
Hormone free turkey meat

Common Questions and Answers about Hormone free turkey meat


Avatar f tn I get nitrate free sandwich meat if i eat a lunchmeat sandwich.
12380259 tn?1424964291 Lol yes we have turkey and cheese sandwiches on a regular basis around here!
Avatar f tn Okay so I had a craving for a turkey sandwich. So I heated up the turkey meat in a pan and everything like the bread and melted the cheese. Is that okay and safe?
Avatar f tn Yes u can eat turkey. The hormone I turkey that makes ya sleepy is the same type ur body produces.
5975291 tn?1430718287 I didn't eat any lunch meat in my first trimester and part of my second but after that I started eating it and o didn't heat it up. I ate jimmy johns like once a week lol and I just had my baby girl 5 days ago and she is perfectly healthy.
Avatar f tn Well again, this can be misleading. Dark meat turkey is as high in fat as some grass-raised beef and pork, and salmon is very high in fat, that's the whole point of eating it. It's not the fat, it's the type of fat, and how well it suits the person.
374593 tn?1257879950 s where she was coming from. I only just even started having some turkey meat, and only after I bring it to a steaming temperature. I just, also, had my first cup of decaf a few weeks ago. But my doctor said a cup a day is fine, as long as it's not strong coffee like Starbucks. Anyhow, I was just sharing what my doctor told me. But, I see what you're saying about the listeriosis. I have been hearing that the danger is also the nitrates.
Avatar f tn I was craving a turkey sandwich, and it's my understanding that it's okay to eat provided the deli meat is microwaved. So I microwaved the sandwich for 1 minute and 30 seconds. I'm hoping that was more than enough time and all was okay?
Avatar f tn Ahhhhhh I absolutely love turkey and ham sandwiches and my Dr told me not to eat them too :'( he said so u don't get listeria. I crave them soooooo much and eat them every once in a while. Before he told me not to eat them I had a turkey sandwich every other day. I'm trying not to eat them now. He said if u heat up the meat then that is OK, but I want the turkey cold!! :( I'm 14 wks and this is gonna b a LONG pregnancy!!!
Avatar f tn I craved hot turkey sandwiches when I was pregnant with my daughter, but it had to be real turkey not lunch meat.
Avatar m tn Do you think it will hurt the baby if i have a turkey sandwhich i miss them and craving one soooo bad
676143 tn?1312941771 My doctor said I can eat ham, roast beef and turkey lunch meat. I have had turkey b/c i don't like the other stuff, but i heated it up, first. You'll be fine. Being pregnant not only comes with aches and pains and discomfort but also an unending need to worry. Oye! I'm super paranoid about everything. The scary thing is, I don't think I'll ever be able to relax again b/c once the baby comes, i'll be paranoid about everything with her!
Avatar f tn I finally gave in and had a turkey sandwich and it was AMAZING. Im 31 weeks. I was scared to eat it. But my mother told me that when she was pregnant with my siblings and I the only thing she could eat was turkey sandwiches, and we were all healthy.
Avatar f tn if I cook lunch meat is it safe to eat? I got the all natural turkey breast and was thinking about cooking it..?
5684059 tn?1374435322 My wic provider said no lunch meat... My doctor AND dietician (because gestational diabetes) said it's fine! I even got a turkey sandwich when I stayed in the hospital for three days!
1399033 tn?1449587779 I eat morning star products. They are completely meat free and made of vegetables but taste and look like meat. They have sausage links and patties, they even have maple flavored ones. They are really good. You can get them at walmart on the frozen section over by the tv dinners and stuff.
2863077 tn?1436670789 Okay, I know eating regular subs is a no no due to the deli meat and listeria. But I was wondering what about Philly Cheese Steak Subs from Subway? I'm pretty sure that meat isn't deli meat. Would it be safe? I seen an add for one and OMG they look sooooo good. Haha!
Avatar f tn Ugh ive been dying for a turkey and cheese sandwhich, but the lunch meat is so gross after heating!!!
579258 tn?1250649343 I've invited myself to a co-workers house for Thanksgiving this year, as Mr. Peek will be gone for the whole week! I'm bringing a side dish. The only problem is that our work gives us free turkeys every year, and I don't want a giant turkey hanging around in my freezer until I feel like turkey again. I'm investigating the possibilities of donating it, but the logistics of that may be unworkable, seeing as its frozen.
793908 tn?1294705109 I just read what someone wrote about Turkey causing Pancreatitus. I give my Poodle white meat turkey. Tonight I made her "Doggie Shepards Pie" Mashed potato Chopped Turkey & Mixed Veggies. Now I am panicking. She had a bad bout with Pancreatitus in January...she almost died but made it through. Thank God. Now she is diagnosed with Cushings Disease & Kidney Disease. I NEVER KNEW TURKEY WAS BAD FOR A DOG. Does anyone have any insite to this? Please HELP me.
Avatar f tn Well, my dr said no lunch meat for me bc of the risk of listeria. I haven't done my research on this so, I needed a turkey sandwich one day so bad... I heated the meat up in the micro til it was steaming and made my sandwich with that. So far so good. I haven't had to have a sandwich since.
Avatar f tn It's mostly meats like bologna, salami, cold hotdogs. That kind of meat. Ham, turkey, chicken should be okay as long as it's fresh.
9634886 tn?1405819605 if you want to eat cold meat i would stay away from pork meats. try to stick to turkey or chicken.
Avatar f tn I am sooooooooooooo craving a turkey lunch meat sandwich but my friend said u should not eat lunch meat.