
Fingernail clubbing

Common Questions and Answers about Fingernail clubbing


11803947 tn?1430842645 Not a question really just a rant I guess. I know a girl that's 8 months pregnant and still goes clubbing. I mean I love to dance too but dang ! She complains how she's having Braxton kicks & contractions and how she can't take the pain and er this and hospital that and next day she's at the club ! I mean really ?! I want to say something but don't want to sound mean but I feel if I even try all my anger will come out. I just don't get it. Should I say something ?
Avatar f tn Okay ladies so today I'm 10weeks pregnant and I'm 19 and married but me and him have problems so he's living at his dad's house and i wanted him to spend the night with me but made excuses saying he has to watch his dad's house and i said but your married.
Avatar f tn And why would Celic cause clubbing if it’s not a blood oxygen issue? I’ve heard inflammation can cause clubbing aswell. What could this be?
Avatar f tn Is fingernails determine who the father is?
Avatar f tn Why is my fingernail on my middle finger starting to pull away from my skin and turn white and the bottom half is pitting and peeling? What could this be?
Avatar f tn Although i would not give up an oppurtunity to go clubbing and get drunk. And i usually drink alot on a typical night out. like a few coronas, jim bean cola and it would progress to like 10 tequila shots. and the next morning would see me having heavy headaches and i would like sleep the whole day..and my throat would be sore from the tequila do i stop this destructive behaviour?
6838565 tn?1402381858 Iv had enough of it all he just gets worse and worse ... last night he went clubbing with his brother and then I got mad and what does he do well he got mad to.... I hate it I can never get mad cus then he just acts all offended .. Instead of trying to fix his mistake... I kicked him out a week ago from my moms house and he didnt leave he said he would leave when he wanted to not when I told him to . I really want him to go so bad but I love him sooo much .
Avatar f tn I will be turning 21 in a few months and will be about 6 months pregnant and I wanna do something fun with my friends.
Avatar n tn Can HIV be transmitted if semen got underneath a fingernail? In otherwords, is the tissue underneath the fingernail vulnerable to passing HIV into the blood stream?
Avatar m tn Do you think the virus will transfer from my hand to zipper to then underneath my fingernail? Is it possible to get underneath the fingernail from a small metal zipper?
10623188 tn?1412309749 Lol... it's just weird.. one day you're surrounded by lots of friends.. going out... clubbing.. mall.. road trips.. awesome car drives.. doing dumb things && now it's like I understand what my cat says.. lmaoo!!! My hubby is the same way... he only has three friends that haven't left him.. && he talks to our pets too >.< i think it's funny how life's changes.. but I'm excited for our first baby! I guess changes have to be made...
Avatar f tn Deviated septum cause low oxygen in the body and it may leads to digits clubbing due to low oxygen in the body are this both related deviated septum and low oxygen
Avatar m tn Does herpes whitlow cause pain under the fingernail and forearm? I've heard of the tingling and burning, I'm not feeling either but I'm feeling numbness under the fingernail and forearm? I did use the bathroom and with the same hand I pulled up my zipper and then in seconds used the underneath of my fingernail very firmly to secure it without washing my hands, very paranoid I spread the virus to my zipper then to the underneath of my fingernail.
Avatar f tn Does above diseases cause nail clubbing in fingers and toes and they caus any Rash on skin in back Area and chest area any one can explain please thank you for answers
Avatar n tn I scratched it using my fingernails and i noticed the pimple rash had a blood (red but the blood did not went outside the body) and i checked the fingernail that i used there is no visible blood also... Questions: 1. If the technician have a dried blood in my car and my fingernail hit or touches the blood and used the same fingernail to scratch my pimple rash...Do you think this is hcv transmission? Higk Risk, Low Risk Or No Risk? Begging for your merciful answer..My anxiety is killing me.
Avatar m tn Could this be a type of fingernail material growing from the scalp? The physical consistency of this 'hair' strongly resembles that of a fingernail. Extensive searching the net has found nothing. Surely my daughter is not the only case like this. I read about keratin, but it seems the keratin in hair and nails is the same.
Avatar m tn the only person i tend to be okay with is my girlfriend and sometimes my family..other than that i dont feel like going clubbing, parties, bars things i used to enjoy a lot before my anxiety. Do any of you feel the same? I'm scared it might be a sign of Schizophrenia or something more serious than anxiety. Any thoughts on this?
Avatar f tn Fingering is not a risk of HIV transmission cut with a fingernail or not.
Avatar m tn Hey there, Am I at risk of any serious disease if I get a very mild scratch from some other man's fingernail? This happened to me a few days back while travelling in a train. Since then, I have been thinking about it and it has been causing me a lot of anxiety. Any help would be extremely appreciated. Thanks and regards.
Avatar f tn Hello, please bear with me. I went clubbing and had a lot of drinks before. I was alone. I tried to misbehave with few girls but I swear I wouldn't do this in my normal state. I puked at the podium. I fell down while clubbing. I had a small bruise on my hand. I was in the cab and I puked there too. Somehow I got into a train and I had no remembrance of it. I puked there and that was all so much of an embarrassment. Some blacks came by and started bothering me. They pulled my hair and stuff.