
How many carbs vodka

Common Questions and Answers about How many carbs vodka


Avatar n tn Hey there! I don't think you need to limit yourself to a certain amount of carbs per day. I would recommend trying a high protein and high fiber diet. Also try meal planning. Having a plan will ensure that you aren't going overboard on carbs, and knowing how many carbs you'll have for each meal will help you plan your bolus more correctly.
Avatar n tn There is NO ideal carb count. Each of us is different. How many carbs you can handle without having your BG go too high (140 in the USA) is different than it is for me (I eat under 50gr a day). Google "eat to your meter" that will tell you haw many carbs YOU can eat.
Avatar f tn I am trying to eat less carbs but i need to do this right i do not know how many carbs i should require for the day? How do i find out what is right for me?
Avatar n tn 5 drinks of vodka soda. Has no carbs and my glucose levels stayed pretty stable through the night. I ate a sandwich when I got home just in case (because it was my first time drinking since being diagnosed) which actually made me wake up a little high because I didn't cover it with insulin. Overall went pretty well.
Avatar f tn Trying to figure out How many carbs & sugars should you have? Can someone give me some insight?
Avatar n tn hello, you say vodka is high in tyramine. research says vodka is very low almost zero. many kind regards.
Avatar n tn Carbs raise BG so restricting carbs will help BG. when you say 6 units I assume you mean 6 exchanges which is 90 gr of carbs. If you take 250 mg at each meal that is 750 mg a day, the limit is 2400mg a day so you have room to go up on the Met. It can take 6 to 8 weeks for met to become fully effective.
Avatar f tn Hi! My name is Marina and I'm 21 years old. I have never drink a lot of alcohol but I've tried many alcoholic drinks. What I notice is that it seems to me I have vodka and tequila intolerance. I can drink whiskey for example 100 - 200 ml and I don't get drunk or sick but whenever I drink vodka or tequila (I mean like 50 ml) I still don't get drunk but I get trembling sick with nausea. I have to throw up everything in my stomach.I have tachycardia and breathing difficulty..
Avatar f tn You need carbs to live. Look up how carbs help you and how they don't. Make sure you are taking prenatals as well!
Avatar n tn Is drinking vodka like about small peg bottle make me gain weight.. I drink may be once or twice a week..
Avatar f tn 1) He quit smoking. However , he was smoking for 2 years. Will That have any impact? How can we cure or prevent and implications? 2) He continues to drink, What kind of drinks or alcohol can type2 diabetic intake. He often takes Whiskey, Scotch, beer, vodka and few others too... He almost take 10-15 large quantity of variety of alcohol in a month. in a week, 3-5 glasses. This scares me. Is it good to drink, bad , What should be done? what drinks can be taken to what extent?
Avatar f tn How do you eat less carbs for breakfast? I can't seem to get away from bad carbs at breakfast.
Avatar f tn This was last night? How many hours ago? And when you say 40% vodka, that's what vodka usually is. HOW much did you drink is the biggest question. A sip? A shot glass full? A bottle? You say large amount, what is that? And were you wasted drunk? I think the best way to counter stomach issues from alcohol is to not drink alcohol. I doubt you did permanent damage with a once go round with hard liquor but don't make it a habit.
Avatar m tn Nope, not really an addiction to Vodka... she prefers rum actually, lol... but its just she says an allergy to it. I think the fact that they were in the form of Jello Shooters that she was a little luckier that way and it wasn't STRAIGHT vodka going into her system that she wasn't hospitalized form it. Thanks for the post, will await further posts as well.
187316 tn?1386356682 There are soo many myths about how to start it but they are just that. I research this topic too when i was pregnant...i was hoping to help labor along...... besides,If you do take castor oil and happen to go into labor do you really want to have diareah (sp) while trying to push out your baby?
Avatar n tn My controls are generaly quite good, my Hba1c is below 7, and I am on 4 shots a day (Lantus and Humolog) My diet is restricted to complex carbs white meat, veggies and fruit, and I eat at regulated times. My main vice so to speak is alcohol, I drink around 5 times a week and heavily (8 drinks plus) on the weekends.
Avatar f tn Congratulations on your weight loss. That's quite an accomplishment, especially, if you're keeping it off. We all know that it's best to avoid refined (simple) carbs, but those are a big downfall for many of us. Diets like that Atkins Diet don't provide enough carbs and is one that most people can't stick with. I see you did it for 6 months - I don't think I could stay with it that long.
Avatar f tn I have uncontrolled type II Diabetis. How many carbs should I keep it you for each meal and how many for a snack?