand because the treatment has worked but now that ive fini
Avatar f tn I was given metronidazole for the second time (same dosage). Its been just recently when I went to visit the same doct. And. He tested me again due to my persistent symptoms. Agan negative results of culture and this time I was given tinidazole 2 g one dose. The man I had intercourse with said he was tested for chlam and gonorrhea with negative results but was never tested for trich because he says he is symptoms free.
Avatar f tn Well, this medication is the gold standard for bacterial vaginosis. Is this what you are taking it for? BV can be passed sexually. You can give your partner BV that they then pass back to you or be reinfected through unprotected sex. BV is hard to get rid of in general let alone if you are exposing yourself to it over and over. Often, when an infection won't clear, the sex partner of someone with it is also treated with flagyl. So, using a condom would be smart in this instance.
Avatar f tn I have had bv for over a year now. I also get the lower pelvic pain and i have different urinary problems that I believe is connected as well. I have been treated three times with metronidazole, and now have a prescription for clindamycin. Do you stabbing pains occasionally in the vaginal area as well?