
Finger pain ulnar nerve

Common Questions and Answers about Finger pain ulnar nerve


Avatar n tn They will prevent you from overflexing your arm (causing the ulnar nerve to get stretched), protect the ulnar nerve from blunt trauma and encourage you to keep the arm straighter when sleeping.
Avatar m tn m not trying to blame the surgeon that performed the shoulder surgery for the ulnar nerve issue. I just want to get more opinions as to the ulnar nerve/finger issue. Thanks again.
772218 tn?1249131067 If it is carpel then the pain should be in the thumb, index finger and middle finger area of your hand. If it is the outside two fingers of your hand then it would suggest the ulnar nerve. Considering you experience it in arm, feet, legs; I would suggest talking to your doctor and let them lead you in the right direction for testing and diagnosis.
Avatar n tn what are you asking? it could be your ulnar nerve that is what controls your ring and little finger upper arm could be bracial plexus it is the nerve group that controls the whole arm.
Avatar n tn forearm and hand), including the pinky and ring finger. Ulnar neuropathy is a type of irritation of the ulnar nerve.. Ulnar neuropathy causes numbness, tingling, or pain into the arm and hand on the side of the little finger. This is sometimes called "handlebar palsy", because it frequently happens in bicyclists who sustain repeated shocks and bouncing that can occur while holding the handlebars when riding.
Avatar n tn At my follow up earlier this week, he prescribed a stronger pain medication and also gabapentin to help with nerve pain. It does help somewhat but I can still feel that crushing sensation. I see the surgeon in three weeks for a follow up.
Avatar n tn Hi there! Your doctor's considerations on what might be causing your pain are all valid and reasonable. Carpal tunnel syndrome can cause some fingers to go numb and go painful. The ulnar nerve, like what bhups1 mentioned is also a consideration since the ring and little fingers are the one's being supplied by this nerve. The ulnar nerve can be compressed at different points including the spine, axilla, 1st rib, or at the elbow area.
Avatar f tn Ulnar neuropathy is a type of irritation of the ulnar nerve. Ulnar neuropathy causes numbness, tingling, or pain into the arm and hand on the side of the little finger. This is sometimes called "handlebar palsy", because it frequently happens in bicyclists who sustain repeated shocks and bouncing that can occur while holding the handlebars when riding. Other activities that involve stress on the hands and wrists may also irritate the ulnar nerve and cause ulnar neuropathy.
Avatar f tn Is it normal to experience this sort of pain after ulnar nerve repair and, if so, how long will it go on for? Should I take all this horrible tingling and pain as a sign that my nerve is 'healing'? Are there any alternatives to amitryptylene (sic) ? Thanks in advance...
Avatar m tn Ultrasound showed I had ulnar nerve subluxation (the ulnar nerve when flexed pops over the medial bone). I went to a physio and they said there was a lot of fluid and as I had no sudden injury they believe it may be the fluid causing it and to just rest. A week later I still have tingling and i'm not getting anywhere.. I have searched the internet and there is not much information on it at all and everyone refers to having to get surgery.
Avatar n tn too heavy on a curling bench or any hard surface for that matter you may have Ulnar Nerve Entrapment on both arms. You need to see an Orthopedist and get an EMG to confirm this if that is your problem. It could also be other orthopedic problems so I still suggest you see a doctor. The reason I am suggesting damage to the Ulnar Nerve is because I just had surgery to correct mine on the right side and now I am having symptoms on the left side which I am told is not uncommon.
873610 tn?1239915013 look, i had the same surgery for my RT ulnar in 7/14/2009. my nerve was modreate to severe dameged with marked reduction of velocity acroos the elbow, any way submuscular transposition worked well with me, the results are amazing,, i worked as physicaltherpst and maybe that helped me to understand and deal with the problem, but whats really important beside drugs and good nutrtion u have to know what is good for ur nerve to get healthy again.
Avatar f tn If this is short term it may be relieved by rest and proper sleep. If it continues it may be due to median nerve or ulnar nerve related problem. You have to go to a neurologist for examination. Take care!
Avatar n tn In the past, I have had two ulnar nerve compression surgeries. Both were medial epicondylectomy with decompression. After a long period of time between each surgery, my symptoms came back. My second surgery he discovered my ulnar nerve was curling up and crushed under heavy scar tissue near the funny bone. I recently went through my third surgery which was ulnar transposition surgery along with decompression of my right elbow almost two weeks ago.
