
Jaw pain punch

Common Questions and Answers about Jaw pain punch


Avatar f tn Did you have a previous jaw injury? Jaw pain is also on the list for a symptom of a cardiac event. Any possibility of that? Stress and posture issues can aggravate it. Have you tried any nsaids like ibuprofen or motrin for it? That would reduce any internal immflamation and acts as a pain reliever. Does it do anything for you? There are other meds they might use but this is where I'd go first for sure. Then if that doesn't work, they do have other things you can try . . .
Avatar m tn Maybe i should try to get an x ray of my jaw? Because i feel the pain when i hit my jaw. I know most people would say "well then don't hit your jaw" but its way to sensitive to be normal, if i hit my jaw with my hand with just a little bit of force i feel the quick pain, the same pain i feel when i hit a bump in the road or punch a heavy bag, but it feels like its coming from my head.
9628289 tn?1405408119 even Though I did punch his jaw while he had the worst toothache back I. 2012! But that was an accident! They had me on my hands and knees trying to get me to push, that was very uncomfy then they had me lie on my side....when a contraction came, I couldn't push in that position so I swung and he was right next to me and it landed on his jaw and the camera fell out his hands. It's very funny when I watch it! He was still supporting me holding his jaw. I apologized to him.
Avatar m tn I get these sharp jolts of pain in my head when ever i hit a bump in the road or even if i merely tap my jaw lightly. Other vibrations cause the pain to like if i punch a punching bag i feel a jolt of pain in my head. I have been to a neurologist and had an MRI but it came back normal. The weirdest thing though is that for the past month i have had a very very odd symptom that im almost to embarrassed about to tell the doctor because i feel like he will think im nuts!
Avatar m tn However this time rather than throwing the jabs as I was shown, I started to lean my jaw into my shoulder as I throw the punch so that my expanding shoulder muscle would jar/nudge my jaw and somewhat cause a vibration to my head, I did this repeatedly, I would stop for a while and then maybe a few hours later do it again, the point being to convince myself that my shoulder hitting my jaw wasn't hard enough to cause my head to shake so much that it could damage my brain.
Avatar n tn I have recently been going through all the same sort of symptoms as you have listed, including the jaw pain. I think it is hormone related as I have heard of other people going through it too. I am currently getting tested and may be referred to an endocrinologist shortly to find out if my symptoms are due to early menopause. So if I find out anymore about it, I will let you know.
Avatar n tn I woke up yesterday with horrendous jaw pain (mostly left side). Has anyone experience this? Any suggestions on how to relieve the pain? Or what may be causing it?
Avatar m tn s a very good idea to seek therapy ~ it can make a world of difference in your life! Regarding the jaw pain; clenching jaw muscles can affect your neck and jaw, it is actually a common symptom for many people who suffer from anxiety. If it is extreme, you can ask your dentist for a mouth guard, which can help reduce the pain and also save your teeth from any future damage ( use it at night while you sleep, or if you nap anytime)...
Avatar m tn For about a month now I have had jaw pain under the mandible. Lymph nodes are not swollen and the pain comes and goes. Driving me crazy. Starting to think salivary gland is blocked as my.mouth is a bit dry.
Avatar f tn No jaw pain but now you mention it I've got slightly sensitive teeth. Hope your jaw ache passes quickly.
Avatar n tn I have had pain in the left joint of my jaw for years now. As far as I can remember I have not been knocked in that area. The area of pain can stretch from the lower jaw area right up to my ear and can even give me neck pain. It causes pain when I open my mouth wide and always feels like the bones are 'clicking' and 'clunking' out of place. I have had phisio on the joint but that is only a stretch of the muscle and the pan is always present.
Avatar n tn s know if you have ever had braces before, but if so, or if you grind your teeth, there is a very good chance you might have TMJ. It causes severe jaw pain because the jaw is not aligning correctly. If it is, you generally can not open your mouth as far due to tightening or sometimes you can even feel or hear it pop.
