
Finger pain rock climbing

Common Questions and Answers about Finger pain rock climbing


924193 tn?1243876373 It is brought on by everything from writing to turning valves to cello playing to rock climbing. It most closely resembles the pain of a cramp, and when exacerbated by intense usage during rock climbing, eventually makes me unable to grasp holds. History, and notes: The pain first showed up about 10 years ago when I was playing cello regularly (2+ hours a day). Minor at first, the pain became more immediate and more intense during manual activities such as cello playing and writing.
Avatar m tn I rock climb regularly and a few years ago I started feeling a stinging pain in my hand, under the skin. It didn't feel muscular, more like a pinching, or sore spot. I kept climbing despite the annoyance and once day while climbing there was intense pain from the spot and dark reddish/purple spots formed under the skin in the area. Now, a few years later, I still feel pinching/stinging pain in the area when not being touched, and especially when there's friction on that spot of my hand.
Avatar m tn The week after I went skiing I went to the climbing gym as normal and after an hour and a half of climbing my left arm was in pain with the source of pain coming from my elbow. I then went climbing 2 days later and my elbow started to hurt after about 2 sets and as I continue to climb the pain got worse to the point were I cannot bend my hand backwords without a pain.
Avatar m tn Also, the method of rock climbing/rope climbing may not be correct and causes undue strain on your elbow. Please consider these points with a sports injury specialist. Hope this helps. Take care! The medical advice given should not be considered a substitute for medical care provided by a doctor who can examine you. The advice may not be completely correct for you as the doctor cannot examine you and does not know your complete medical history.
Avatar f tn This pain has been effecting me since sunday night. When i was out climbing hills and slip on a sharp rock. Now i am really not sure that this is why i have these pains. Also it is a on and off sharp rip feeling. Does anyone have an idea what this may be?
Avatar n tn This is probably completely unrelated to the other issue with my legs I've posted about. I pulled my groin rock climbing nearly two years ago. For six months I couldn't do a butterfly stretch; physical therapists pulled on my pelvis to realign things and I gradually healed well enough to participate fully in martial arts with just the occasional twinge of pain during, say, a roundhouse kick.
Avatar f tn ve always wanted to try Rock climbing! So glad u had a wonderful day! Pushing Mire Good Day Vibes Your Way girl!
Avatar m tn My name is Elena I am seventeen years old, the other day I went rock climbing and it was my time of the month, so I used a tampax to ensure I didn't make a mess of myself but I was rather dry that day meaning not much bleeding was happening, when I changed my tampax I felt a pain and didn't think about it till a few days later and today I had a look in the mirror and near my urethral it was painful and sore, and it looked like it had a tear above the urethral as well as slightly inside t
Avatar m tn my stools are so hard i have to dig them out with my finger to get started what do i do
Avatar f tn If I'm holding something in my hand, for example my phone I can feel a tremble in my hand, its visible depending on how bad it is on the day but it always feels incredibly exhausted and weak. I also noticed yesterday, my left leg will shake after I bend down for long periods. Im 16, don't have any health problems and Im usually quite healthy.
Avatar n tn so i was rock climbing (bouldering to be exact) and i was about 6 feet up when my hands slipped and bamm i went straight on my butt. The floor i landed on wasn't hard floor but the thing is when i fall i was degrees in a sitting position and i was in pain and couldn't breath for a minute or move.
Avatar f tn I play football on a weekly basis and often go rock climbing so I have had the odd muscular pain in my time and this just isn't it. I have another appointment with a proper doctor in 3 days but the more I leave it the pain gets worse. Hoping that somebody can help because the pain is unbearable at times and the doctors always make you think the problem is in your head..
Avatar m tn There is a point in there that if I press with my finger I feel a really bad pain. Actually, if I slide my finger pressing against the bone and below the biceps, from the medial epicondyle up to the upper arm, there is a point where I feel a sharp pain. See photo here How did it manifest the first time? It was september / october, in that period I was climbing twice a week. I climbed for the entire summer without any kind of problem.
