
Heartburn and mustard

Common Questions and Answers about Heartburn and mustard


Avatar f tn For me fun helped me a lot. After I eat I chew gum and that helped me. I used to get heartburn even just drinking water!
7758733 tn?1402589420 I'm a medical assistant at an OBGYN and although I can't give you medical advice, I can speak from personal experience as a mother of 3 and one on the way. Mustard is one food that can cause heartburn due to it being highly acidic, but it can also counteract it for some people.
Avatar f tn Mustard works! Of course I wouldn't recommend a spicy mustard. A lady told me about it and I thought she was crazy. But I've shared the info with friends and at least 4 have tried it and said it worked for them too!
Avatar f tn as I have awful heartburn with everything I eat long does the mustard help for and the only types of mustard I know of are english or french (im from UK) which type do you use?
Avatar f tn You might not like this but eat a tea spoon full of mustard, my baby boy gives me major heartburn and i heard this helps,i tried it and i was literally cured for a week. A home remedy that works! Try it I'm 28+3 and heartburn is no longer an issue.
Avatar f tn Im 29 weeks with a boy and I have fire in my throat, I've tried everything nothing seems to work.
Avatar f tn try milk too or gaviscon they also help :-)
Avatar f tn As awful as it may taste. . A spoon full of mustard! This is my first pregnancy and heartburn had me waking up in the middle of the night every night cry, cause I was tired. A ate runs like candy didn't work and I hate milk. But I drunk it still didn't find comfort. So my home girl told me to try Mustard. I didn't believe it at first and then i asked all my relatives and they told me yes it works and to give it a try, they used it during their pregnancy.
Avatar f tn Hello any remedies to help with heartburn 10 weeks pregnant and heartburn is killing me.......
Avatar n tn It burns just a little when you swallow it but it gives instant relief. Trust me I had the worst heartburn,felt like a volcano in my chest and throat.
Avatar f tn I get heartburn when I eat mustard and I use milk to calm it down...
Avatar f tn Hi there mommies! Im 23 weeks pregnant and im experiencing heartburn most of the time :( anyone here experiencing too??
Avatar f tn I've literally had heartburn this whole pregnancy. I usually just take Tums.. or if I'm out, I usually swallow some mustard (gross) but it works for me everytime!!
Avatar f tn I've tired everything except mustard and I'm still in agony!!! Indigestion since finding out and nothing helps. My midwife prescribed some pills called dicelix(sp) I'm kind of scared to try due to all other methods but I've read reviews that it works.
Avatar f tn Drink milk. Milk has started to help my heartburn.
Avatar f tn Ive had it with heartburn !!! I drink milk all freaking day and tums. Like idk what else to do, everything gives me heartburn. I cant even eat in peace. Im sooo annoying and frustrated. Idk what else to take !!!
Avatar f tn I'm being induced in one week. But I don't know if I can take much more of this heartburn and acid reflex. It's so bad I wake up multiple times in the night. Tums arent working anymore and Zantac helps a little. I can't take it! Giving birth sounds so muh better than another night of this!
Avatar f tn I am 27 weeks and I have really really bad heartburn. It's soo bad I can lay down. It stops me from sleeping. Is there anyway I can get rid of it. Does anyone have any advice on this how to make it better.. it happens so much at night.
Avatar f tn I drink milk. I always have heartburn and that's the only thing that seems to help me. Medicine never helps so ill drink a small glass of milk.
Avatar f tn I've been getting heartburn if I'm hungry lately, maybe a small snack would help? Also, a drink of milk helps. So does yogurt or ice cream, in small portions of course. And while I've never tried it, I heard a spoonful of mustard helps.
Avatar f tn What is the best thing to take for heartburn??
Avatar n tn pepto is not safe. it has bismuth in it and that's not good for the baby.
Avatar f tn I am on Zantac and tums also - Zantac is completely safe. All the other wives tale remedies just did not work. Zantac has really helped me!!
Avatar f tn Yes zantac and tums are safe to take. They didn't help me, good luck.