Avatar f tn // This talks about a nerve in the hand called the ulnar nerve. Is that what they are referring to? Don't forget that physical therapy can be very helpful as well as occupational therapy to work around any limitations. They do have some treatment options for ulnar nerve dysfunction.
765775 tn?1366024691 Hi Red, I know 2 ppl that have Ulnar Nerve Damage. One, my friend that is 41, had ulnar nerve entrapment and had it surgically released about 5 years ago. She still has nerve pain but is it bearable with pain medications and she has a full time, demanding career. The other is my Mom that is in her seventies. She chose not to have surgery as the nerve is damaged and it is questionable is surgery will offer her much relief. Her pain is managed with Neurontin and Fentanyl. Good luck to you.
Avatar n tn If other finger tips are also getting involved then it is generally due to nerve compression or a nerve disorder. Depending on which finger it is, it can be carpel tunnel syndrome, compression of ulnar nerve, compression of radial nerve. Diabetes or hypothyroidism too can be the cause. Very cold climate, peripheral vascular disease, panic disorder, leprosy, alcoholic neuropathy, compression of cervical spinal nerves, are the other causes.
Avatar n tn Entrapment neuropathy (neuralgia, neuritis, pinched or trapped nerve) is caused by physical compression or irritation of major nerve trunks and peripheral nerves, producing distant nerve pain symptoms. Certain sites in the body are more likely to produce nerve entrapment because of anatomical vulnerability".Reference: These sites include neck,shoulder,elbow and wrist.You may have either supraspinatus neuritis or ulnar neuritis.
Avatar n tn I recently had ulnar nerve relocation surgery. All in all it is quite successful; however, my right hand atrophied significantly. The muscle between my thumb abd forefinger is very degenerated and the area between my ring and small finger on the top of my hand, is also depressed. The surgery was 21 days ago. Is there some time period when the hand will return to normal...a formula like for every 42 mm from the damge is an expected month for recovery?
Avatar n tn Ulnar neuropathy is a type of irritation of the ulnar nerve.. Ulnar neuropathy causes numbness, tingling, or pain into the arm and hand on the side of the little finger. This is sometimes called "handlebar palsy", because it frequently happens in bicyclists who sustain repeated shocks and bouncing that can occur while holding the handlebars when riding. Other activities that involve stress on the hands and wrists may also irritate the ulnar nerve and cause ulnar neuropathy.
Avatar n tn Hi, probably it is ulnar nerve entrapment. Neuropathy of ulnar nerve leads to these kinds of symptoms as this nerve supplies little finger. Treatment involves pain killers, cold compression etc. “Conservative treatment of ulnar nerve compression is most successful when paraesthesias are transient and caused by malposition of the elbow or blunt trauma. Patient education and insight are important.
Avatar n tn If the numbness you describe is occurring in the pinky and ring finger, a similar type of condition you may be experiencing is The numbness/tingling in the pinky finger your husband is experiencing is ulnar nerve entrapment. As the ulnar nerve travels down the arm, there are a few areas in particular that it can become entrapped. One common place for this to happen is at the elbow and when this occurs, a "cubital tunnel syndrome" may result. As the nerve travels towards the hand.
Avatar m tn A physical therapist suggested an impingement on the ulnar nerve might be the cause and asked if I leaned on my elbow a lot. I thought not, but later discovered at home that I was leaning on the arm of the computer desk chair.
Avatar n tn I believe the girl who took my blood hit my ulnar nerve because it affected mainly my pinky and ring finger. It has been over 6 weeks and I still have dull pain in my arm sholder down. The tingling has gone away. I also have some weakness in my arm. And pain in my fingers the knuckle area which tends to come and go. Thank you and again, I'm sorry to keep asking. But I need to know if this sounds like rsd.
Avatar m tn You may be correct that your pain originates in the cervical spine. Pinky and ring finger numbness is often related to an Ulnar Nerve irritation or entrapment. Sometimes the ulnar nerve gets compressed at the wrist, beneath the collarbone, or as it comes out of the spinal cord in the neck. If not treated it can become quite a problem. I encourage you to locate a good neurologist. You may require a referral from your PCP - which is the logical place to begin.