1122973 tn?1269732128 he cleaned my finger, took the thing off the ***** instrument and stuk my finger. Then took the lancrt and got the blood for the test. durin the wait on results, he was telling me about how ppl often judge him because hes big and from the streets. He told me he did a lot of things in life he regrets and is payed for "the hard way" he said his mom didnt think hed live past thirty. I was confused by this...
Avatar f tn If you have chronic pain get yourself an X-ray and follow up for a proper diagnosis. If you do not have a pain anymore after taking precautions for 3 days this is fine. Take care!
Avatar m tn going through life climbing one hill just to see another and another until one day you reach the top and all you see is wide open space and its a beautiful sight have reached the top of that where you go is up to you. they say wisdom comes with age... i believe wisdom comes with making mistakes and learning from them... you never know whats wrong or right until you find out for yourself...keep your head held high and with each new day breath in the air of life and love it...
1830047 tn?1321667793 It has a dulled pain sensation though. Kinda hard to describe. It has almost constant pain on the inside, probably nerve pain, but a dulled sensation to pain on the outside, like if I drop something on it or stub my toe it doesn't hurt quite so bad... I hope it goes away soon for you and stays away. Unfortunately, parasthesias seem to come and go. Boooooooo!!!! So are you now having problems on both the right and left sides?
Avatar f tn After the adjustment my boyfriend felt fine for two hours and during that time he was rock climbing and hiking. By the time he got home he could barely move. The next day he had to go to the doctor and they prescribed an anti-inflammatory and muscle relaxers. Neither of these medications have relieved the symptoms and he back still hurts. About mid-week he started experiencing twitching in his lat, pec, tricep, bicep and elbow.
Avatar m tn There is a website called 100pushups, im going to start that tonight. Plus a friend of mine asked if i wanted to go rock climbing sunday. I dont want to, but maybe i will.
Avatar f tn For years I experimented with different gyms, running, hiking, biking, aerobics classes, squash, raquetball, rock climbing, yoga, and it wasn't until I found an activity that was fun to me (crossfit) that I really noticed a significant change. So, my advice, is to try to find something you enjoy doing and then go from there.
Avatar m tn Hi. Disclaimer: I will go to a doctor if pain continues, just asking to get out of internet self-diagnosis wormhole, cause I cannot find matching symptoms. I tore or sprained something in my back rock climbing; it's on the left side, upper/mid back, kind of between spine and scapula. Now there are only a few muscles there, unfortunately going by the online symptom lists, none seem to match.
924193 tn?1243876373 ve had it for about 10 years, and it is worst when I am playing my cello or rock climbing, but flares up for even simple tasks--opening valves, writing, washing dishes, scrubbing surfaces, etc. I tried going to a sports/musician's specialist about nine years ago, and had months of physical therapy to teach me to stretch the area well, hold my pen differently to write, but it hasn't helped!
Avatar n tn Take special care not to engage in sports or activities that may involve head trauma such as bicyclinhg or rock climbing. The lack of an ability to repair and tear is ocasionally due to insulin utilization problems. High blood sugar levels in particuliar. I am not sure what the mechanism of action is, but it is present in some diabetics. I would get an insulin clamp test. A small amount of DHEA (a repair hormone) may help, but be very cautious. This is a powerful male hormone.
Avatar m tn Hi - I use a product called Rock-Tips to deal with pain and dryness in my fingertips. It's sold to musicians for building their calluses, but it also works great in sealing up cracked and dried out skin and protecting the skin from the elements. It's totally transparent and lasts for several days per application. Non-toxic too.
Avatar n tn I jammed my left ring finger in between the rock and the cement. It hurt really bad. And when I looked at it, it had a bump the size of the letter o on the key board. Looking like this O but a lot bigger. I'm scared its a wart, I don't like warts, they scare me sometimes.