
Heartburn in your body

Common Questions and Answers about Heartburn in your body


1523981 tn?1311318595 Are you having bad heartburn the only time that has happened to me if if I have heartburn but I would mention this to your midwife doc etc because so far your lucky having woken up n not chocking on it
Avatar f tn I have no heartburn and you could see my baby girls gait swishing around in my ultrasound. I'm 33 weeks ^.
Avatar f tn My opinion is the baby in your womb grows a fine hair all over its body but falls off before birth there for baby might have had more hair before the baby came out
Avatar f tn So Im in my 2nd trimester and just now starting to experience heartburn really bad....
Avatar m tn Its best to slowly increase the amount of probiotics on how well your body is able to flush the toxins out of your body without severe die off symptoms. If you like more information let me know.
Avatar f tn So i only had heartburn once,but i eat everything and my bf always getting heartburn but he never had it until i got pregnant
7998970 tn?1435183202 I've only had it like two days in my whole life.. Both during pregnancy. For me it felt acidic and kind of a burning sensation in my throat. If it's in your chest it should be like up by your collar bone, in the deep part of your throat. I think anyway.
Avatar f tn It's 3:09am, I was having heartburn and decided to go sit up,watch tv and drink water. I feel way better now and I'm gonna try to fall asleep. 28 weeks today!
Avatar f tn I've been so emotional about the whole thing but it's been 2 months so I guess i'm "getting over it" if you will, it's still a pretty touchy subject with my boyfriend but we're working through it. We both kinda freaked out after the positive test then got excited It's just crazy. Congrats on your baby, and I hope everything goes well for you.
Avatar f tn Nope perfectly normal. It's cause by the a specific hormone relaxan(sp?) causing all of the ligaments and muscles in your body to loosen up. That also includes your intestinal tract, it's not as strong to keep all the acid down where it should be.
Avatar f tn but the acid from your stomach gets pushed up into your throat and it makes you feel like you have a lump in your throat! Try drinking milk or something if you can to help the acidity in your tummy!
Avatar f tn With my first and with this one i have constant heartburn. Tums by my bed so in the middle of the night when it wakes me up I can chew a couple. Both babies I have carried low, so I don't know if that has a lot to do with it. Have you tried elevating your upper body some so you aren't laying flat?
Avatar f tn Im not a milk drinker either so I also take tums.
Avatar n tn One of the causes of globus is GERD. Since you had heartburn also, the most likely cause of globus in you is GERD. Take PPI like Prilosec for 4-8 weeks for relief.
Avatar f tn Heartburn is common. Old wise tale: your baby has a head full of hair! (Proven right twice so far for my two baby girls) I used to keep a water bottle by the need at night, because that's when it was worse for me. You could try drinking more water, tums, and not laying down after you eat a meal. Some foods are culprits also like iceberg lettuce, spicy foods, & citrus fruits.
12810246 tn?1428586734 Try not to lay completely flat use another pillow, a towel or blanket under your pillow so your upper body is on an angle
13131419 tn?1428699194 your stomach is producing too much acid and its splashing up against your esophagus, that is whats causing the the burning feeling in your throat. Try nexium, prilosec, or pepcid 30 min before u eat anything in the morning.
Avatar f tn i get that too. its because laying on your left side helps with digestion, and on your right side slows it down more. all because of the way your stomach sits. think of it like laying on your right side allows the acids to spill out a little and on your left side gravity keeps it down.
Avatar f tn Heartburn, even if it is severe, is normal for pregnancy. I feel your pain and am so sorry you are having to deal with it :( Talk to your doctor. They can prescribe you medication for it. You can use tums, but that will make you super constipated it you take them too often. Nobody wants that... Good luck! Hope it gets better for you. Getting a prescription was a lifesaver for me.
792540 tn?1285186997 ye im 36 wk but over here in leeds we dont get checked for dilation of soften cervix untill your in labour or over due which is pretty silly but my midwife said it was fine to go ahead with epo as once things start to happen its suppose to make dilation alot quicker so we'll see.. cos i only got to 35 weeks with my son im really struggling with this pregnancy now as they say the last 5 weeks are the hardest and my god im starting to feel it now extremley tired back pains anxious bout birth..
7831604 tn?1399711007 Lay on your left side with your body slightly raised. (I put a couple books under the legs at the top).
Avatar m tn what works for one person may not work for another, in my case what works for me 1 week my not work the next, my body gets used to the product- so my Dr. tells me. OTC products can be doubled if the strenght on the box does not work---Try Pepsid AC they have a 10 & 20 mg....(the perscription for that is Axid 300mg)....I have been on them all, but not the ones with Sodium Bicarbonate like Zegerid OTc....
Avatar f tn Sleep with your head in a higher position than body it helps not to lay flat down
Avatar f tn I had this early in my pregnancy. Started and lasted my entire 2nd trimester. Doc kept telling me heartburn, even though it feels nothing like it, so I have been living on Zantac 75, twice a day. The pain eventually stopped and then the real heartburn took its place but the Zantac did wonders for me. Hope you feel better!