
Hysterectomy time off work

Common Questions and Answers about Hysterectomy time off work


Avatar f tn I live in Ca does anyone know what is the total time you can take off of work ??
Avatar n tn I originally planned to work until Xmas eve. I shared the same feeling as u w/ not wanting to take time off too early due to only getting a fraction of my pay on SDI. I was getting really tired quickly tho so I gave into what my body was telling me. I told my boss I was gonna start my leave on 12/12. Turned out my water broke earlier than that. I had my baby on 12/8 & started maternity leave then. My suggestion to u is to listen to ur body.
Avatar f tn Well I'm 6 weks post-op tomorrow, and I'm going to ring my boss for at least another 2 weeks off than go back part time for a few weeks, and build up to full time again. I am in retail, and only get to sit down for 30mins a day, so I know I just can't physically do that at the moment. I know some-one who had 6 months off after her hysterectomy, but as much as I'd love to there is no way I can afford much longer.
Avatar f tn I was thinking a month too i work in a kitchen so they will work with me but my bills will be piling up as well is i dont work trying to work until my labor day but the time after baby is born is making me wonder idk how much time i will want to spend away from my baby
Avatar f tn It depends on where you work and how long you've worked there. According to the FMLA, if you work for a government agency, schools, or agency company with more than 50 employees you agency re eligible for up to 12 weeks of unpaid, job-protected leave to be home with your baby. You must have also worked there for at least 12 months. You can Google FMLA and find more info on the dept. of labor website. Hope this helps!
1510783 tn?1290096307 t know how true it is or whether they are fobbing me off and putting off the inevitable. Any further info would be appreciated. Good luck for your op - you should be feeling much better by Christmas.
Avatar f tn I had a partial hysterectomy just under 3 weeks ago, and i was just wondering how much walking is too much? I am only going for short walks at the moment, but feel i would be able to go for longer walks, but am afraid i might push myself too hard. any advice would be helpful, thanks.
442340 tn?1326817417 t get too specific). He is all for me taking time off work to let my body adjust. My question to you all, realistically, how long should I take off to get used to the meds? Being a teacher, it's really hard to wake up one day and not feel well, because we have sub plans to write (which take forever!). Is three weeks too long to start? I know the first four weeks are really important, but I don't want to waste my sick days if I don't have to.
Avatar n tn What type of hormones are you taking? Are you on Premarin? Or on any other synthetic hormones? Or on the vaginal ring? or the Vivelle patch? Estratest? Bioidentical Progesterone? And, what about testosterone, either gel or cream, which we women can use "off-label" but some formulas can be put on the cliteral/genital area and work wonders regarding the issue you mentioned.
Avatar f tn With my first I only took 6 because it was all we could afford and were buying a house at the time. I planned better with my work this time and have enough for approx 8 weeks as long as I work pretty close up until my due date.
Avatar f tn I had 2 surgeries 2 years ago, and the last was a horizontal cut hysterectomy. My muscles in my stomach are still not mended, and my colon was scarred during one surgery. So, I cannot enjoy my usual presurgery workouts. I was in the military for 11 years, so having this new pouch in my stomach is new for me. I'm already a vegetarian, don't eat sugar often, but I cannot get the weight off. As a matter of fact, it goes up and down all of the time. Has anyone else been in this situation?
Avatar m tn I had a hysterectomy at age 45 due to a benign tumor on my left ovary as well and fibroids. This was done in October 2011. The surgery did provide pain relief from the painful periods, and constant fibroids, but 9 days after my surgery I started with a major depression that has not gone away. After having my bloodwork taken, my thyroid was hypo active and that was corrected.
Avatar f tn d ask about something that mimics menopause. Might work great till you hit real menopause. And It would tell you if a hysterectomy would work. If your hurting outside of your period then it more than just your period setting it off. My doctor put me on depo lupron (mimics menopause) it stop my period but not my pain therefore it's really doubtful a hysterectomy would help me. If it had helped I could have kept taking it or have a hysterectomy to make it permanent.
Avatar m tn I am thinking about having a hysterectomy because of terrible endemetriosis, I am 47 and have a history of breast cancer, so I cannot get any hormone replacement therapy. But i have read that maybe it won't help. Does anyone have any thoughts?
Avatar f tn I am sorry you are suffering from both PCOS and endo that is leading you to hysterectomy. I assume you already know that hysterectomy is not a cure for the insulin resistance of PCOS or for endo. Some women do get relief, either temporary or permanent, but some don't (I don't know the percentages). I had a hysterectomy 9 years ago at age 49 - absolutely the WORST thing that has ever happened to me but I did not have a chronic pain condition.
Avatar f tn I am 42 years old and have suffered with heavy periods for the past 5-6 years. Although not everyday is a bad day, at least two or three days are unbearable. I have missed work, activities with friends and family and most time don't feel like leaving my house. Has anyone around my age had this surgery done? Has it helped? Do you recommend this being done? Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Avatar f tn Hello- I had a "partial" hysterectomy in November of 2015 (cervix, uterus, fallopian tubes were removed-kept ovaries) and it seems like my hormones are crazier than ever now! Before my surgery I suffered from palpitations, migraines, etc. around that time of the month. Now my migraines are horrible POST surgery! I was in the bed for 3-4 days last month because I could barely function without getting nauseated or dizzy and my head just pounded.
Avatar f tn I would just try to relax and find things to keep you calm. Being off work and not have to work about work along with packing will probably be a help on its own.
Avatar f tn At how many weeks is it a good time to get off of work.
Avatar f tn Hey all! I'm almost entering my 4th day clean. I al tolerating the withdrawals okay but my biggest worry is work tomorrow. Don't get me wrong I don't mind work and I'm not stressed there but quite the opposite. I'm bored out of my mind and provides me too much time to think about personal issues. I have taken the pills to make me "zone out" so to speak.
Avatar f tn i am only 19 years old and have extensive endometriosis they offered me a hystorectomy but i want children so have been given a year to tryto concieve before i made this decision they needed to manage the growth and symptoms and so i was given injections 6 months on / 6 months off these injections that mimicked menopause and i has three before i decided i wanted children and came off them.
Avatar f tn t necessary and none of her other patients took time off. What do you guys think? Have any of you taken time off, and at what point during treatment and for how long?