
Heartburn and anxiety

Common Questions and Answers about Heartburn and anxiety


Avatar f tn Other posters have suggested it may be post-partum depression and I think that is a very valid condition that your OB will be able to diagnose and treat. The heartburn could be from the stress and anxiety and again, your OB/GYN will be able to diagnose and treat that. Please see your doctor so you can begin to relax and enjoy your baby, not only for you but your baby.
Avatar n tn Thanks for the replies...the heartburn just started the past couple days. I do find that TUMS helps a little but not for long! Felt like I had a huge air bubble stuck centrally under my ribcage! UGH...the panic attacks started about 2 mos ago and now I have almost all day anxiety. I dont have my lab results to post, I was just told I was hyper. Im having a biopsy done on the mass in my neck on Wednesday. So my anxiety will be sky high at least until thats over!
993545 tn?1249456679 This is an area where medication definitely makes the situation worse in the long run. And whether Buspar causes heartburn or not, anxiety can and often does cause digestive problems. Buspar more often causes nothing, including effects on anxiety, but hope you're one of the ones getting benefit from it. If not, it's the Buspar. Hasn't proven effective.
Avatar n tn I am 26 women. In last two years i went through serious stress,depression and anxiety due to some problems, which deteriorated my health and i got skinny. I think if i am having some heart disease because sometimes i experience shortness of breath, heartburn accompanied by anxiety. During the depression i felt fluttering in my chest and restlessness that is why i think so.
198627 tn?1203054007 As we all know anxiety and panic sufferers tend to latch on to one specific idea and stick with it as a cause for anxiety. I do and I know many others do as well. What I am afraid will happen is get someone to think "oh, wow a heart attack - I did not even THINK of that" and continue to have that be a cause of anxiety. And you contradict yourself when you said that we should ask more questions, such as " How long have they been going on? When does she feel them?
Avatar f tn I have heartburn I am constantly burping and I feel like my stomach is burning and it makes really strange sounds. Has this ever happened to anyone??? I'm just woried it might be stomach cancer or something!!! Please help. Thanks.
Avatar m tn Let me just start by saying I don't really know if this is where I should be posting but I'm just desperate for any sort of help I can get and I'm hoping that a lot of what is happening is due to anxiety and not something more serious. This all began starting around Thursday Feb. 5th with heartburn that began while working out and continued into the next day. Fri.
Avatar m tn I'm having anxiety right now. For the past 4 weeks, im experiencing heartburn and diarrhea in the morning(once a day). Not having stomach cramps and pain. 6 days ago I started avoiding coffee , milk, tea, soda, spicy food. I started taking antacid after meal. I ate more meat, food rich in fiber and psyllium fiber. My stool are now formed and soft in my first Po-Poh in the morning and after 30 min, my second po-Poh is watery again. What causes this? Is this anxiety related?
Avatar n tn To find out if heartburn is causing you anxiety, stop eating foods that cause heartburn, cut down on salt and sugar, drink more water. Heartburn alway's caused anxiety for me, cause at times, I felt like I couldn't breathe or my chest tightened up, etc..... I changed my diet, I stopped eating foods that caused heartburn and acid reflux, heartburn anxiety gone.
Avatar f tn I have not dealt with the heartburn from anxiety. But have definitely had to deal with the anxiety of having to occasionally be around ppl (drunk, annoying, self absorbed) at times you have no desire to associate with pregnant or not in my case. Unfortunately there are some times you can't just avoid it. Believe me if I could I would.
Avatar f tn This forum is risk assestment and limited to that. Other forums and people are designed to help you through anxiety with things.
433485 tn?1321813390 They are often caused by anxiety medications themselves, but are also caused by the anxiety too. I have random nausea with my anxiety and often have a loss of appetite, both of which are neither helped nor worsened by my medication. It's also possible that you could have a hint of acid reflux (commonly paired with anxiety) and that is causing some nausea. Sometimes acid reflex helps cause anxiety while anxiety causes acid reflux. Good luck and hang in there!
Avatar f tn I feel this weird thing in the back of my throat, it's almost like when you drink soda or anything fizzy and you have to burp, but I've been feeling this for hours now. It's really uncomfortable. Like there's some kind of pressure building up in my stomach but can't get out.
1817640 tn?1323045243 Does anyone have heartburn as a result of anxiety, i have had heartburn for 4 days it wont go away ! i have never had heartburn except when i was pregnant. just wondering if anyone else has this symptom?
1534233 tn?1523388856 I have been to the doctor so many times, it always takes a long time to describe the symptoms as its seldom the same doctor, once they have asked the heart related questions and ruled that out they always focus on anxiety or sometimes heartburn. Im seeing a counsellor for anxiety and dont believe I can drink any more gaviscon! I dont think its heartburn. Any ideas anyone?
593884 tn?1219122972 I can say I improve as compared for the last three months. I started having this anxiety problem, after i suffered Heartburn, i can't breathe and sort of confusion going out of my mind when that happened. I always feel dizzy, lightheadedness and fatigue. Believe me, i already visited several specialist to find out whats wrong with me, cardio, pulmo, gastro,endocrinologist, neuro,ENT,opta, and neuro-psy being the last.
Avatar n tn I also suffer from heart palpitations and anxiety.
Avatar f tn With this anxiety I have become really focused on my eating and digestion. I seem to be having more indigestion and now I'm concerned that I have stomach cancer and that is just exasperating the symptoms. I feel like it is probably anxiety related but I don't want to blow something serious off either.
Avatar f tn My doc told me to use tums and pepcid. Also benadryl is very effective for anxiety in pregnancy and was recommended to me by doc, helped me a lot, only took when i needed to.
1331397 tn?1294039895 If sinus problems and acid reflux are related, which one causes the other ? Does acid reflux cause sinus congestion and post nasal accumulation of mucus in the back of the throat, or does swallowing the post nasal mucus cause the acid in the stomach ? Which comes first ? Thanks.
Avatar m tn YES
Avatar f tn i take verapamil120 mg inderal 120 mgs guess i was wondering if the heartburn i had last night had anything to do with it and now to top it off my anxiety is off the charts anyone have anything i can try to get a handle on this?
Avatar f tn ve been dealing with the same thing. I have anxiety pretty bad. I have been doing really well and just recently got off lexapro. however, stress has thrown me back into it. i was just in the ER yesterday with my pulse being 136. My pulse is usually always up. But i don't think it's ever been that high. i know it's stress. exercise may actually help you. that's what i'm going to do and also lay off of the caffeine.
Avatar f tn Anxiety and stress can cause many problems and digestive and heartburn issues can be caused by stress. At the age of 17 I was being treated for a stomach ulcer and put on a bland diet - I had no ulcer - it was stress due to work. I was prescribed with medication to calm my nerves which helped. Even if your husband is at home, the stress will be still inside and he may be very good at concealing how he feels. He still be may be stressed without realising that he is.