
Heartburn medicine walmart

Common Questions and Answers about Heartburn medicine walmart


Avatar f tn I have severe heartburn . So bad that im throwing up from how bad the heartburn is. I tried tums and threw up within secs of chewing it so that didnt work. Ive tried milk that didnt work either.
Avatar f tn I take medicine for heartburn too. And I take a Tylenol if my headaches get to bad.
Avatar f tn I take tums as needed for occasional heartburn and take a daily medicine called Dexilant for my chronic GERD.
Avatar f tn my dr gave my rinididine which is zantac but you can get generic version called acid reducers at walmart, idk where you live but when i ran out of the script from the dr i got walmart brand of them for like $4 but it is safe to take.
10678677 tn?1413254266 my mom bought me (Equate extra stenght Antiacid chews) from walmart are they safe to take???
Avatar f tn Regular strength PepcidAC twice a day is what my doctor recommended. I've had excruciating heartburn since about 4months and it has been a God send! I'm 31weeks now and still take it twice a day.
Avatar f tn If you are past 12 weeks you can take Prilosec. I had horrible heartburn. After taking it for two days I had relief. You can take it up to 14 days at a time. I only needed it for 4 now I am fine and don't need it. FYI I am 37 weeks..heartburn picks up toward the end.
7365709 tn?1395398972 I'm 31 weeks haven't experienced heartburn with this pregnancy until now what can I take for this problem? Help!
Avatar f tn Ranitidine. You can find it at walmart with the zantec it is completely safe during pregnancy ive had to take it with both of mine.
Avatar f tn What is the best thing to take for heartburn??
Avatar f tn Try asking your dr about medicine that is not over the counter. I'm taking some and it works really well!
11970398 tn?1443134602 Ive had aweful heartburn, tums arnt cutting it, my dr says i can take maalox but i was wondering if anyone knew a pill i could swallow for it?
Avatar f tn I'm going through the same thing and it's unbearable. I can't sleep many nights. Try eating more protein on an empty stomach and no carbs without fat and protein. That got rid of mine for a while and made it about 80% better long-term. I got to see that my baby has tons of hair during my 4D ultrasound though, so that's a plus. The hormones that cause lots of hair growth also give you heartburn, so might not be so bad. I now take a Prevacid every 48 hours.
Avatar f tn Try taking Gaviscon with a glass of milk that is the only way I can get a antiacid to work. They sell it at Walmart. Tums and all the others didn't work for me period.
Avatar f tn Like orange, apple, tomatos. Anything acidic will make yout get heartburn ive had heartburn since the second trimester. My son will probably have a lot of hair. And i cant wait to eat stuff with acid again that wont give me heartburn. (: hope that helps.
Avatar f tn i get this all the time its like anything i eat makes me have heartburn an it gets so bad i wana cry but i found that alka selzer chewy tablets the lemon flavored help alot an my doctor said they are perfectly fine to take being pregnant.
Avatar f tn I got really bad unbearable heartburn during my 2nd trimester. My doc just told me to take TUMS it got to the point where I was getting heartburn from a simple turkey sandwich. Sometimes i got it 2 or 3 times a day. It was awful! Finally, my mother (genius women) told me to take a TUMS before my meal instead of after that was it will prevent the heartburn! It worked for me!
Avatar f tn Yesterday I went to the hospital & found out that I had a bacteria infection which they said was normal in pregnancy. They prescribed me a medicine called flagyl & it's a small thick chalky pill that's leaves a nasty after taste behind it. I have to take it twice a day for 7 days & every time I take it it bothers me.
Avatar n tn This heartburn is kicking my butt no matter what i eat i have it n its not pretty. What can i take that is safe to take?
Avatar f tn Is there anything that can help with this heartburn? I cant get rid of it.
Avatar f tn I'm 23 weeks and recently started getting heartburn. I never had it before I got pregnant. Whole milk works for me. I don't have tums. Mylanta and rolaids are safe for pregnancy. Maybe those will work for you.
Avatar n tn Since the attack I quit smoking and have been taking these drugs, but have been unwell almost everyday, suffering heartburn or chest contractions or some other stomach or chest pains or depression. As the months pass by I began to suspect and now believe that these problems are side effects of the drugs. I visited many doctors and had various checks and echos and analysis and was told that I am ok and was advised not to take alternative medicines!
Avatar f tn I can not afford 2 of my medicine each month..Even after a prescription medicare D pays. It leaves me owing $100 on each..Plavix and Ranexa.. Were can I get help with these medicines? I must take these due to my health.. Any info. will help me..
Avatar f tn im 23 weeks and been having heartburn alot for the last couple days is this normal and what can i do about it
Avatar f tn which over-the-counter antacid/heartburn medicine worked best for you?? I get it pretty often, and im making chili for dinner so i know im really gunna need something to help with it tonight. :) I'm 28 weeks and never had any issues with acid reflex or heartburn till a few weeks ago and now some night its gets so bad that it keeps me up at night. I REALLY dont want to take any medicine during my pregnancy, but this is something i just cant solve myself. tried everything already.
Avatar f tn If you're talking medicine then get zantac if you can't get medicine right now then milk always helps me!
Avatar f tn This preggy chick needs to stay out of walmart! Is it just me or is walmart just a meeting place for every idiot in town??