
Heartburn and eating

Common Questions and Answers about Heartburn and eating


3109932 tn?1347067940 You probably should limit the spicy foods. I learned the hard way I was taking advantage because I didn't get heartburn but now I am. Trust me it's no fun!
866560 tn?1265061561 I have more problems with this as the day wears on.... Breakfast is ok, lunch is fine (that's when I'm hungriest) then dinner is a bit harder...and forget about eating in the evening - I have heartburn then. I think that snacking throughout the day is a great idea, and smaller meals.
7879163 tn?1411591644 I noticed if I stay away from chocolate red sauce and anything with pepper I'm good. But sometimes I even get it from water.
Avatar f tn For the past few days I have been feeling very nauseous after eating, sometimes with heartburn and sometimes without heartburn. What scares me is that a few years ago I had experience some blood on my toilet paper, sometimes it was a decent amount. I am also lactose intolerant. After switching to a plant based diet i haven't seen any blood, it's been about 2 years.
Avatar f tn You can eat them but make sure you have some heartburn medicine somewhere close by. You'll probably get horrible heartburn!
Avatar f tn I'm suffereing from heartburn n gas and sometimes acidity too for d last months, I 'v taken ayurvedic medicine but no relief from heartburn gets worse after breakfst.
Avatar f tn Yes I'll be laying in bed and all of a sudden burp and I can feel it coming back up. I'm 25 weeks and 2 days. I haven't had any heartburn yet though.
Avatar f tn I was warned about eating a big meal. I, too, noticed that my arrythmias frequently seem to related to gastrointestinal irratation. My primary care doc says the vegas nerve runs alongside the heart and if it is irriatated, it can cause heart issues. Your pregnancy might be triggering your pvcs. I had terrible heartburn during pregnancy, as I was shortwaisted and there wasn't a lot of room with everything pushing up. I take Prevacid 30 mg.
Avatar n tn Try morning sickness well tea it's good for gas n heartburn and vomiting just mix some lemon in it and it really help me I'm 16 weeks and I don't get gas much or heartburn ,sick that much hope it helps
5002615 tn?1366014009 When I was In my first and second trimester, I was starving all the time. Every time I woke up from sleepin' I was starving, even If I ate an hour or two before bed I would wake up like I didn't eat anythin' all day and had to find somethin' to eat. So I'd say eat when you please!!! But when you get Into your third trimester, be cautious what you eat or else you'll have terrible heartburn and eat at least an hour before headin' to bed.
Avatar f tn I ate like a lemon a day for quite some time. It didn't hurt the baby but I would get heartburn from all the acid. (I thought it was worth it ha) I'm 39 weeks now.
Avatar f tn Only thing that works for me is gaviscon liquid form. Ive had a horrendous time with heartburn this pregnancy and have tried everything. ..this is the only thing that works for me...
1273473 tn?1270775840 Yes, absolutely. About 3-4 months into treatment, I had heartburn and gerd. Have been taking Nexium and very helpful. I am on the 40mg in the morning and helping. I was also coughing, which I attribute to Riba and gerd. Another SX that will pass. Hope you feel better.
Avatar f tn What could be the cause of indigestion and belching after eating anything? I had an EGD which was normal.
Avatar m tn Anyway I was wondering if heartburn could come even without eating anything (other than Cokes) several hours before the symptoms begin and could last (in spurts) for as long as it has without any relief. I also cannot pinpoint what makes the pain better or worse, as it seems to be able come on if I am sitting, lying down or standing (though less when standing). I am 22, quite a bit overweight, and started my second year of law school this week.
368690 tn?1284357253 I always get heartburn, and acid reflux 2. I went to a Dr. and described to him my symptons. Since both my parents have ulcers, and members of my family, have had stomach tumors before. the Dr. looked at me, after i was done talking, and he was like "sounds like you do have a problem, come and c me after you have your baby" I was sooooo Mad at him. But he is right there is nothing he can do for me now, so i am going to see another Dr. Tomorow i hope he is more helpfull.
Avatar f tn I've had chronic heartburn for a number of years and its been easily resolved by over the counter antacids. But recently over the past few weeks the heartburn has become more intense and frequent. Everytime I lay down, everything I eat and drink gives me heartburn. I've also began experiencing nausea after each meal. Ill get hungry but have to stop eating due to nausea. I constantly feel nauseous and its effecting my life.
Avatar f tn I have horrible heartburn to where I can feel burning in my throat! I took tums and they aren't helping! Any suggestions?
2134917 tn?1335845429 Recently dx with gastroparesis and am taking bentyl and domperidone with no relief. n I always feel bloated and the heartburn is constant. I now have pale yellow stools and am concerned that there is a connection to the previous you have any suggestions as to what to do next. I am a nurse and appreciate any thought on the subject. the quality of my life i horrible right now.....constant heartburn no relief....
Avatar m tn I am a 45 year old male, normally good health. Type 2 diabetic with my sugar controlled by diet and oral medication. My question is, for around 10 years I have had an issue with vomitting after my first bite of a meal. It doesn't matter what it is rice, potatoe, bread, meats. It feels as if there is a blockage in my chest after the the first bite. I chew my food into smaller pieces for better digestion and that doesn't make a difference.
Avatar f tn I have an appt with a GI doctor in 2 weeks to arrange an endoscopy and biopsy to confirm eosinopiles in the esophogus. I have found some relief with Allerest and Prilosec. Not eating after 3pm seems to help with the nightime attacks of heartburn. I will keep you posted.
4451415 tn?1359271504 ( i dont want to have to stop eating curry and fajitas its not fair and gaviscon is not helping help please
Avatar n tn I'm now 28 weeks 4 days and although so many people have told me you get it bad in pregnancy I've not suffered from it up until now so I thought I was lucky but over the last few days I've been suffering soooo bad with heartburn. It wakes me up in the middle of the night and as soon as I've eaten I can feel it starting. Does anyone know of any remedies? Other than chugging loads of gaviscon and rennies lol.
9663463 tn?1407525554 Milk and tums. Don't lay flat on your back and try not to lay down right after eating.