
Fibromyalgia kidney

Common Questions and Answers about Fibromyalgia kidney


681148 tn?1437661591 Is it common for people with Fibromyalgia to develop repeated kidney issues, such as renal failure? I had this happen about three years ago. Now, I'm having similar symptoms as I had back then and will be seeing my doctor soon to see how my kidney function is. I'm finding only minimal information online that suggests that there could be a link between the two issues.
710094 tn?1229308706 I haven't heard of fibromyalgia causing this type of disruption to anyones body. If you are vomiting on a daily basis, you are depleting your electrolytes and could also suffer from dehydration or malnutrition. Any of these could cause problems with dizziness and forgetfulness. It could be contributed to fibromyalgia, but I pray that you are still under a physicians care for your gastric problem because your symptoms could be a result of that as well.
Avatar m tn Very uncomfortable feeling, worse when I first wake up from sleep, but sometimes also all day long. Am I suffering from what is called fibromyalgia, does hepB cause this disease. I've already read that there are lots of other diseases that are caused by this terrible chronic illness.
620923 tn?1452915648 I have all the above EXCEPT kidney stones (at least I have never been told I have stones). I also have high cholesterol.
201897 tn?1245842334 Do you take anti-inflammatories for your fibromyalgia? These could be affecting your kidney function. Some people don't know that NSAIDS, whether prescription or over-the-counter can greatly effect kidney function. You really need to see a nephrologist or discuss your meds with your doctor to see which ones you may have to discontinue or reduce. Good luck.
Avatar f tn Hi Guys ! I just added a new Health Page that lists symptoms for fibromyalgia and also CFIDS/ME. Here's the link: You may also note that there are new Health Pages now for the latest research on both fibro and CFS. I hope you will check out the Health Pages from time to time. Also, feel free to edit the health pages and/or add a health page of your own !
Avatar m tn last couple of days I am facing all over body pain ( more in calf muscle) and having a fatigue feeling. I consulted a doctor and he tested my blood , urine etc for Sugar , kidney function etc. Nothing found wrong. After reading about Fibromyalgia I found some symptoms are matching . How do I know what is my issue ....
Avatar f tn I have Sjogrens and Fibromyalgia. Has anyone every experience kidney pain...?? I've been in the hospital 3 times over the last 2 years with this pain which they thought might be stones...but none ever showed up. It was severe pain. I still get pain but its more like an aching.
Avatar f tn my lymph nodes have popped out the sixe of plums all over my body , my bones hurt like never before . I have poly arthritis and fibromyalgia , myositis . pain in my groin is unreal so tired i cant think straight . had blood work done 09/27/2011 results say bun /creatine ratio 29 egfr african american 99 then 02/13 2012 says c-reacive protein quant 17.5 . im african american both papers say chronic kidney disease and my doctor has not mention anything .
Avatar f tn I was DX with Fibromyalgia in 2000. I was so sick last summer I thought I was dying with sweats, orthostatic hypotension, HBP bouts, nausea and vomiting, weakness and fatigue, internal tremors, vertigo and abdominal pain. When I was at Vanderbilt in Nashville in February and was DX with the Adrenal and Pitutiary problems I mentioned that I had been having lots of kidney, right flank pain along with excessive urination and large amounts of urination. Lower back pain is almost constant.
Avatar f tn Does anyone who has been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia know of the best medication to take to help relieve the discomfort associated with this disease?
Avatar f tn For 7 weeks I have been experiencing pain. It first started off on my right side back - kidney area. (original diagnosis kidney stones). I was prescribed Dicofenac (3 a day) and antibiotics (for 1 week). Urine tests had found blood traces in my urine. I was booked in for an ultrasound to see if there were any stones. Ultrasound on kidneys and bladder came back OK. I have had two lots of blood tests - liver, kidneys, FBC, inflammation - all coming back OK.
