
Estrogen urine

Common Questions and Answers about Estrogen urine


Avatar f tn When urine is left to stand, does cacium in urine take carbonate from air and precipitate as calcium carbonate? If such happens, then the calcium carbonate(?) concretions seen in urine probably have not formed in the urinary tract. When I took another sample, there were sloughed epithelial sheets in the sediment. The sheets were fairly thick, not one-cell thick. Maybe they were from the distal urethra? They cannot be from the labia.
Avatar m tn Ever since I got my female dog fixed she's had problems with holding her urine. At times it will just come out. She was put on a med. from the Vet. Does anyone know of a generic brand or natural one that will do the same. I can't keep going back paying office visits everytime she needs a new med.
Avatar f tn No burning on outer area of vagina or on urination. The problem first presented last year when I had problems with trickling urine throughout my day. Not enough to wear "Depends" but enough to notice the smell of urine in my underwear after 4-6hrs. I was seen be a urologist who told me my urethra was too small, preventing me for completely emptying my bladder. A dilation was done in his office. When I went home, I noticed that I was bleeding from my urethra and vagina.
Avatar f tn I am a menopausal 54 year old woman and I experience vaginal dryness during intercourse. This morning my husband and I had intercourse without lubrication and immediately afterwards I felt the symptoms of a UTI, with a good deal of blood in my urine. It's extremely painful. I don't believe this is a bacterial infection because of the sudden symptoms.
Avatar f tn I am a 53 yr old that has had issues with pain during intercourse for quite sometime but didn’t really think too much about it. Then a few months ag I have noticed blood in my urine that would come and go. It would even show up on urinalysis even if I didn’t see it. But yet I did not test positive for UTI. Then recently I noticed I have been urinating through my vagina.
Avatar f tn I have began using my Ovulite Spit microscope to see when I am ovulating, but all this month I have been seeing ferns. Some look more intricate than others some days though. Do I have too much Estrogen? My periods are normal and I don't have any other health problems other than IBS w/diahhrea. ( I am not on any medication for it.) I was just wondering if anyone knew anything about this. I am only 23 and didn't know if I should go to the doctor or not about this.
Avatar f tn I am a postmenopausal woman (65 y). I stopped estrogen treatment in January 2013 but have sometimes used local estrogen and lactic acid. I have had problems with my urinary opening, vaginal atrium and vagina. My distal urethra has been swollen, sore and smarting. Today I have slight lower abdominal pain. I have looked at my urine and vaginal samples under a microscope. There are sloughed epithelial sheets in my urine. I think that they have come from the urethral epithelium.
Avatar n tn I have a good idea. that it sounds like you need some estrogen,,Do you feel that you could possibly be just slightly depressed? I felt a bit like you describe until I took. or rather used a estrogen patch..Estrogen is available in many foms ,,lotions. body mist,,vaginal pellets,,,I like the patch its small acurate and easy to use...Please use bio identical..Premarin the "old-fashioned " estrogen is actually made from horses urine..
1883676 tn?1325093264 I haven't used it but I do know they aren't accurate at all. You naturally have both estrogen and testosterone in your urine and these are the hormones the pregnancy is picking up on.
Avatar f tn I've had a low-grade Fever of Unknown origin for 7 weeks as I write this, with extreme exhaustion. I have been through extensive testing and had many things ruled out, like Mono, Lyme, UTIs, tumors. I've had CT Scan of abdominal area, Blood Cultures, Urine cultures, Chest X-ray. I tried a week of Cipro as I was sure I had a UTI (my fever started the day after sex), and my pain went away but my fever and fatigue remain. I am seeing an Infectious Disease Doctor in 4 weeks.
Avatar f tn my son has made 3 diapers of urine with a ting of blood its not alot but its light I was wondering if thia is normal and if anyobe else has had this experience?
Avatar n tn m having problems making enough urine everyday and I have daily diarrhea. I seem to retain alot of the water I drink, and I'm straining when I urinate and have bowel movements (even when the stool is soft). It seems like I get more watery stools when I drink a moderate amount of any sort of fluids. Exercise of any kind makes these symptoms worse.
Avatar f tn The estrogen is kicking in with a vengeance and my poor husband has to just grin and bare it all. I think after this pregnancy he will think carefully before attempting to make number 2. Are you experiencing the same?
Avatar m tn All I know is that after you get pregnant you can use an ovulation monitor as a pregnancy test since it can tell an increase just like when you ovulate. I'm not sure how soon after ovulation it works though.
429647 tn?1249753429 my ttumor was tested and it was estrogen positive i am on an estrogen blocker.. how about asking your doc if the tumor was estrogen positive or not.
587083 tn?1327120262 With menopause your body stops making estrogen. Eating soy products seems to boost the estrogen a bit, but is that good? I was a regular consumer of soy milk, tofu, edamame and flax seed after menopause. After my diagnosis of breast cancer (estrogen positive) my oncologist recommended I avoid soy products because even the weak phytoestrogens may stimulate cancer cells. Research is not conclusive but better to be safe. As the addage goes, 'all things in moderation.
Avatar n tn Does anyone happen to know if there has been a connection with too much estrogen causing more neuropathy pain?? Anyone experience the onset of neuropathy after a hysterectomy? I would appreciate any info.
Avatar m tn Endometriosis feed off estrogen. The estrogen-dependent endo lesions, if left unchecked, will begin to create their own estrogen. I do want to clarify that the pill or any other form of HRT does not prevent the Endometriosis from growing. The reason it is used is to help stop the pain by stopping the periods. I was on a low dose BCP (Marvelon) for 8 yrs continuously and did help with my pain. However it still continued to grow even after deep excision surgery.
Avatar m tn My arms and legs are skinny, I have hair on face, breast, belly, I have to wax off, its disgusting. My testosterone is too low and my estrogen, is his typival with pit. Tumor or adrenal, I do have ic, chronic bladder inflamation, infection, leaking urine, urgent to go an nd d I have a lot of pain under my breast at ribcage, my heart goes nuts snd I have blood and white blood c cells in urine.
Avatar f tn I think the patches specifically say on the box that they don't do anything for hot flashes, though they supposedly keep the vagina pretty lubricated. I don't like Premarin because it comes from mare's urine. Have you talked to your doctor about a light dose of oral estrogen and some compounded progesterone capsules that can be inserted vaginally? Of course, this would mean taking the estrogen as a pill, but it could knock down the hot flashes.
Avatar n tn It is hard to predict. The higher levels of estrogen may promote the midcycle LH surge, which is what urine OPKs look for. If this happens, the surge might come a couple of days earlier. This is called positive feedback. On the other hand, the higher estrogen levels my inhibit LH (this is called negative feedback) delaying the surge. You will need to test for ovulation to find out.
Avatar f tn I am currently on a ganirelix cycle. Everything was going great (good number of follicles, estrogen high) until I started the ganirelix. At that point my estrogen plummeted. The dr called me and said to up my dose of menopur (I was on gonal f--same as follistim--and menopur). He said not to worry, that this happens sometimes and doesn't seem to affect embryo quality. The next day my estrogen had gone up but not enough. So he upped my gonad-f dosage.
Avatar f tn No, I was off the cortef for 2 weeks prior to testing. Yes, it shows a normal rhythm, but the morning levels are WAY too low. Optimal cortisol levels for morning should be at the upper end of the range so a person has energy to get out of bed. I have no idea if I'm primary or secondary and I've never had an ACTH test. I refuse to see endos because they have no training in adrenal fatigue.