
Lip sores mouth sores

Common Questions and Answers about Lip sores mouth sores


Avatar m tn My second question, I woke up this morning, 2-3 weeks after the incident, and I have sores in my mouth. When I first woke up this morning, my upper lip was swollen, There was three areas on my upper lip that was red, after I brushed my teeth the swollen lips went down, but they are still red in those spots. I also looked in the back of my mouth and I see a few red things on the sides of my mouth. I can feel them with my tongue and they don't belong there.
745313 tn?1323142298 s been getting a line of sore spots along his top lip. Not blistery sores like canker sores or fever blisters, just very small, VERY angry red spots that are very sore. Is this something anyone else has dealt with? And if so, HOW did you deal with it?
Avatar f tn I also have small canker sores on the inside of my lip and cheek that I noticed that appeared as well. I saw the dentist today and she prescribed me "magic mouthwash" which helps with the pain for about a half hour but once it wears off I'm in an extreme amount of pain. It almost feels like I burn the entire right side of my mouth. The stinging and aching is constant. I'm scared that it's herpetic gingivostomatis.
1124191 tn?1261406727 Are they canker sores or cold sores? Where do they appear in your mouth? How often do you get them, how many and how long do they last? Canker sores (also called aphthous ulcers) are normal once in awhile but if they are frequent or large in size, it may indicate a problem. Cold sores is actually a viral infection (herpes) and can appear once in awhile. If its frequent, it can be managed slightly with anti-viral medication.
Avatar f tn Aside from mild intermittent itching sensations on just about every part of my body (starting over a month ago) I have also had a mild sore throat and several sores appeared on my lower lip (this began 5 days ago). Other than the itching it seems almost completely healed and the dermatologist I saw thought it resembled the Coxsackie virus. I have also had some odd sensations on my genitals preceding this. Does this sound typical of that virus?
Avatar f tn for the past 5 months on and off i have suffered from dry sores on the corners of my mouth after a while using cold sore lip cream it goes but then soon returns, its not contagious and not very painful but itchy and easy spreads and splits when i yawn !
Avatar f tn When you say your cheek (do you mean outside on your face or inside your mouth?) and gums, that sounds like mouth sores associated with SHINGLES a different type of herpes virus ( I think). SHINGLES usually show up on other body parts like the abdomen, chest and back, however they can be on your face and in your mouth. These are extremely painful, can be large and widespread and usually take along time to clear up.
Avatar m tn Are you perhaps biting your tongue on the same spot, that turns into a canker soar? Are you getting burning sensations on the corner of your lips? When do you feel burning the most, when you wake up in the morning perhaps?
Avatar n tn Well today April 3rd they seem to have cleared up mostly and then i ate a chocolate rabit and more of them appeared??? Is this mouth herpes, canker sores, allergic reaction? I am kinda freaked out about it.
Avatar f tn i been dealing with cold sores for a long time usually occurs on my bottom lip actually under it and its usually in the same spot. recently i got an outbreak again there and also occurred on my nose on the side now ive never ever had an outbreak on my nose b4 can u tell me why i would of gotten it there also so right now i have it on my bottom lip and on my nose?it scares me because ive never had it on my nose b4 could i have had a fever?
Avatar m tn ok i have had large white sores on the inside of my bottom lip and also on the bottom of my tounge on both sides. the ones on the bottom of my tounge are long and extend the length of my tounge from bottom to top and look puss filled... these hurt very badly and i havnt been able to eat much in the last 2 weeks... what could it be? how can i treat it?
Avatar n tn This condition may also affect the mouth. However, unlike cold sores, they usually affect the insides of the mouth such as the walls and the roofs of the mouth. However, they may occur as small clustered lesions that may recur and persist for quite sometime. Source: In your case, you have only noted the lesions to affect the lips. Are the insides of your mouth also affected? Apthous ulcers do have a herpetic form.
