
Heartburn and women

Common Questions and Answers about Heartburn and women


Avatar f tn Yea tums help.
6502237 tn?1396004798 Hey everyone, We've just received exciting news that I am currently 7 weeks pregnant. This is our first child so everything is going to be new.. I've been lacking a lot of sleep these past few days due to server heartburn and I work the night shift. Also it's not just bad heartburn keeping me up all day, I just have been feeling really restless lately. Is this a problem, or do most women experience this during their first trimester? Let us know your thoughts! With love!
192291 tn?1345400135 I get really bad heartburn and have with all my pregnancies. My first two were boys and this one is a girl so nope it doesnt matter. I always heard that heartburn means your baby will have lots of hair. Though I dont believe in old wives tales lol. Funnily enough though both my children had heaps of hair!!!
Avatar f tn I had tons of heart burn with my 5yr old and he had a ton of hair so in my experience yes its true. But I've had ffriends with heart burn the whole time and there baby was bald.
Avatar f tn Hello any remedies to help with heartburn 10 weeks pregnant and heartburn is killing me.......
7226011 tn?1389330533 With my first son I had heartburn bad and throughout the whole pregnancy and he was bald. With my daughter I had no heartburn and she came out with a full head of hair.
1507909 tn?1313633804 Heartburn and lots of hair is an old wives tale. I know lots of women who had heartburn and a baby born with a full head of hair. I also known that lots of women who had heartburn and the baby was born with next to no hair.
4488108 tn?1355344892 t had it when I found out the cause was a spicy and fatty food. The chemical in chilly peppers is known to cause heartburn and the smell of garlic nauseates me still and it never used to. So naturally I avoid the smell because it makes me feel so sick.
Avatar f tn Youvcan take tums. Just try to watch how.much and how often you take them. Another trick is peppermints. Pretty much any of the hard candy kind will help.
Avatar f tn Can someone please just sum up what having heartburn feels like, I know it's common in pregnant women so I knew it would come I just never knew how it would feel, I want to make sure this is really heartburn that I'm feeling and not anything serious bc this feeling truly *****, its feels like my throat and chest are just collapsing (that's a bit dramatic) but it really is an uneasy feeling, my throat is very irritated, my whole inside just feels really gasy...
Avatar f tn Again i dony say this to scare you but i wish i had known the symptoms of a gallstone are similiar to heartburn and gallstones are more common in pregnant women who have had previous pregnancies as your organs shift to make room for baby.
Avatar f tn I to have a baby with hair my last 2 were bald she saw the hair on ultrasound and said he has a head full, i said i know its a old wives tale about having heartburn but i had no heartburn with my last 2 that were bald and i have had so much heartburn with this one (i don't believe old wives tales either but thought it was funny in my case it was right) the tech said that's the only wives tale that i found to be true
Avatar f tn Is there anything else I can take for heartburn besides tums and rolaids? I have done everything correct, as far as what I eat and potions but even water gives me heartburn. Now im up feeling like a fire breathing dragon. Dr keeps telling me what I already take should work. I really wish I could wake him up when I cant sleep, like now.
Avatar f tn Try milk, and tums. Works for me most the time. I have had heartburn sense I found out I was pregnant. Some days are worse than others. I've noticed eating smaller more frequient meals helps.
Avatar f tn 02am. And I am afraid to eat because of my heart burn being so bad. And I would take my prilosec but I am out and they won't fill it until the doc changes my prescription and lord only knows how long that will take. I already have heart burn and I can't lay down till it goes away or I will throw up... I was just wanting to see if this happens to anyone else..
Avatar f tn im 6 weeks and just started having very bad morning sickness and heartburn. Nothing seems to help. I can't miss work. Are there any home remedies to help the nausea?
198627 tn?1203054007 A couple months ago I thought I was just having severe heartburn, but it turned out to be 2 duodenal ulcers and it was a good thing I went to the er because they admitted me for 5 days. Better to be safe than sorry. Of course, it could be a heart attack as well, but you're pretty young for that. Tagamet or Cimetidine are 2 over the counter meds that work well for heartburn. Only you know how much pain your in. If you can't stand it, get to the ER.
1293887 tn?1332702847 Nausea pukey and heartburn from h-e-ll! I take rx for my ulcer which helps the heartburn. I puked on Thurs and was annoyed bc i thought 4 months of morning sickness was "paying my dues" but apparently not :P but I get nausea more often than I toss my cookies but when I do its an impressive gold metal performance as it launches great distances :/ and with the heartburn I get the acid that creeps up into my throat too. Luckily only a few more months!
Avatar f tn I dont think it means hairy baby, because I know women who have had loads of heartburn and there babies are practically bald I have hears though heartburn means a boy lol!
Avatar f tn For me fun helped me a lot. After I eat I chew gum and that helped me. I used to get heartburn even just drinking water!
Avatar f tn I am just about 5 weeks and today I have some of the worst heartburn I have ever experienced. There are tears. I have tried milk, baking soda and water and lastly Gaviscon. Nothing is working. Anyone have any tricks? I am definately going to be losing some sleep over this bout tonight.
Avatar f tn It's such a nightmare its just as the baby grows it pushes Ur stomach and other organs closer together and its all squished up I had it real bad and couldn't sleep then my midwife prescribed me peptac liquid its good for women when pregnant and breastfeeding it help soothe the your stomach and stop heart burn and.
Avatar n tn I am 26 women. In last two years i went through serious stress,depression and anxiety due to some problems, which deteriorated my health and i got skinny. I think if i am having some heart disease because sometimes i experience shortness of breath, heartburn accompanied by anxiety. During the depression i felt fluttering in my chest and restlessness that is why i think so.
Avatar n tn has anyone heard of healthy mama Tame the Flame!? I saw it at Target and was so excited to see a product specially for pregnant women. My OB recod but want to know if it's good before I buy.
216278 tn?1308861082 Just curious.... What was your craziest symptom during the two week wait of BFP cycle? (Hindsight is fine, you didn't have to think it was a symptom at the time.) Thanks!
Avatar m tn I am a 33 y/o caucasion female. I am pretty healthy, generally excerciseand usually eat healthy foods. I am 5'7'' an 120 lbs. Two weeks ago I started getting heartburn and stomach aches. One week ago I went to my pcp and he gave me Dexilant. I have been taking 60mg daily (before lunch). I do no have a stomach ache but the heartburn is throughout the day, mainly at my breastbone and then I feel it in my left armpit. Everything I eat is giving me heartburn.
5739386 tn?1378836460 My heartburn is so bad. I only eat like one meal a day and its still bad!! And I eat around 6 and don't go to bed till 10 or 11 at night so I would think it would be broken down by now! Ugh I hate milk. And tums don't work I wish water did. I drink it all day but it just makes the feeling worse! I always feel like ima bout to throw up and a burning sensation. I just wish I could throw the food up and not have the heart burn for the rest of the night!! Heartburn sucksass!
Avatar f tn I drink a glass of milk every night before I go to bed to help keep the heartburn away. I always wake up like 2-3 hours later and it's sooo bad to the point where I feel like I'm gonna get sick. And i do sleep propped up.. what could I use to gel keep heartburn away for long periods of time?? Without a prescription? also separate question: I never had heartburn before I was pregnant.. will it go away after I have my baby or am I stuck with it now?