
Heartburn medicine liquid

Common Questions and Answers about Heartburn medicine liquid


Avatar f tn which over-the-counter antacid/heartburn medicine worked best for you?? I get it pretty often, and im making chili for dinner so i know im really gunna need something to help with it tonight. :) I'm 28 weeks and never had any issues with acid reflex or heartburn till a few weeks ago and now some night its gets so bad that it keeps me up at night. I REALLY dont want to take any medicine during my pregnancy, but this is something i just cant solve myself. tried everything already.
Avatar f tn Seriously going insane with heartburn and reflux. It never goes away! Tums don't seem to help. Today I didn't eat for like 9 hours, had only water and hung around. What can I do to make it go away or do I just have to live with it?
Avatar f tn I have NEVER had heartburn this bad. It's honestly to the point where I want to cry. :'( Absolutely nothing helps, not even my prescribed medicine for it. This does go away after you have the baby, right?!
Avatar f tn I have severe heartburn . So bad that im throwing up from how bad the heartburn is. I tried tums and threw up within secs of chewing it so that didnt work. Ive tried milk that didnt work either.
Avatar f tn HORRIBLE heartburn! What can I do to help relieve it? And why does it happen with anything I eat???
Avatar f tn One cause of heartburn is celiac disease. This and lethargy were the ONLY symptoms my coworker was having. She's about 50 I guess. Her doctor checked her labs and she was positive for celiac disease. She had low levels of vitamin D and some other vitamins and minerals. No heartburn medicines were helping. Upper and lower endoscopy were done, and upper endoscopy showed the damage from the celiac disease. She went gluten-free.
Avatar f tn (I know a lot of patients in here have been dxed with gerd, but unless you actually have heartburn, you might want to be reevaluated especially if the meds don't work.
Avatar n tn Before I got pregnant I had horrible heartburn and I took prescription omeprozol to treat it (forgot how to spell it) and it worked wonders, since I have been pregnant I haven't really had heartburn so I don't know if it's safe to take during pregnancy but I would definitely ask your doctor. If it is safe you can either get it prescribed or over the counter in lower doses at pretty much any store with medicine.
Avatar f tn I take medicine for heartburn too. And I take a Tylenol if my headaches get to bad.
4250330 tn?1388621179 Try a heart burn medicine that's in liquid form, I'm not sure if were allowed to drink mylanta or pepto bismal but it's worth looking into. Because the liquid touches the part your complaining about it should provide immediate relief.
Avatar f tn Try the Antacid Reflex liquid they work faster , I would get heartburn aswell during my first 3 months & tums would work but liquid antacid worked faster . . .
11970398 tn?1443134602 Ive had aweful heartburn, tums arnt cutting it, my dr says i can take maalox but i was wondering if anyone knew a pill i could swallow for it?
Avatar f tn 31 weeks,whats the best for heartburn im killed with it,coming and going every 10 mins
Avatar f tn Try Gaviscon its a liquid, taste like your swallowing toothpaste but it helps a lot!
2097069 tn?1335282883 Ugh! Does anyone know how to at least ease heartburn? So far i have tried. Milk, water, bread, ice cream, sleeping straight up, crackers, and Tums i go threw a big huge bottle a week and that dont help anymore. Its to the point i dont want to eat and it makes me gag. Any other suggestions???
Avatar f tn Thanks so much fellow moms
9455625 tn?1412820762 This is my second pregnancy and had it horrible the whole time with my first and I'm 26+6 and it's starting to get out of control. I have tried tums, chewables, and the liquid but none of it's working. I tried milk also. I can't seem to get rid of it. HELP?!?!?
4250731 tn?1359154323 Zofran is mostly used for nausea but if its not helping you can try a liquid antacid like maalox, mylanta o rpepcid ac (liquid works better than tablets) hope something helps
Avatar f tn I have HORRIBLE heartburn to the point where it wakes me up all times of the night and is very uncomfortable during the day. Tums don't seem to work and I need relief. Do you ladies do anything else for heartburn?
Avatar f tn I'm ****** right off right now, heart burn 24/7, what's that all about!? I'm just living of milk, water and liquid gavascon and I'm just sick of it, it's like lava boiling in my throat, I can't eat anything without getting it and I just don't even want to eat because I know the outcome is just going to be heart burn...
Avatar f tn I take the recommend dose on the bottle. I asked my doctor about it when I saw him today he recommended trying the liquid form and if it doesn't help he will prescribe me sum thing that is safe for me and baby. Just know your not alone I feel your pain I get hurt burn and acid reflux daily .
Avatar f tn What can i do for heartburn. Im 29 weeks and feel like im bouta die, never had heartburn bfore i was prego. Anyone have any remedies?
Avatar f tn I have heartburn so bad!! Is there anything that anyone has noticed that helps more than others? I have been drinking a lot of milk and taking tums at night. Doctor says not to take too many tums.
Avatar f tn Gaviscon liquid I drink it like a soft drink on a night, it's the only thing I've ever used and it def does the trick, mine all had full heads of hair the worse the heart burn the more hair, any one else found thus I know it's supposed to be an old wives tale but seemed the case for me.