
Heartburn during the first trimester

Common Questions and Answers about Heartburn during the first trimester


Avatar f tn Are pinches on the side of abdomen normal? & what to eat when all I eat in the morning comes out?
Avatar f tn I am 35 weeks pregnant and just this week I have been getting nauseous, extremely tired, and a loss of appetite. I am experiencing everything I experienced during my first trimester. Is this normal?
Avatar f tn yup- my first pregnancy i had horrible heart burn from day 1. I suffered through the first trimester on tums. I can't stand the thought of tums since then. After I was out of the first trimester, i was given a script for Pepcid. I was allowed to take OTC zantac, pepcid, etc... but it was cheaper to get a prescription. My daughter did not have any problems at all with reflux. I am now pregnant with #2. I was surprised that the first trimester wasn't too bad with the heart burn.
Avatar f tn Anyone around that can't wait to get out of the first trimester so maybe I can worry about miscarriage a little less?? Mannnn!
Avatar f tn I got heartburn during my first trimester as well (still do and I'm in my third trimester). I find eating watermelon and drinking watermelon smoothies help get rid of it. Of course tums help too but if you want a tastier alternative, try watermelon.
Avatar f tn Oml I feel like I'm going to have a rough pregnancy I'm always achey and hurting and is it okay that I've lost 6 pounds off my pre pregnancy weight?
Avatar f tn my body is wierd during pregnancy, I was not hungry at all during the first trimester and when I did eat i got full very fast (and I ended up throwing most of it back up anyway) now that I am at the end of the 2nd trimester I get very hungry sometimes (i have discovered that I should not go anywhere near a grocery store while i am hungry I buy the wierdest thigns when I'm hungry) but even when I am hungery I can't eat that much I will eat some and then be too full to eat anymore and i w
Avatar f tn Mine got bad once I hit the 3rd trimester.. I could drink water n get heartburn. Seriously no joke!!! But the Doctor gave me rantidine it works for me but sometimes I have to take a tums inbetween doses!
898043 tn?1262496985 I have a lot of heartburn and I've been feeling more tired lately - for the first time during the pregnancy, my energy levels are low (even during the first trimester, I was still go, go, go as usual). I feel big....belly is sore (especially when I sit for too long, like at my desk at work). And now, because I got the H1N1 vaccine today, I'm feeling VERY run down!!
Avatar f tn Everyones pregnancy is different. For instance I had nausea and fatigue in the first trimester and heartburn in my second. Some people don't even get morning sickness so if you don't experience it or other symptoms it's okay.
Avatar f tn I got nauseous again like in the first trimester, sore and leaking nipples, swollen feet , and pressure on my lower abdomen .. that's all I can think of right now oh and my sons kicks are so painful at times !
Avatar f tn 2nd pregnancy ihad heartburn during the 2nd trimester & turn out to be a boy.
349463 tn?1333571576 Hi ladies. I know exactly how all of you feel. Vomiting ,headaches, nausea, Constipation etc. I talked to my doctor and told her i thought it may be my prenata vitmins. She totally agreed and said she thought it ws torture to have women who are pregnant take them. I stopped taking those and switched to flintstone complete. I feel soooo much better, and not to gross you out but it had been 6 days since ihad a bowel movement and as soon as i switched that symptom was GONE.
Avatar f tn Hi I just found out yesterday that we are expecting our first. We haven't got into the Dr yet but by looking at my last period I'm about 6 weeks and 6 days.
Avatar f tn Just remember its going to get worse before better but all pregnancy are different im 13w/3ds my whole first trimester I walked around feeling dead like I had the flu I had heartburn from hell I actually got sick constant dizzy and throw up I lost all sex drive all I did was sleep.. these past two weeks leading to my 2nd trimester have been better I've gained some of my energy back most of my sex drive back I don't hate my husband as much haha I get emotional for no reason...
Avatar f tn Try zantac twice a day. I had heartburn so bad until beginning of 3rd trimester.
7094011 tn?1405455886 I am currently 13 weeks and 3 days and so far I've hated my second trimester. My first trimester seemed to be a lot easier then this trimester. I've had morning sickness, I've been sick after eating, and sick at night. Everything I've read says I should be feeling better, and have my energy levels back, but I feel like I'm more tired and sick now then I've ever been. Did anyone else feel like that before and it went away?
Avatar f tn Mines httn me again the last stretch is really jus like the first trimester for me the nausea, emotions, fatique,mood swings,congestion, and nw u only bigger so mor uncmfrtble, lol bt it won't b lng I hope lol 37w7ds :)))
Avatar f tn I am 6weeks as well and have horrible morning sickness. It seems like everything triggers it for me.I recently got prescribed a low dosage of Zofran. It helps sometimes, but not all the time. I really don't want to depend on the medication all the time, so sometimes I just tough it out as best as I can. I have it all day long everyday. I am hoping as well for it to disappear soon. But I have heard some women get stuck with it the whole pregnancy. Crossing my fingers it won't happen.
Avatar f tn This second pregnancy has been hell all eight months so far and the ninth is looking just as bleek, have been full of periods throughout the day and evening of nausea and heartburn, luckily no vomiting though. Unfortunately i havent found anything to help with mine. If you dont have it all to often you can try emetrol, its over the counter, tastes alright and is ok to take during pregnancy.
Avatar f tn Oh and a harder time sleeping and getting comfortable since baby has less room your tummy will feel as I has 10 lb weights in it.
873692 tn?1337275733 I am 16 weeks & feelin pretty good. I have been in the second trimester for a few weeks & it is wonderful. My sickness is gone :) & I too am eating like a cow. I am really into sweet fruits & some salty things. I know too much sodium is not good, so I try to limit myself, but sometimes I can't help it. I will open a big bag of chips & next thing I know it is almost empty.