Avatar n tn A generalized muscle tenderness and aches would go more in favor of fibromyalgia. However, in your case the pain in only in arms and legs. Fibromyalgia cannot be ruled out. You must however look for causes of peripheral neuropathy like those associated with diabetes, hypothyroidism, chronic involvement of liver or kidney, chronic alcohol use. Vascular pathologies like atherosclerosis, deep vein thrombosis too should be ruled out.
Avatar f tn I have chills every day that come and go. Could this be a symptom of fibromyalgia?
Avatar n tn Alright, I am 23 years old and I have been progressively getting sicker and sicker for two years now. The best guess is Fibromyalgia. It started with mild headaches and has developed into pain everywhere (mostly joints and muscles in my legs) I also have IBS, fatigue, severe migraine / tension headaches, I also have been having kidney problems (stones) but In these past two years it has gotten so much worse.
201897 tn?1245842334 My GP's office has one of those on-line portal things where patients can view their test results. I decided to take a peek and was looking at some past testing. I noticed that in my blood work from February of this year the eGFR-AA was low (53) and my creatinine was high (1.09). Earlier tests show these well within the "normal" range. I'm a 50 y/o female in relatively good health. I have fibromyalgia and thyroid issues (non-autoimmune) but that's about it.
Avatar m tn s my bladder, like my very lower stomach area, feels very bloated and sore, and it hurts to sit up, also for a couple days now my right kidney in the back has been very very sore and it also hurts to move around too much. Iv been to the doctor about all of my problems, but he never seems to take anything of mine too seriously.
Avatar m tn To me it sounds like possibly a urinary or kidney infection or even stones. You can definitely run a fever and feel shivery with a urinary or kidney infection. Have you ever noticed any blood in your urine during these times? Have you found anything (other than time) that has helped the sympotoms when they occur? You may want to consider a consult with a urologist just to check things out. Best of luck.
4340011 tn?1353122086 I have this problem again that my feet are swelling up again, around my ankles and up my legs - I was in hospital a few weeks ago - and found that my kidneys were dehydrated, I am on the fluid retention pill, and I do drink lots of water, I finding it very sore and uncomfortable to walk, I have a blood condition called Polycythaemia Vera, and is unsure wither this problem is related, or related to Fibromyalgia, do anyone have a clue, when I was last in hospital, they tested my heart and that was
Avatar f tn Hi! Was wondering if anyone can tell me how one tells/is diagnosed with fibromyalgia vs. chronic fatigue syndrome. I was diagnosed with FMS 17 years ago when pain was my primary symptom and I do have the trigger point pain along with most of the other FMS symptoms. But the majority of the time for many years now fatigue has been a bigger, or at least more frequent, issue. My doctor started me on Provigil in January, which has helped some but one dose a day doesn't seem to be enough.
Avatar f tn A positive ANA does not indicate fibromyalgia. However, fibromyalgia often does go hand in hand with some auto-immune diseases. My ANA was positive one time and negative the next. My rheumatologist continues to test me as there is clearly something auto-immune going on on top of my fibromyalgia. Because of other symptoms he feels it is developing lupus and he is treating me for that and it is helping.
Avatar n tn I have had a chest xray and ct scan with contast to try and find out why I am having pain over my left kidney and left ribcage. I was told by my doctor that the tests showed I had small "bubbles" or areas of lung collapse in the lower lobes of both lungs. I have no cough or wheeze and have not had a cold or serious cough in over 8 years. What could this be?
Avatar f tn m worried I might have a kidney problem. First I have been feeling like my mental health is slowly declining. I'm getting less in less able to concentrate and always feel like I'm in a mental fog. Also I feel more and more irritable over the smallest things. Besides that I have been feeling really tired all of the time with hardly any energy.
Avatar f tn I have been suffering for years with burning pain all over, neck pain, popping of joints, aching, deep muscle pain, migraines, insomnia, repeated kidney infections, bone spures and calcium deposits on spine, GERD, IBS, cysts, itching from a pins and needles feeling that moves from place to place all the time and about a year ago chronic sacraliliac pain and floating or dislocating which creates a "tck" noise and about the same time started having high blood pressure.