Avatar n tn The can occur on the gums or roof of the mouth but sores that you find on the tongue or inside of the lip are canker sores and very often are confused for cold sores/fever blisters. If you are really concerned and need to ease your worries you can get tested to see if you've been exposed to the HSV 1 or 2 , (and most of us have to HSV 1 by the time we are adults whether you actually develop cold sores or not).
Avatar n tn Hi so about a year ago I went to the doctor about white sores inside my lip not actually on my lip like the inside part. He thought it might be a yeast infection and took a scraping. It came back with nothing. Then it started coming back alot more frequent. I went to the doctor again about five months later "didn't see the same doctor". He automatically said it was herpes didn't do any scraping of the sore for tests. I am a chronic smoker and ciggerettes.
Avatar f tn Now one sore is back on the left side of my mouth where my top and bottom lip connect. If i open my mouth too wide it tears and hurts. This is a new problem but it seems to be happening around the same time that all of the other things are happening.
Avatar f tn spots in the mouth aren't likely to be cold sores. Canker sores typically occur inside the mouth and cold sores more on the lip or outside the lip. did you have any testing done when you were seen by your gyn?
Avatar f tn I have sores all over my mouth at the moment from chemo.Is there anything I can do to reduce the pain a little bit?I am finding it really hard to talk at the moment and eat-so sore.What can I do?My doctor said he might have to put in a feeding tube in but I really don't want that.Please help.
Avatar f tn Just as I resisted, the butt of the cigarette, moist with his saliva, just tapped my lip. It never made it inside my mouth, and my lip was not chapped. But his saliva did just barely tap my lip. How long can the virus live outside the body? It was a hot summer night. What are the chances I have indirectly transmitted HSV1? I was tested negative last year. I will take a blood test in 3 weeks. INDIRECT SOURCES:
Avatar m tn Couple days now I develpoed 2 canker sores on the inside of my bottom lip. they are 2 canker sores connected to each other side by side. And also I have one small canker sore right under one of my bottom front tooth. On the hard surface of my gums. What does this mean? I am freaking out. Is it anything I should worry about? Or just canker sores. I have been getting canker sores on and off, but I dont think ever one on my gums.
Avatar n tn i have noticed small like blisters on the opening of my vagina and left inside lip
Avatar n tn My 4 month old pit mix, just started developing theres little sores underneath his chin and one the outside of his upper lip. They are pinkish, and don't oozee or bleed. They are only slightly raised. I also noticed a small bump, kinda like the same on his mouth, on his pee-wee. And where the bump is, I noticed little black hair forming around it. He doesn't use plastic bowls, but chews rubber toys. He also has been at his new daycare for 2 days now. Any idea?
Avatar f tn It does say you can get hsvI sores in the mouth, but is that only on the initial outbreak? Say my score is at a 6.0; does this mean that this no longer happens and I'm only prone to cold sores? I ask because in my lower lip I have a small group of really fine bumps and the tip of my tongue has a little bump. Also my lips itch lip crazy and I have little pimple like bumps that appear on my upper lip. They don't hurt but as they go away there is a little scab like tiny sore.
469210 tn?1219188128 About three weeks ago, I posted that I had these terrible mouth sores. It was causing me so much pain that I couldn't eat or even open my mouth. My tongue was covered with blisters, my cheeks and gums were so sore and my mouth had cracks at both corners. My doctor sent an oral anti-fungal rinse and also something called "Magic Mouthwash" which has Lidocaine in it. It numbs your mouth so you can eat (and talk). The oral rinses cleared up the inside of my mouth in TWO days!
Avatar m tn Hi, first of all the risk for contract genital hsv1 from oral sex is when she has lip sores at the time and if she had a herpes lip sore at the time she would not give you oral sex as would be too painful. Herpes lip sores most often are open blister type leisons. 1. Shedding does not occur often enough to be a concern. 2. lip to lip as herpes prefers soft mucus type areas and requires hard rubbing to force the virus into the nerve. 3.
Avatar m tn I am not sure if these are cold sores under the surface of my lip swelling, canker sores that are also on my lip, or something else!
Avatar f tn Looks like canker sores. While hsv can occur inside the mouth, it is far more likely to cause symptoms on the mouth.