Avatar n tn for this he gave me brufen 200mg, amoxicilin 500mg and flagyl 400mg, but still im havig sever pain in my lower left jaw where my wisdom tooth was extracted. when i met my doctor to remove the stiches i complained about my situataion, he said its normal as for the bone beeing drilled.
Avatar f tn My oral surgeon suggested some exercises I could do and it did help a little. The instant headache pain i had went away because the regular jaw joint pain I was having suddenly didn't reach my right eye . I have had no improvement since and my o/s wants me to start therapy. Will this help ? Starting to think there will be no end to this , each meal is painful , getting really sick of this.
2932946 tn?1344722012 She also goes to a chiropractor for them to adjust her jaw. When he does her jaw, he only manipulates her mandible, so it may be ok for Chiari patients to try.
Avatar f tn For several years, I have experienced severe jaw nerve pain. The pain is located very deep in the jaw behind my teeth, almost in my neck. I have been to several dentists, had xrays and exams and they cannot find a problem. I liken the pain to eating a lemon....that piercing feeling you get in the jaw ...only multiplied about 50 times. This is very painful and aspirin, muscle relaxers, pain medication etc does not relieve it at all.
Avatar n tn I woke up 2 days ago with some wicked jaw pain, I have graves and I just wanted to know if this is normal or should I be looking at other reasons for this pain.
Avatar n tn I am having diffculties opening my mouth because of the pain and soreness. What I need to know is this normal to have pain in the jaw area after a wisdom tooth extraction? And if so, how long should I expect to experience this pain?
Avatar n tn I have jaw pain in my upper left jaw that radiates up to my eye and head on that side. It is a kinda dull pain and also kind numbing feeling. Anyone else experience jaw issues with fibro?
4165464 tn?1384457741 Im having jaw pain, drs cant seem to figure out why?? I cant sleep its driving me nuts. Anyone else have this during pregnancy?
Avatar f tn On Monday felt a little pain and discomfort which gradually increased through Tuesday and still experience pain and discomfort on wednesday. When mouth is closed there is no pain. When moving jaw from side to side, no pain. I experience tthe pain and discomfort when opening my mouth. II also noticed my face get a little puffy on that side on Tuesday. Do think my jaw is broken, dislocated, or just bruised?
Avatar f tn On Monday felt a little pain and discomfort which gradually increased through Tuesday and still experience pain and discomfort on wednesday. When mouth is closed there is no pain. When moving jaw from side to side, no pain. I experience tthe pain and discomfort when opening my mouth. II also noticed my face get a little puffy on that side on Tuesday.   Do think my jaw is broken, dislocated,  or just bruised?
1099201 tn?1338180918 What does after I had canker sores in my mouth and now I have jaw pain on the right side of my mouth.
Avatar n tn The most likely cause for pain along the jaw - if you have ruled out dental pain - is, indeed, Trigeminal Neuralgia (TN). The pain of TN can be one of the most severe pains known. This usually indicates an MS lesion somewhere from the brainstem to along the Trigeminal nerve which is one of the Cranial nerves. It usually is severe stabbing pains which come with some sort of stimulation.
Avatar n tn I dont feel any pain until i open my jaw more than half way. My ear feels like theres a lot of fluid in it. I was thinking it might be an ear infection. But why would my jaw really hurt to open more than half way? It doesnt hurt when I chew either. Does anyone know what I might have?
659608 tn?1318289366 It is however more than possible that you could have an infection in your jaw, say, from an impacted or infected wisdom tooth. Tooth pain can often make the ear and neck hurt as well (just as an ear infection can make the teeth hurt...). There is also the possibility that there is nothing wrong with you dentally either and you are suffering from neuralgic pain.
Avatar m tn hi i get jaw pain alot at night. i have a nite guard from the dentist but it doesnt always help. i get some bad headaches which is muscle pain as i get bothersome shoulders. and advil and tylenol dont help at all. the smornig i woke up and my left ear feels full. it was really itchy inside but only the outside of the ear hurts not the inside at all. i can feel that my jaw joint has like a knot in it. its the headaches i cant stand.